Paytomat Development Report: March Updates

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


While our founders are performing on the product road show and networking at the top world’s crypto-conferences, our main office continues working on the technical aspects and development of Paytomat. With both great enthusiasm and pride, we want to share some achievements and goals, which we have reached by the end of the March.


New architecture designed for working with cryptocurrency gateways network is finished. Meaning now, we’ve got the part that will play a crucial role in connecting our business logic to the outside world reality. For every new crypto we’ll add a separate gateway with a set of common features.

Namely, each gateway allows creating a new address for transaction receiving, checking the address balance, checking the wallet balance, showing all the funds accumulated on various addresses of this wallet, sending funds to other addresses and processing refunds.

The gateway is always managed by the various instances of the Processing Server belonging to our core. Additionally, the function of the gateway is to translate various partner application interfaces and external commands, which our Processing Server cannot interpret, into a fixed set of internal commands processable by our Processing Server.

That’s how it works:

After the gateway architecture was completed, we also conducted the first integration of cryptocurrency on it, namely ETH. Passing the tests successfully, we’ve started working on EOS and Bitcoin Cash gateways. Talking about other cryptocurrencies, it should be said that Bitcoin Cash, Nano, Decred, and NEO have already been added to the Paytomat system. As of today, we’re holding internal tests and adjustments for the final implementation of these currencies.

An integration with BlockCypher has become the next big thing in our architecture development. It’s designed to increase transaction processing speed. Those who are not familiar with BlockCypher need to know that Blockcypher provides APIs for several different blockchains like Bitcoin, Dash or Ethereum. It’s a cloud-optimized platform that offers different products for programmers building blockchain applications. Blockcypher greatly simplifies the process of blockchain applications creation with unified functions such as manual transaction creation, address generation, etc…

Merchants Control Panel and APIs

Merchant’s panel

Merchant’s web control panel is constantly evolving. Here’s a list of what has been done during the previous month:

  • functionality to create products for e-commerce store added;
  • Started working on simple way of linking a bank account, and cryptocurrency addresses to a merchant’s account;
  • Started to work on a UI kit to prepare the merchant panel for a public release in Q2 started.

##Merchant’s API
Merchant’s API has a new functionality feature: receive up-to-date currency exchange rates. Thus, there’s no need to search rates outside of Paytomat for a merchant, willing to exchange cryptocurrencies, e.g. BTC on ETH. To simply have a look at the interface receiving all the necessary information in real-time is more than enough.



Currently, we’ve finished the first e-commerce solution for online shops and websites. It’s only a first demo-version, which needs to get an improved UI and UX, and pass through internal testing and debugging. However, additional features have been already added to this solution:

  • doesn’t require direct integration with shopping carts (Magento, Open Cart, etc.);
  • allows for making the real-time exchange from one crypto into another (pay with Ether the amount invoiced in Waves)
  • can accept various digital currencies;
  • enables managing and monitoring all your crypto-payments easily.

Dashboard of E-commerce solution’s Alpha version:



Mobile Wallet

In this area, we’re working on an API for customer’s wallet API. So far, the development process is going behind closed doors so. The results will be disclosed shortly.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63350.70
ETH 2595.60
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.85