Crypto Wealth Takes Planning

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


I can see clearly in my mind the scene in the movie “Ten Commandments” where Pharaoh Rameses (Yul Brynner), is overlooking the great city that is being built in his name with the labor of Moses (Mr. Gun Rights Himself Charlton Heston) and all the slaves, and one of the Pharaoh’s master builders pipes up and asks (Paraphrased Obviously) “Will you lose your throne because Moses builds your city?” and pl Rameses takes on that defiant look that you see above and proclaims; “The city Moses builds will bear my name, and the woman he loves will bear my child” yeah baby he’s not messin around, then as Rameses departs he utters those powerful never forgotten words “So Shall it Be Written, So Shall It Be Done.”

I am familiar with this quote because over the last several years I have used it in many an instance. Back then as either a Pharaoh or a king would pronounce a decree and by writing it down would be like establishing a law. It is also said that a goal not written, is only a wish, which brings me to the point I’d like to make. In crypto-land, it seems we all have these grand expectations to striking it rich, and becoming wealthy, and hopefully so. Some preach that all you gotta do is buy and hold, and this also might work, but as for myself, I feel I’d have a better chance at accomplishing this task by planning, preparing, and acting on that plan. I’m not one to leave things to chance if I can help it.

So what would be included in a plan such as this? Lets take a quick look at a few things that Rod and I have considered.
• Knowledge; one has to understand and keep abreast of what’s going on in the industry, Youtube, Reddit, Steemit and others, it takes time
• Resources; What resources are available to use in the market,
• Budget; Set a budget, where the funds will come from, what can I do without, what can I liquidate, sacrifice, spending habits need to change, allocate $ from paycheck
• Allocation; Where these funds will go, and WHY, just don’t pick favorites, write down why that token makes sense to purchase
• Side-Tracked; Don’t get side-tracked with the newest hottest token, “Stay the Course” but yet be flexible enough to re-evaluate your goals and how will it better ones portfolio by changing
Operate this plan and use it like you are opening a business, be dedicated, second guess you decisions, sleep on it, and in victory will be in the cards, best of luck to all of us. R&R

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