▶️ Which Crypto Youtuber should you listen to? 🤔 Crypto-Youtuber Reviews 🤔

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

There are so many people on Youtube calling themselves experts and giving advice on cryptocurrency investing and speculating, it's hard to know who will tell you objective and solid news, and who doesn't. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that Youtubers with a lot of followers must be giving out good advice: This is not always the case!!!!!!

I will give short reviews of the Youtubers that I frequently watch on Youtube and give my feedback based on their quality of news. Keep in mind that I myself am not an expert, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. I am however not a beginner either, and feel like I am able to distinguish between good and bad quality information. This list should benefit those who are new to Cryptocurrency investing. If you don't know what Youtuber to trust, perhaps this list can help you.

Disclaimer: these reviews and ratings are my personal opinion only


Boxmining has been making solid informational videos for a while now, and will likely appear at the top of anybody's list of favorite Youtubers. Boxmining gives objective information, doesn't follow hype and has yet to do anything to let people down and is a likeable guy. Has invaluable insights regarding the Chinese cryptocommunity. Downside: Is usually not the first with news, but this may be due to the fact he does a lot of research. Has a broad interest in all kinds of crypto. Four and a half out of Five stars.
You can watch the Boxmining Youtube channel here

Ivan on Tech

Ivan brings cryptocurrency news and insights from the perspective of a programmer. He analyzes projects based on the technological aspects and frequently looks at Github repositories to analyze how much is being worked on projects. Gives objective insights on why certain projects are interesting to developers. Has a cute accent to boot as well, and is also likeable. Ivan focuses mostly on informational videos rather than news videos, but the fact he offers a developer-angle is very interesting. Is most enthusiastic about crypto's that are interesting for developers. Four out of five stars. You can watch the Ivan on Tech Youtube channel here


Crypt0 has proven to be a great source of the latest news, and he will be able to tell you the news from the perspective of the cryptocommunity and it's insiders. Focuses mainly on the big issues of the day, but is generally in the know well informed, and will be able to keep you informed on the latest ongoings regarding the bigger cryptocurrency scene. Feel free to skip to about 2 minutes in, to get past the intro part of his movies. Four out of five stars. You can watch the Crypt0 Youtube channel here

Suppoman Udemy

Suppoman is another wellknown Youtuber, loved by some, but hated by others because he is loud and a bit of a douche. Does not have technical expertise at all and is mostly a salesman for his course, but he does understand the market mentality in the crypto investing scene very well and is often on the lookout of where the hype will move next. Objectivity varies and can be overhyped, but he makes videos often and is somewhat early with news and may tell you about new coins that you hadn't heard of before. Seems most excited about things that are interesting/handy for cryptocurrency and financial investors (universal wallets, crypto investment funds, etc.). Would not recommend relying on his advice alone, but if you want to stay fully informed it's worth a watch to get a feel where the hype may go. Roughly one quarter to a third of his videos are spent trying to sell you his course. Three out of five stars. You can watch the Suppoman Youtube channel here

The Node Investor

At the Node Investor's channel you can watch technical analyses of the charts of popular coins. He seems capable and objective in his assessments, but only makes videos a couple times a week. Recommend watching the analyses for whichever coins you are interested in at that time. Three out of five stars. You can watch the Node Investor's Youtube channel here


DataDash is quickly becoming one of my favorite crypto Youtubers, as he continues to create quality and in depth videos that are very useful to beginners and intermediary cryptocurrency investors. DataDash seems to make it a point to focus on providing objectivity and integrity in his videos, and to his credit he does not push hype coins, referrals or try to sell courses like some other Youtubers do. DataDash is relatively new to crypto but has plenty of experience in other markets and is able to share his thoughts clearly and objectively. I highly recommend anybody who is new to crypto to start watching his videos to learn about specific cryptocurrencies. Four out of five stars. You can watch DataDash's Youtube channel here

Coin Mastery

Coin Mastery himself seems relatively new to the crypto-scene, but is actively learning about crypto and sharing his knowledge with his followers. If you are new to cryptocurrency investing and feel like a n00b, this channel might be great for you as he takes his time to explain things in ways that new people may find easy to understand. Great if you want to learn some basics about technical analysis, or want to follow somebody who is learning and growing together with his community. Seems honest and objective, but as stated relatively unexperienced in crypto so keep that in mind. Three out of five stars (or four out of five, if you are a newbie). You can watch the Coin Mastery's Youtube channel here

Crypto Daily

Crypto Daily offers daily videos of good quality and he seems to have a good grasp on the crypto-scene and is able to communicate his points clearly and objectively. Great resource for learning about smaller, lesser known cryptocurrencies as well. Crypto Daily is also relatively early in finding news compared to some bigger Youtubers, but not as early as some, but his videos are well prepared and of better quality than most. Three and a half out of five stars. You can watch the Crypto Daily's Youtube channel here

The Cryptoverse

Daily news from the world (or verse) of crypto. Great for keeping up with overall news and a good objective source of information. Focuses mainly on the mainstream happenings and general cryptocurrency news in the wider world. Usually relatively quick with news, but not as quick as some. You can watch the Crypto Verse's Youtube channel here

The Crypto Lark

Another one of my favorite sources of information, the Crypto Lark offers daily indepth and critical analysis of cryptocurrencies and general crypto news. Crypto Lark is often early in discussing new or obscure coins, but generally does not fall for hype and remains cool headed as opposed to some others. I also like his geeky vibe. Highly recommended if you want to know about new and unknown crypto. Four out of five stars You can watch the Crypto Lark's Youtube channel here


Cryptosomniac is one Youtuber I follow because he, along with some others, is often at the forefront of finding obscure and unknown cryptocurrency opportunities. Cryptosomniac generally has good information and is a great resource to learn about non-mainstream cryptocurrencies. The only thing I am not a fan of, the amount of time spent on pushing his course and referrals, etc. but other than that this is a solid channel. Four out of five stars. You can watch the Cryptosomniac's Youtube channel here

There are many other Youtubers, with both larger and smaller followings. The ones above are some of my personal recommendations to people who want to stay informed, but that doesn't mean they are the only ones! There are many others worth watching, but I feel safe in recommending the ones above.

WARNING: There are also Youtubers with significant followings that I feel are a terrible influence on new crypto investors!! I would recommend to stay far away from anybody promoting things like Bitconnect, or who are obsessed with making insane gains in obscure coins with small market caps. Following the advice of people such as those will not end well for 90% of those who do. You may have heard of so-called Pump & Dump scams, and these often originate from Youtube. Don't fall for them - stick with objectively good projects instead.

As always, you should never rely on the advice of another person when it comes to your own finances. Always find multiple sources of information! Even the highest scoring Youtubers will be wrong at some times!

Do you know of any other Youtubers that should be on this list? Feel free to share in the comments below!

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Very good post honestly, I learned about new Crypto Youtuber.
Thank you a lot @pandorasbox.
Upvoted and Following you from now on ;).

With so many people out there claiming to be "experts" it's hard to find people who know what they are doing.

The more they tell you they are an expert, the less you should believe them! Trust the ones who tell you to be cautious, they do it for a reason!

Upvoted and Resteemed! This is a good list of Youtubers that gives out constant updates on the crypto world. I do watch couple from the list and it's good to hear variety of opinions from different perspectives.

Thanks so much!
I agree, I follow all of them for the same reason: to get multiple perspectives

Cryptobud isn't as popular but I think he does really good research on coins. Check him out.

Awesome, i didnt know some of them, im gonna check their videos.
Thanks for sharing

Awesome post pandorasbox. I learned about a couple of new Youtubers worth following from your post.

You're very welcome!

Can I ask you what you think about cryptobobby and YLGV? Thanks

I watch YLGV from time to time too, he often has information about new crypto's too. I would have mentioned him as one of the sources to find out about new and obscure crypto's, but I didn't because sometimes it's a little too obscure. I didn't feel comfortable recommending him since there is a lot more risky stuff in there, and some hype related. But overall not a bad channel.
Cryptobobby is relatively new I think, i don't have a fully formed opinion yet. But it can never hurt to listen to more people's opinions!

Thank you for creating a list of youtubers that aren't pure MLM pumps. I wasn't sure who were the legit people due to all the spammy "buy now" videos, this looks like a good guide for me.

That is exactly why I made this list! None of these are spammy, pushy or scammy as far as I can tell!

I actuallly hadn't come acrossing boxmining before. Will check him out...

Boxmining is one of the best and most popular Youtubers! He has invaluable insight on the Chinese community and does translations of news too lately. Definitely check him out, even news sites like Cointelegraph are sourcing him nowadays.

Excellent advice here:

"I would recommend to stay far away from anybody promoting things like Bitconnect, or who are obsessed with making insane gains in obscure coins with small market caps. Following the advice of people such as those will not end well for 90% of those who do. You may have heard of so-called Pump & Dump scams, and these often originate from Youtube. Don't fall for them - stick with objectively good projects instead."

This was the "gold nugget" I was looking for - common sense from a more experienced cryptographer.

Thanks @pandorasbox !

You're welcome! Always happy to assist others in the crypto scene!

If you are looking for objective information, by the way, have a look at this list which I compiled with a bunch of reputable Youtubers on it a few days ago. There are a lot of hype-focused people out there, who don't really know much of what they are talking about or investing in. But if you pick a few of the Youtubers on that list which appeal to you, you'll find good solid info on many projects. It personally helped me out a lot, and continues to do so!
Good luck!

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