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RE: Remembering the DotCom Boom : Part 1 – Who owns the “Internet”?

Looks like I was in the first 10% of the internet having dial up CLI back in 1992 or so. Gopher was probably more popular than HTTP at the time.

Both the .com boom and crypto follow the same pattern as other booms. The time to reach the first 10% market saturation is roughly the same as going from 10% to 90%.

In crypto, we are probably around 1 or 2% saturation right now. There is a long ways to go. And when everyone is using crypto for all kinds of things from payments to social media to allocating network resources, they will say "of course we are, what's the big deal?"

Just like nobody today thinks email or web pages are a big deal because they are so omni-present.


Indeed it is easy to take these advancements for granted, but it was not so long ago. It doesn't take long for technology to become ancient history these days.

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