
what you talking about Oodles?

Well OMG omisego has increased buying activity, breaking through 9$, so was giving a little hint to look at it whilst it may climb up to higher levels.

No guarantees though, but Omisego is for sure a good candidate to climb higher. But not advising though to buy! Well I was but now that I bought in myself I think it mmight have been market manipulation.
Just have a look at it if you were interested to invest in a new coin. I am also quite heavily invested in Neo.
We will see! What the lord giveth, the lord take it away!

Now I understand. Am looking to diversify from bitcoin. Where I come from OMG means just one thing - Oh my God!!! Which made for an uncharacteristically odd and over-excited post coming from you... Hysterical even. I thought you must have damaged your head... Stood up under a low wing tip or something.

haha, truth be told, we use OMG all the time in the Netherlands as well
in all my excitement I forgot to spellout which coin I meant. As it stands it is still not too late for NEO and OMG. But don't kill the messenger! NEO is dipping right now I am keeping a close eye as it might dip below 40 not sure. Is is 42$ now but did go as high as 53$ in last 24 hour.

In my case I damaged my head many times being 6 ft 4'.
I am dissapointed if I don't bump my head at least once a day!

Can you explain some more?

tbh. I bought in trying to ride the wave with OMG omisego as a whale put in a massive buying order at 9$, but this could well be market manipulation.
All of a sudden massive sellorders appeared at 9.50$.
Just wanted to let you guys know that Omsigo showed increase buyorders which usually means things go up!

Thanks, I'll try to read some more, I'm trying to get in the crypto market.

Y not sure what tomadvise if you are just getting in, things have rised very quick very soon.
The rise of Bitcoin to 4300$ whilst last week it was 25% less has been massive.

Anything can happen, I would generally wait for a correction if you want to minimize risk.
On the other hand all top 10 coins have great potential.

I know Neo amd OMG have got a lot behind them so they could potentially double up pretty soon., I feel good about those as long as no super negative news comes out like that the chinese pull out again.
But as u know with volatility like this things can also go down south pretty soon.
It depends what risk u are willing to take. Do it with money you are willing to lose 👍
I also would advise to not try and ride the waves to much as it is very difficult and stressful to do. More often then not you will get it wrong.msecondguessing buying in again etc. which costs fees.

Just leaving the money where it is unless you seen a massive gain and line goes straight up perhaps it is then time to sell and buyin low again, as generally those vertical lines will correct.

yes that is what I was thinking, I think I'll buy some litecoins and iotas and see how I manage all of this, thanks for the advice!

ok! Litecoins I am not so sure about, they have never gone above 53$ yet, double check though.
I think I would go for a coin that has been steadilynrising like iota or omg.
Also I would check if u can pick up a low on any of these and then move in.

In terms of litecoin I find it a weird coin in terms of investmen it never resched through 60 after all these years it might still happen but I think I rather go for a coin that has shown a lot of buying power lately.

Correct me if you have other info though 😄

It certainly did some nice stuff for us, huh. Hope you made some profit as well @oudekass

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