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RE: How Do We Agree on What is a Reliable Store of Value ? - FieldCoin

Thanks for the comment @infidel1258. I agree, store of value is a complex idea, one that is certainly very fluid and relates highly to notions of perceived supply and demand. It's an abstract concept which crypto has begun to challenge. Disruptive technology is interesting in it's ability to not only improve on previous iterations but also it's ability to disrupt thinking & behaviours... which is why I became interested in crypto in the first place. The BlockChain Revolution may still be in it's early days but I think that within a decade, this relatively new technology will have literally changed the very fabric of society due to a few simple and immutable rules contained therein ;) kind of hoping it might...


Im with you, but as it happens I also stack silver, and own a home, and buy and store food and water, because I recognize as you point out, that wealth, and store of value can come in many shapes.

I think historically speaking, silver and gold have the best case for being "money", meaning, a unit of account, that is also a store of value, and a medium of exchange, while simealtaneously being:

  1. divisible
  2. durable
  3. portable
  4. fungible
  5. and resistant to counterfeit.

Thanks for the post and the reply.

cheers ace, yes. value is what we agree upon and often, by no coincidence, often what we need. It's no surprise that second hand cars, clothes and gadgets are often a fraction of their original cost to buy but antique furniture, truffles and precious metals stay expensive. what's really valuable though are ideas, compassion, truth, community and knowledge. I wish someone could come up with a blockchain which recognises those things and monetises them.. oh yeah, steemit ! ha :)

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