Looking into the new STEEM interface called TIMM 👍

At 31 degrees celcius, it's quite a challenge to come up with the energy to write an article about the latest cryptocurrency news. Even with Bitcoin on it's way to $10K, it's just too damn hot to get excited about it! Instead, today I will have a casual first look at TIMM, which offers a new interface to the STEEM blockchain.

STEEM interfaces

STEEM is not Steemit!

Most people access the STEEM blockchain through the web-interface at www.steemit.com, but Steemit is actually only a front-end for the decentralized STEEM blockchain. Steemit is ran by Steemit Inc., which is the centralized corporation which has registered the domain name. The majority of users are on the Steemit web-interface because it is the first of it's kind and the one which is most advertised; in fact, most people refer to the whole ecosystem as 'Steemit' instead of STEEM. While Steemit is nice, it does bring into question the decentralization of the ecosystem when 99% of it's users are accessing it through a centralized access-point.

Steemit is not STEEM!

Steemit isn't the only interface to STEEM though! There are a variety of interfaces. Last year Busy.org made waves by offering a new web-interface to STEEM through their website, which offers some additional functionality and a different layout. Other interfaces are eSteem, which is a mobile app to access STEEM, or Zappl which is a more Twitter-oriented version. Not to mention D-Tube or DLive and others that have a more video/stream oriented approach. The latest interface to join the ranks is TIMM.


TIMM is the newest addition to STEEM interfaces and this is a good thing because we definitely need more decentralization when it comes to ways to access the STEEM blockchain. This much became clear to me when Steemit Inc. recently updated their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy - showing very clearly that we're dealing with a centralized entity. At the time it caused me to not accept the changes and instead switch to Busy.org for my blogging. Fellow Steemian @bitbrain recommended I have a look at TIMM a while ago, so today I did.

Through TIMM Steemians have yet another way to post their content to the STEEM blockchain, but whereas Steemit.com and Busy.org stop there TIMM appears to be trying to offer more than just that. TIMM is short for the Traders & Investors Mentor Market and the TIMM website could be seen as a community portal where traders and investors can meet, exchange ideas and even services. The website is still in in development and currently in beta, and many features are still missing, but plans exist to add trading pit forums, webinars, newsletters and other methods for monetization. Right now though, it's mostly a website where you can post your trading and investing content to STEEM. It's still in Beta, after all.

Unfortunately I couldn't find many details on the additional features yet, but it appears that TIMM is attempting to be a platform where 'mentors' and 'members' are able to connect and even hire one another for services such as trading advice. I imagine the current Beta is intended to draw an initial crowd of investors and traders to the platform, after which the other features will be implemented. Thus far the platform seems to be fairly succesfull in drawing in serious bloggers - the front page is loaded with what appear to be genuine articles.

The advantages

Why would anyone use TIMM? I could see several advantages:

  • Because you want a more decentralized STEEM / or don't want to use Steemit
  • Posting through TIMM allows you to get featured on their frontpage, which increases your exposure
  • Posting through TIMM gets you reblogged by the @timm account
  • I have spotted a TIMM upvote as well, though I'm not sure this is given out to every posting made
  • TIMM is aimed at investors and traders, which offers a more direct way of marketing to your target audience (if you write about investing or trading, of course)
  • Through TIMM you may gain a following, which could enable you to one day enhance your monetization by providing them extra services (investment advice, blogging about certain topics, etc.)

Essentially, by focusing on a niche group within STEEM TIMM cuts down on the noise which should allow you to connect with your target audience a lot easier than on the other interfaces.

As I've said before TIMM is currently still in Beta and a lot of features still need to be implemented. It's still pretty bare bones for now. Still, I can only encourage their further development. I believe that STEEM is currently far too centralized in terms of interfaces, and more diversity is a very good thing. In addition, I think it's a great idea to try and increase exposure for it's users and try to connect investors and traders together. It can be hard to find eachother in the chaotic mess that the current Steemit/Busy interfaces offer, and perhaps by narrowing down the target audience it will lead to a more tight knit, but more high quality community - while still enjoying all the benefits of good ol' regular STEEM publishing.

I made this post through TIMM, as part of my testing process. Let's see how this goes!

Click here to visit the Traders & Investors Mentor Market

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Awesome post and restreemed.

Great post on TIMM @pandorasbox! I’m sure you’ll continue to be impressed with many features they intend to roll out over the coming months.

Thanks!! I'm looking forward to them!

Just got back into a few day trades. Already found use for this. Thanks.

Hope to see you around on the TIMM platform!

The daily buy/sell articles from workin2005 are easily accessible for a novice day trader like myself.

Of all the short-term regular TA out there, he does some of the best! At least in my opinion.

Just got back into
A few day trades. Already
Found use for this. Thanks.

                 - chieppa1

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Thank you @pandorasbox! It's a good objective review. You can bet that we have much more coming!

Thanks! I'll definitely keep an eye on the project and I think I'll be using TIMM for a while. I'll stop by the discord soon to say hello! :)

Quick question: do you have to create a new profile for timm or can you login with your steemit profile?

I login through Steem Connect with my existing profile.

Hey @Cannonball6! It's actually both.
You start out setting up a TIMM account. It might be easiest (least confusing) to use your Steem username, but you don't have to. Then you link your Steem account using Steem Connect. There will by many non-Steem features on the site, so we'll need to maintain TIMM accounts for folks to manage them.

Hooray! Glad to seeing you trying TIMM out! We have a Discord channel if you are interested.

Sure! Got a link?
I'm not often on Discord, but I log in every once in a while!

Hi @thecrazygm! Thanks for the link, I wasn't able to use it yesterday due to being busy but I tried it today and it says the link is no longer valid! Is it possible to get a new link? Thanks!

I'm terribly sorry for the late reply, of course, you can have a new link!
This one doesn't have an expiry date. https://discord.gg/uAAmCK5

That link post from crazygm is legit - I asked them to send it to you from inside Discord (since I have little to no idea of what I'm doing on Discord!)

Thanks! I'll stop by tomorrow! It's late now, time for bed!

Tell me about it! I posted that at about 0230...

I couldn't login yesterday, was too busy, so I tried the link today and it was invalid/time ran out! I didn't know they had a time limit on them

I didn't know that either (I did say I was a discord noob). I'll try to send you a new one when I'm back on my PC.


You have 24 hours starting from 14:30 GMT

Doh! I was away saturday and only just came home.. Link invalid again due to timeout. Sorry!

cool stuff u got here. TIMM is like the forum for traders, i think it a great place for me to learn more about cryptocurrency and the latest trend. A more centralized discussion platform. thanks for sharing. I need to click in to find out more myself

I found that discord channel in other comments and I'm coming in! thanks!

Thanks for the introduction @pandorasbox! I like how all these new interfaces that bring focus to more specific topics. The default steemit.com interface is too disorganized with all sort of topics flying all over.

I hope for a day when steemit.com will allow us to filter our feeds based on which app the post is from. E.g. I can filter out those posting from zappl or dtube, while keeping those posted from TIMM.

That's a really good suggestion. I'll ask the TIMM Devs if they can look into it.

Coin Marketplace

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