Crafty - A (No Middlemen / No fees / Reputation based) CryptoCoin for Self Employed People

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


The Gig Economy

I live in Hackney, East London UK and I know lots of people who work the gig economy, myself included. I know a bike mechanic who also delivers hot food (while it's still actually hot), a few photographers, a hair colourist, 2 plumbers, our office cleaner, the office gardener, and a mural painter. I even know a freelance inventor, although by his own admission the inventions he comes up with are more often conceptual than useful. His football smoothie maker may one day catch on, but probably not the reverse headphones !

Self Employed people

Freelancers all have a few thing in common; They like being their own boss, have specialised skills and generally aren't the types to be tied to a desk job, but when you need a bike mechanic & a new hair colour (this is Hackney) where do you find a trusted and reliable service ?

Dominic Wilcox - Inventor / still from The Reinvention of Normal by Liam St Pierre

A Global Workforce

This may be my own local experience but across the globe there are an estimated 50 million people employed in domestic service; Gardeners, Drivers, Security Personnel, Caregivers, Cleaners. They often lack full workers rights and there is a knowledge gap which further amplifies the inequality. In Brazil alone, (where Crafty started life as Diarissima in 2015) the market for self employed services is estimated to be worth over $200M USD) and Crafty aims to help establish a new working relationship between service providers and their employers. The BlockChain Revolution is propelling a socially inclusive movement aimed at a fairer, more just world. CRAFTY is as it's name suggests, a cleverly worked out system providing a win-win solution.

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OUCH - The Agency Cut

Many freelancers use some type of agency to get them work, (even the inventor has an agent). Without an agent, workers can often be left vulnerable, subject to low pay and with nowhere to turn if the client decides not to pay up after the work has been completed. The agent is often in control of the workflow and the cashflow (and they can charge a HEFTY fee for their time and contacts), sometimes up to one quarter or a third of the total fee. I know this because my first proper job when I arrived in London was working for an agency hiring web designers. The company aimed to make between 25-33% of the total rate paid. That's a big chunk of change.

CRAFTY won't take a penny and that's already a Winning Formula right there. (An extra third is a lot of cash, it might be the difference between paying the rent and having a decent meal on the table). Payment for services is made directly from the customer to the service provider using ordinary FIAT currencies, credit cards or the CFTY token. It's Neat and an example of a BlockChain Win3 solution! (You win, I win, they win.) WE all WIN.

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How Do you Know Who to Trust ?

This is where BlockChain Revolution can help bring about a more fair, equitable, just and accountable world and the smart folks at Crafty have spent quite a while perfecting their very own reputation based freelance platform. It's a simple premise. People provide a paid for service and those who buy these services, help establish the reputation of the provider - everyone wins. In the name of fairness and offering protection for the freelancer community, providers can also review their customers and earn CFTY tokens too. That's a Nice Touch, fair and equitable. Trust breeds respect- and of course CFTY tokens earned can be used to buy future services or sold on exchange just like other cryptos.


The killer function of this clever package is - it's Free to Use. How can this be possible? It's supported by (relevant & useful ads). So for example if you are looking for a mural painter (like my friend) Magnus Irvin Crafty uses it's intelligent algorithm to provide non competitive but useful ads for example - art materials. This AI system, which is becoming an increasingly useful feature of BlockChain projects in the new age of the Machine Economy also prevents large businesses from manipulating the system. You can't buy reputation so the system matches suitable providers for each inquiry. This function is a BIG DEAL and one which makes Crafty stand out from the existing competition.

Carefully Implemented

It is a well developed and well rounded concept because it's been around for quite a while in the real world. CRAFTY is now going global via the Blockchain and they've had plenty of time to refine, iron out the kinks, beta test, alpha test and find out the real world quirks, which inevitably emerge from real world usage in a real marketplace as Diarissima in Brazil where there is a thriving gig economy. Started in 2015, they soon realised our beloved BlockChain technology would enable it to be unleashed to the world as a secure, efficient, low cost & intelligent solution to the world of SELF EMPLOYMENT and so the CRAFTY ICO was born! The Rest as they Say.. is History

The ICO ITO or TGE, (whichever you prefer)

AKA THE PUBLIC SALE of CFTY tokens opens 12th FEBRUARY 2018

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The CFTY Team

The Team, led by Diarissima inventor Reinaldo Silva is not your average ICO outfit. With many years of experience between them, they are a real working multi-skilled team running a real working project.


To Find out More >>>


This article is not an endorsement of Crafty. I recommend everyone conduct their own research and due diligence before making any investments and not rely solely on the advice of others. Remember investments can go up as well as down. If you intend to invest in this ICO I highly recommend reading the whitepaper first



This post has received a 1.04 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

As an investor, how would I benefit from holding this coin?

I think you'd potentially benefit in many ways. Diarissima is already a well established platform in Brazil. Blockchain scaling and efficiencies can take it global. CTFY tokens will be issued initially at a low price and are likely to perform well in trading with a high chance of a good ROI for the investor. I would recommend you read the whitepaper

ICO Crafty. The first free platform for autonomous workers based on Blockchain and AI powered. #Crafty #ICO #CraftyICO #easethework #Blockchain #Ethereum

I'm still pretty cautious with ICO's and newer startups purely because my limited funds don't really allow for excessive risk but this one certainly looks interesting! With the gig economy seemingly growing every day things like this are a really on trend kind of move. I would love to see something like this take off, not least because I'd be a user as well as an investor! Thanks for sharing, always great content bud :)

thanks @skiesandsports. As we move into a new globalised version of work and self employment is growing all the time, it's essential new systems emerge to help manage and re-balance the uberisation of everyone's lives. I think CFTY has a part to play and unlike some BlockChain projects, comes from a genuinely social thinking place, which is to be applauded. I recommend having a read of their whitepaper, it's fascinating.

Will definitely take a look at the whitepaper, it's interesting how the gig culture is evolving, even more traditional jobs are adopting flexitime etc to try and compete with the allure of being self employed on some level!

flexitime, working from home (or remote working) from the local coffee shop. it's all part of the new world of work ~! and it's coming to a town near you :)

Absolutely! As much as anything you just have to look at what's happening in London in terms of house pricing to see something has to change! Take the pressure off the city centers a bit and that commuting money back into peoples pockets!

This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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You always find a way of wowing your readers!
Awesome job outerground!

thanks ced ! I try my best to inform, educate and entertain :;)

Excellent, Bro!

Hey...outerground...your article was much better written than most who placed higher. (???) Just wanted to let you know. Regards @averageoutsider

hey @averageoutsider that's very kind words and I appreciate your most excellent comment. you can never tell what the judges are looking for, who decides what. I've been very lucky. I think I've won a top 5 prize in 18 of the last 20 weeks with a few first places, 2nd places and some thirds. It has enabled me to improve my work profile and I recently got a great paid crypto project to work on for my company..we all keep learning every day and in the meantime, hope we do better next time !!

Yes...It is fun in any case. I've just recently discovered these writing opportunities through original works and have been fortunate enough to at least 'place' and be rewarded...Have a happy day. Regards @averageoutsider

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