The Things You Should Know About Merlin Lab ($MERL)!

in #cryptocurrency3 years ago

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In the recent past few months, the hype on the cryptocurrency market still not cooled down yet even though the bear market has shown its signs or maybe has come if you realized it, lol. We all know lots of new crypto projects popping up time by time either they are an anonymous group project or not, particularly in the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) sectors such as yield farming, AMM (Automated Market Maker), and the latest hype of meme token.

So as of now, I'll introduce you to the new yield aggregator platform called Merlin that running on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) network which will give you opportunity to earn some cryptocurrencies just by stake your $MERL or become a liquidity provider.

What is Merlin?


Some of you might have heard or known about Merlin before particularly if you are one of gems hunter in the DeFi market especially on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) ecosystem, Merlin is a yield aggregator platform on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) network that helps you to auto-compound your crypto assets with a focus on its security and sustainable yield return.

Merlin was built and managed by an anonymous group that had experienced in blockchain, business, and cybersecurity fields for years. The main purpose of the project is to maximize the functionality of cryptocurrency in yield farming sector, soon or later Merlin would be a cryptocurrency project that covers all functionality of DeFi platform.

Why Should Merlin?

By picking Merlin as the main place in your yield farming activities, you could take advantages of lots of features that Merlin provides such as the following below:


Merlin APY.png

As you could see from the image above Merlin Lab has offered lots of pools that generate high APY/APR even more than 120% APY in average pools and the highest APY is more than 1000% APY return.


Merlin Lottery.png

If you are confident enough with your luck and fortune then it would be good if you give a try at the Merlin lottery event, by spending a few $MERL to get the lottery tickets you could potentially earn more than $1000 worth of $MERL every day. To win in this lottery you just need to match the numbers of your tickets with the winning numbers in the exact order, the lottery prize would be split into the following structure:

  • Match 4 numbers - win or split 50% of the pot. (if more than 1 winner)
  • Match 3 numbers - win or split 20% of the pot.
  • Match 2 numbers - win or split 10% of the pot.


Merlin NFT.png

A few days back Merlin Lab has released their first limited NFT which created by collaborating with, it so unfortunate that they currently only have limited NFT. However, I believe soon or later Merlin Lab would create another NFT for the community and release its own NFT marketplace.


No doubt in the surge of DeFi, security is one of the priority aspects before you put the funds in DeFi platform lots of cases already occurred in the current market such as rug pull from the developers itself or the malicious individuals who exploit the smart contract and take away the people funds. To prevent such malicious action by individuals or even group, Merlin Lab has arranged schedules to get an audit from 3 different companies:


Most of the yield farming platform is offering high APY/APR return and mostly has the same features as well, nevertheless to see a yield farming platform that guaranteed the security for its users and get audited by various companies is a rare sight. Does not mean to praise them too much, I can say Merlin Lab is a good platform for your farming activities however as of now this platform has to lack people's attention though they have great potential to be a bigger platform.

Note: If you are new to the yield farming field, before you jump in and put the money it would be wise if you understand whats IL (Impermanent Loss) in the first place.

Merlin Lab Social Links:
Website -
Telegram Announcement -
Telegram Community Chat -
Github -
Gitbook -
Twitter -
Medium -

Donation address (BNB / Bep20 tokens): 0x8074652cBcC7Bf6eE3665923d7C9b16c5386a185

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