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Also Read : Amazon and Starbucks Will Invest In Bitcoin, Causing MASSIVE PRICE BOOSTS” - Tom Lee Tells Why

What is going on guys? Nayabali here bringing you a brand new Artical today we got another killer Artical for you guys. Full of information. Today I'm going to be talking about is Bitcoin to 25 k still possible. We're also going to be looking at the theory of Nano light coin, Liz, and tons of other news that went on in the cryptocurrency space, but guys, before we get started with that, if you want to enter a chance to win some free Bitcoin, all you guys have to do is number one, be Follow to the Blog and have your notifications turned on. Number two, give this Article a thumbs up. And number three, leave a comment down below saying something related to the Article. Then check back in tomorrow to see if you do win the giveaway so you can go ahead and claim it. And guys, if you are interested in making money, trading crypto currencies.

So far we've been making tons of money. If you guys want some testimonials, I believe Steven is going to be writing something in the comments of this Artical. Stephen made one point five Bitcoin, I think it was two days ago, one point five bitcoin guy that's almost $10,000 in one single day of trading with the group. So if you guys, obviously his returns aren't, - aren't guaranteed and they're not common for everyone. However, that's just a small indication of what is possible. If that sounds interesting to you guys, and you guys are interested in making more money trading cryptocurrencies even when the market is down. Guys, it works both ways. Don't get fooled by people telling you to just hold 100 percent of your portfolio. Part of your portfolio can be for holding. Part of your portfolio can be for trading. So I can't wait to see you guys in there if you haven't joined already.

Now let's get started with some very bullish news guys is probably the most bullish news we've seen for ever. I feel like trump, when I say that this is the best news we've ever seen, easier tron and verge payments as pornhub integrates, Puma pays. So you remember pornhub was accepting tron and verge. Yeah. Now it's even easier because they have a puma pay partnerships. So great stuff to see right here. Puma pays technological solution that pay the Polo payment protocol, reverses the mechanics of a transaction, enabling merchants to pull crypto funds from their customers accounts. So great stuff from pornhub. Great stuff for Tron and verge, everyone winning. But now some serious good news. So we were talking about yesterday's Sec, - ETF rejection review. So the SEC, if those guys who didn't watch yesterday's Artical that the sec is reviewing the ets that they previously rejected the announced Thursday, that nine bitcoin exchange traded funds.

So ets, - they are going to be further reviewed now. They haven't given much information about what caused this. What we're assuming is that piece that was somebody in the actual, - eight and somebody in the sec that started the petition for the review again, how long it's going to take to review. We also don't know they've done this before, obviously not necessarily with Bitcoin etfs, but they've done this before and it's taken anywhere between six to 16 months. These are past reviews, as you guys can see, have taken between six to 16 months. We don't know how this is going to play out, but one person did say that given the nature of yesterday's decision and the fact that the commissioners so recently handled the winkle voss appeal, I don't think it will take long to, uh, finish this review now. I'm curious to see what the reason is behind the review, what they're actually looking at, what they are reviewing.

Maybe they missed something. Maybe I don't know exactly what it is, but I do think that none of these, none of the ets we're seeing right now are going to get approved. I still think the one that's going to get approved is coming, is the one that we're still waiting for a decision on and execute. It could still get pushed until February. So I think people are starting to die down the height for the ets. Sure. It's gonna be cool when it happens, but I don't think people are focusing as much on it as they were just a few weeks ago. His overall, that is a good scientist. See, again, I don't think these are the ones that are going to be approved. I might be wrong, but I think the one's going to be approved is still. We're still waiting a decision on the approval denial or the postponing of it, - or the delay of it, which would be until February.

But guys, big coin to 25,000. So I know a lot of you guys clicked on this Artical because you saw the title and you want to see if I'm still bullish on bitcoin. If you know people should still be bullish on bitcoin. If it can still hit $25,000. And guys, I'm going to sum it up for you guys really quick. Of course bitcoin can still hit $25,000. Can it still hit 20 to $25,000 by the end of 2018? Of course this can happen. We've seen how crazy cryptocurrency is. We've seen how little it takes four or what short period of time it takes for us to have those crazy runs. Don't forget, last year, bull run lasted only a few weeks, so we got plenty of few weeks left in the market and plenty of time for us to see some crazy, crazy action. Obviously we're hoping that we are nearing the bottom right now.

Is this the full, full bottom? I'm not 100 percent sure. I think we might still have a little bit of room to fall, but we're going to have to wait and see how the market actually about how the market actually plays out. It is. I do think we're getting very, very near the bottom and now it'd be a great time to continue accumulating more big coin and getting ready for the - for, for the bull run and not just big one. Obviously. Whatever all coin you guys want to do as well. We'll talk about all coins in just a little bit. But Tom Lee, so he's still bullish on bitcoin. He still thinks it can hit $25,000. I'm going to have to go ahead and agree with him just from previous price action. What we've seen happened previously in the market. I don't think it is a far.

It is farfetched to say $25,000 is still in reach. There are some very big things coming out for bitcoin. Again, we're waiting for the ETF, the main etf decision, which I think is going to be very good. If it gets approved, it gets delayed until February. Then obviously we're going to have to wait until February, but there is a lot of other good stuff. Things people aren't necessarily talking about. There are more future's coming out for Bitcoin, but these ones being a little bit different as they are going to be backed by actual bitcoin. They're going to be paid out in Bitcoin, so I'm think I'm going to leave this a topic for another Artical because it is a little more in depth. It is a little longer, but the futures that are coming out later this year are not the same as the futures that happened previously.

In summary previously, they would be able. I'm the futures would end up being paid in US dollars. It wouldn't be paid out in bitcoin. They'd be able to bet on the price of bitcoin without holding it. That's kind of how worse is short summary and then the ones that are coming out right now, it's going to actually have to be backed by Bitcoin, so that means somebody is going to have to purchase the big coins that are now that are taking part in the futures and then once it ends and people get paid out, they get paid out in btc. So that's going to be a big difference. [inaudible]. That means the supply is going to be held to supply is going to be, you know, there's going to be decreasing while demand is going to increase and basic economic principles, supply demand indicates that that should cause an increase in the price of Bitcoin, unlike the other way around where they don't take out the supply and the demand is.

You guys know what I'm saying? So the future is, is relative. This is a different future than we've seen before. And one that I think a lot of people are overlooking still has a lot of potential to do to cause some very good things to happen in the market. $20,000. Bitcoin guys, I think it's still falsified the 2018 if not by the [inaudible] and maybe start 2019. Obviously it's hard to pinpoint exactly when it's gonna happen, but I still think it's in the. It's, it's still a possibility. It's still in play. Now taking a look at the overall market cap, $216,000,000,000. 50 three point five percent. Bitcoin dominance. We're seeing a lot of green today in the market, so that's pretty good. We see Omg is down, but other than that, everything else in the top 40 is in the green. We had a nice last 24 hours as you guys can tell.

Some big chance of stratum. Finally making some big moves of crypto currency. That's been very much underperforming from what I thought it could do. Nano still absolutely killing us. So everyone who bought into Nano. Guys, congratulations. I've been telling you, I've been dollar cost averaging nano all the way you want. It was getting to ninety cents. I'm loving these types of runs. I'm loving the last few week. Look at that. That is great. Up 18 percent today. One chain up, 17 percent icon up. Thirteen percent of you guys want to pick up. Now Watch you talk about that in just a bit. Let's talk about a theory in first. So a lot of people are asking me about why a theory x prize is struggling so much. Why is theory doesn't seem to be able to pick up any momentum? Well, it's up two percent today. Obviously it's not a lot. It's down to $280 from an all time high of.

Or was it right here? Almost $1,400. What's happening with the theory? Well, this is again, just my opinion. I do think we've found some sort of support right here. I don't think we're going to be falling too much lower than that unless the market does again, reverse and have another sell off. But the reason I think, - I think a theory of is falling and why it's having such a hard time right now is because the end of 2017 was the ICO boom. So everyone was looking for that 100 x ICO. Everyone was buying into ics ics that were just absolutely terrible. People were still buying into them. And then what happens? Well, eventually these guys have so much a theory because icls usually a lot of them are Erc 20 tokens, a majority of them are Ese 20 tones, a lot of them, a lot of people contribute in a theory and that's, I believe the highest contribution is done in etherium.

Well eventually these guys have to sell the ethereum they earn. And I believe that's happening right now. So I have sold 12 million a theory. I'm so far six, a billion dollars just this year. And that's something that's definitely going to hurt the price of a theory. - so I think when we have the ICO run again, which is going to happen again, I think it's just, it's gonna be one of those cycles. There's going to be good projects out there. There always are good projects. It's just about finding which ones they are the when we see etheri- when we see ics being hyped up again, people putting their money into ICO is looking for that big, big return. That's when I think we're going to see a theory have the most price action because people are giving it to you until the icls which are holding it so the supply is, you know, this is circulating supply is going to be less and the demand that people trying to buy into they can bind to high seals are going is going to increase significantly.

So that's one of my theories. Obviously the market is down is another reason why ethereum is down, but I think that's one of the more technical reasons as to why the price could be struggling. Moving on, talking about Nano, you guys know I was talking about it and finance and be a great place to pick some up so if you don't have the finance account, Even upright now at $2 and eighty cents. I still think nano has so much more to go. I'm waiting for it to hit back to those all time highs of 34 and continue to pass it. I think it's 100 percent possible. This is definitely a several billion dollar crypto currency. They're continuously doing the right things and even in this market we are seeing them go from ninety cents just to just like two weeks ago, a week and a half ago, all the way up to two point $8.

That's absolutely insane and light local is also live m and this is again as nano continues to gain in the markets, so someone on reddit notice that local is live and running. It is a p two p exchange. If you look through, it's kind of comparable to local bitcoins that allow individuals to trade nano on a PDP exchange another, - after looking through their documents, it looks like they do not plan on charging any trading fees. So you guys know Nano is, you feel as pretty much instant transactions. It is what a currency it is, what a digital currency should be. It is the reason why I believe Nanos going to do so well. Now, like I said, they are, do not plan to be charging any fees they planted to derive their profits from featured slash promoted listings. Also, they want to incorporate in Malta.

So really cool to see right there. Hopefully this does continue to move forward. Now again, light coin, another cryptocurrency I'd touch on every so often because at these prices I think it's extremely undervalued. Looking at some of the technical analysis on it though. And one thing I really like light coin is about mass adoption. It's not about the price and I think that's good because I think if you focus on the adoption, the price is going to follow. If you focus on making the best, the light can be, the price is going to fall, it's not going to fall just because people don't, you know, people aren't focusing on the price. No, I think adoption is what's going to cause the price to the price reaction to be the best it can and that's what's going to cause us to see those huge increase in the future.

So I think like when a very good cryptocurrency out there, again, very, very cheap, definitely one, a safer investment ranked number seven, you know, top cryptocurrencies bigger. Margaret Kaz usually safer investments and it's absolutely killing it when it comes to adoption, they're constantly coming out with news, showing the development side, showing the adoption side. Price isn't following right now. Bullet's going to have to eventually. And lastly, LISC is up 30 percent ahead of Maine net launch. I don't talk about lisc much. I personally disclaimer, don't own any lists. So this was just for those who were interested in it. It did have a nice run because of the main net launch, but guys, that's going to be it for this Artical. Hopefully you did enjoy. If you did, don't forget to leave a thumbs up and leave a comment down below so you can enter a chance to win some free bitcoin and of course be Follow and have notifications turned on so you can tune back in on tomorrow's Artical to see if you did win so you can go ahead and claim it. But guys, thank you so much for watching. I'll see you guys tomorrow for another Artical.

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