in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

You may have probably heard of Sofia, a robot that has been seen in a number of public gatherings which attempts to mimic human interactions. Recently, Sofia was featured together with Will Smith as the actor tried to have a conversation with Sofia. Sofia is just one example how far robotics has come from and where it has reached. To create such a sophisticated robot requires so much in resources and resilience. You can imagine the failed attempts that its makers, Hanson Robotics. Creating Sofia also needed a lot of monetary resource. Hanson robotics had to find ways to source their cash to come up with Sofia. Hanson is now well known and may easily get funding for their future projects. Just like Hanson, other robotic and artificial intelligence companies have ideas and projects that could see the robotics industry produce life changing robots.

The Kepler ecosystem

The robotics and A.I industry is in need of as much support as it can get. Kepler is positioning itself to provide the support needed to startups through its platform. Kepler’s platform is based on the Ethereum blockchain. Blockchain technology is another revolutionary technological asset from this century and it will help Kepler provide the services it targets to provide seamlessly. Immutability and transparency will be highly required in the Kepler ecosystem. Intellectual property and money will be involved in this platform, without them, there would be no need for Kepler.
Social media is a powerful tool for communication and exchange of ideas. Kepler’s platform design is modelled from social media. Interaction between the various members of the platform is what Kepler is pushing for. More interactions mean more ideas spread and more connections made.
Different categories of Kepler participants will help group members into where they are needed most. The following are the categories with their functions,

Developers. Those in these categories are expected to come up with projects which they submit to Kepler. Kepler then registers this idea on blockchain as a proof-of-conception. After the project is accepted, the developer will be given access to the resources available in Kepler robotics as the head of that project. The developer can engage any other member of the platform who has the skillsets that the project requires.

Technicians. They will require backgrounds in technical fields that are relevant to robotics, A.I or any other supporting service that a startup may need on the platform. Technicians can look for projects to associate themselves with or they can wait to be approached by developers who need their skillset.

Advisors. Experience is important no matter how great the innovation is. Kepler will have advisors on their platform reviewing the projects that developers will have put up. Advisors will serve as great pointers to investors who may be seeking specific traits in the tech they would want to invest in.

Goldsmiths. Some investors just want to invest in profitable products and may not necessarily understand all the technical terms given by technicians and developers. Goldsmiths will provide marketing services for developers, presenting the technical terms in ways investors can understand.

Angels. These are the investors. They may come from either within or outside the Kepler platform. However, for angels to directly invest in projects that appeal to them, they will need to register in the Kepler platform.

Kepler will go a step further through the Kepler lab by providing a space where successfully funded startups can work on their innovations. Kepler has teamed up with the tech park in Georgia which will provide this productive space.
Legal support will also be given by Kepler to enable innovators acquire intellectual property protection. This will however only occur once the project proposed has been completed.
With these categories and services, Kepler will provide an all-round platform for robotics and A.I startups.

The aim of Kepler
The Kepler ecosystem focuses on connecting innovators with investors. Sometimes what innovators miss is just one link, one link could make those projects and ideas become realities. By providing a platform that resembles that of social media, interactions between investors and startups can be improved thus helping investors understand what they may be investing in. It may also help developers understand how to tailor their products to attract investors.
Kepler also envisions a platform where all its transactions are transparent. The use of blockchain will allow investors to track their investments and see how their money is being spent by startups. Investors may have increased confidence with a transparent system which also deters any wasteful spending by startups. With this kind of transparency, audits by regulatory bodies are likely to be easier as every transaction is already recorded and immutable.
Cost saving is also part of Kepler’s mission. Its platform is designed to have direct flow of investments from investors to innovators. Kepler eliminates the intermediaries that usually want their cut whenever this investment money passes through them. Another aspect of cost saving will come in tax deductions as most governments do not recognize tokens as currency. Tokens are recognized as property and any increase in these tokens will not be taxed.

KEP fueling Kepler
Transactions on the Kepler platform will be made through their utility token, the KEP. The charges on these transactions will help keep Kepler self-sustaining. Every transaction will attract a transaction fee that will be payable only through the KEP. Kepler will also provide a conversion service where tokens can be easily converted to Fiat or cryptocurrency depending on the needs of the investors. Without KEP, participation in the Kepler platform becomes nearly impossible. Fundraising for the creation of this platform will also be made possible through the sale of KEP tokens.

Kepler ICO
Kepler’s main sale starts from 26th of June to 17th of July. Participating in the main sale would help Kepler with the resources to make their platform a reality. More on their sale can be found on together with detailed information about Kepler’s platform.


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