2 Reasons why Blockchain startups should ICO on Trade.io

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

The crypto-space is fast becoming highly competitive with various innovative teams vying for the top position in terms of adoption and mainstream recognition. Slowly but surely, several industries and businesses are being ported to the blockchain for a faster, richer and more transparent user experience.

These Projects incentivize their users, stakeholders, and investors by issuing value-backed tokens to them through a process known as the Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The tokens/coins are considered crypto assets, and are expected to rise in value along with the success of the project and as more money comes in.

One of the many challenges faced by ICO startups on the blockchain today is the struggle to access and maintain an active and supportive cryptocurrency community in a very rowdy and disorganized crypto-space. Every day, tons of startups spring up with very similar ideas and business models, all of which seeks to capture the hearts of the masses in the open market.

However, over the months, a greater number of these blockchain startups have failed to survive their first year in business. This is due to a number of factors, but perhaps one of the most important one being the non-existence of sustainable plans to see the project through its early stage of ICO.

Rest assured, this ICO period in a blockchain startup's beginning is very important. And the details, skills, and organization of the team at this point will project the company in a certain light towards investors.

Because unorganized projects and shady cryptocurrencies have saturated the market, ICOs have left a troll of bad experiences for unaware venture capitalists and investors who have lost a lot of money to these schemes. Hence, there are fewer people who are interested in new startups, and they would only cautiously invest in platforms or businesses that have a strong team and a solid working product already, or they have the support of a well-known parent company or affiliate.

Introducing Trade.io

Trade.io is a revolutionary cryptocurrency exchange and a modern financial services firm that is built on the blockchain.

Trade.io isn't just an exchange, it is a cryptocurrency financial institution that offers a wide range of solutions and tools related to the finance of the blockchain technology and tokenization. One of such tools is Trade.io's ICO services!

Today, I'll be sharing 2 reasons why you should consider Trade.io for your startup's coin offering!

2 Reasons Why Your Blockchain Company Should ICO on Trade.io

ICO Experience and Foreknowledge.

At the time of the Company's ICO, (which was earlier this year when the bear market had a full effect), Trade.io raised well over $31 million in just 2 months. This astronomical figure is reflective of the team ability and skills at marketing, networking, finance, economics, and technology.

Trade.io boasts of a balanced and distributed team of knowledgeable, well-informed, and established individuals in the crypto-space, with a huge wealth of experience among them.

The knowledge gained by the team during this ICO process will be used to guide any startup that chooses to launch its ICO on their platform, thereby avoiding mistakes and pitfalls other ICO make. This avoids extra expenditure and cost, and further draws more attention to the project.

A Ready Community and Networks of Investors Within Reach!

It is imperative that investors vet and audit a project they are interested in before investing in them.

Trade.io does this perfectly by offering a safe haven for investors and venture capitalists who prefer to have the team of ICO experts scrutinize and prove a project to be genuine before they make any financial commitments.

As you can correctly guess, most times, these investors may likely be big investors or firms, and they are just the types of investors every ICO would want. They are investors who are on the same page with a project's roadmap, and are interested in their services and products and not just for the allure of the potential monetary gains. Hence, Trade.io will take responsibility for prepping your business ideas and ICO and then recommend these projects to their vast network of angel investors and clients.

Interested in the ICO offers?

You can reach Trade.io on their website by filling the form at the base of their ICO services page.

Also, simply click the following link to signup for Trade.io for free. It'll only take a few minutes to get you started!

Here's a video of Trade.io's mission and vision statements by the team. You can find out more about their services by visiting the links below the video. Until next time, take care!

Project Website: https://trade.io/
The liquidity pool: https://trade.io/liquidity-pool
Link to my explainer article on Trade.io: Trade.io -- an innovative exchange!

Also, check out their Social media handles:

Telegram channel -- YouTube videos -- Medium articles -- Facebook page -- Twitter -- Instagram


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