To get in or to get out....

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

The current scenario in crypto market is quiet intresting,one one side are people waiting to get in,and on other side are the people waiting to get out.with bitcoin reaching a all time high of 19700 usd in 2017 end,lot of fuzz was in air,people were talking about crypto,be it christmas parties,or new year celebration,a lot people had a lot of stories,how they got their money doubled or tripled or even 10 times in a short span of time.intrest of people was growing,advises to new entrants were to put some money in it and then see the magic,here lot of people entered the crypto world in jan 2017,mostly in 2nd week of kan as new registrations to the exchanges were halted during first week of jan,so the new entrants in 2nd week of jan 2018 invested as per advise of their high earning friends,what a magic,nearly in a short span of say 3 days they saw their investment grow by 30%,so now what,put some more money,they did so......thenon 17th jan 2018 cryptocurrencies collapsed,they saw a blood bath,everything came down almost 30 to 40 percent,people who entered in jan 2nd week started having sweat,what to do and what not,the advise from their friends and relatives was,why the hell you put all money to be invested alltogether once,you should have waited,ok,dont worry,jan is usually the month crypto currencies fall,so dont worry,just wait.
Now came the 2nd month of 2018,february,till that time many shuffled their investment in crypto curriencies,selling X and buying Y as till that time they had come to know a little bit about what is good and what is not,after selling X and buying Y what happens,X starts growing and Y starts coming down,more sweating,more perspiration,again the relatives and friends yelling,who told you to do so,why the hell you didnt ask me,now we gave the person invested a name,say TOM,so tom gets more depressed,what should he do now,just then the market syarts to grow,tom has some smile now,what he does now is he as per his friends advise invests some more money in crypto market this time he invests in Z as per his friends advise who says Z is a good thing,it will double his money in no time,now tom is smiling,he is relaxed on 1st feb 2018 not worried too much about Y as he sews Z is growing a little bit,he with little pain also watches X growing which is already ex to him,now its 2nd feb 2018,another crash another blood bath in crypto markets,now tom is having palpitations,what should he do now,tom then decides he is not going to withdraw unless he gets his full amount invested,then comes march,during all this time tom also has became a advisor,due to his advise,his friend John invests in mid feb,john benifits a lot as there is no bloodbath afyer that in crypto world,tom atleast is satisfied that his adcise has benifieted his friend,now in march tom ia awaiting his amount he invested to come to that value so that he can withdraw,john is waiting for say april or may 2018 when he thinks his investment will double,and during this whole period thwre are numerous toms who are either sitting on fence deciding when to get in crypto world,and numerous johns deciding when to get out,with all so called experts,technical analyst pointing to a new high this year for crypto currencies,why dont people like tom and john stay quiet once invested,they knew that they have invested in something risky,but worth risk taking,so les hope that TOM and JOHN stay invested,and Other TOMS sitting on the fence come in as this may be the best time to enter,and JOHNS too have greed and stay calm inside the market and reap not double but 10 times........

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