Making money from crypto without investing

Hello fellow crypto heads, I have been mining and trading for a few years. and I have decided to join steemit to chat with more fellow crypto people that DO BELIEVE that crypto is the future of the world and can be incredibly beneficial for humanity.

In this post I’ve decided to reach to people that still do not want to invest in crypto or do not have the funds for it at the moment.
I am going to talk about Electroneum and Mannabase

Electroneum -

This is a very neat cryptocurrency that can be “mined” trough our smartphones and requires NO technical skills what so ever besides creating and backing up your account with your phone number.

I personally am doing this whenever I find a friendly wi-fi, I’ve also hooked my friends on doing it.

So the thing is they are using it to promote their currency which has many other interesting features.

They are trying to simulate mining trough your mobile phones and to introduce more people to the crypto the world and their project.

The price will keep going UP .

”Mining “ doesn’t waste battery/data or the phones life.

So why not do it :) I am mining like 3-4 ETN per day from just my phone - free money, imagine how much it would be in 3-6-9-12 months time from now and how much I/we would have “mined”

Mannabase -

I will just paste the first thing you see on their website

“Manna is the world's first universally accessible, people-powered alternative currency.
No matter who you are or where you're from, we believe you have a basic human right to share in the money supply.”

So all you basically need to do here is to register, confirm your existence with a phone number and this is it.

You then start getting paid periodically for being a human being, nice innit :) ?

For both my choices listed above there is a referral program and can be handy too if you want to invite more people .

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 63813.23
ETH 3435.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44