Why 86% of Web3 professionals love and are attached to cryptocurrencies

in #cryptocurrency16 hours ago

In a recent survey by Consensys, it was found that over 86 percent of professionals in the Web3 business have expressed trust in the future of cryptocurrency. This indicates that the industry is displaying a surprising level of optimism. This optimistic prognosis continues despite the continuous regulatory uncertainties, which is especially relevant as we get closer to the elections in the United States in 2024.

The self-assurance of Web3 workers may have their origins in profound reasons. In her role as Director of Talent Acquisition at Consensys, Sarah Howe makes the following observation: "The mission of blockchain technology and the values of Web3 – decentralisation, freedom, innovation, transparency, and self-sovereignty – are powerful motivators for these professionals." For reasons that go far beyond the perks, this vision motivates seventy-five percent of employees to remain in the industry.

An intriguing paradox is brought to light by the study: despite the fact that 67% of professionals receive their income solely in fiat money, the majority of them have the desire to receive more payments in cryptocurrency.

In point of fact, 51% of respondents would prefer a combination of traditional and crypto cash, but only 30% of respondents are content with payments made solely in traditional currency.

It is possible to observe the decentralised nature of blockchain technology in the way that work is organised. Seventy-seven percent of Web3 workers are employed remotely, and more than seventy-five percent of them consider themselves to be digital nomads.

In her explanation, Sarah Howe states that "this lifestyle is a natural fit for Web3 professionals in general." It is in accordance with the fundamental principles that underpin the sector, which are decentralisation and autonomy. She continues by saying that this flexibility provides "global employment opportunities and greater control over employment status."

The findings of the study, which was carried out by YouGov among thirty Web3 organisations, one of which is the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance, indicate that the industry is operating at full capacity. This business is continually evolving, and despite the fact that there are legislative concerns, the commitment of specialists and their adherence to the values of Web3 imply that this industry has a promising future future.

The future of Web3 appears to be bright, as it will be driven by a community that is both engaged and resilient. In spite of the regulatory obstacles that lie ahead, the industry is establishing itself as a catalyst for innovation, recruiting talent that is motivated by the desire to have a beneficial impact on the surrounding world.

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