in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


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Also Read : Bitcoin Price Will End EXPLOSIVELY This Year - Why Even REDDIT Co-Founder Is Still Bullish On BTC News 2018

Welcome back to another Article here today. Anti-Tech cash also evolve. You are having a good one. So before I kick this Article off, I just want to warn you, the opinions expressed by the former of wolf of Wall Street, quote unquote Jordan Belfort, they'll be covering in this Article do not reflect my own opinions on bitcoin. In fact, the article that will be referencing is very sensationalist and really the title of the article is Bitcoin should not exist. Wolf of Wall Street baffled by price rise and warns of a scam. Now the title of this article that I'll be referencing in and of itself is very inflammatory and really the opinion of the wolf of Wall Street in the article doesn't even align with the title of the article itself, so that makes sense. I do want to forewarn all of you.

The opinions that I'll be covering in this Article are not opinions that I share. I'm still bullish on bitcoin. Of course I would consider myself an optimist, a realist, all the same, but I'm definitely not down and out. So with that being said, just bear that in mind. Let's go ahead and take a bit of a look before I do drop this Article link, share and Follow and let's go ahead and dive right in. So the quote unquote real wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort, has definitely been in and out of the papers as of late and really the only thing that he's being recognized for primarily now after the whole, a wolf of Wall Street movie was released and it gained critical reception are his criticisms of Bitcoin and really he's not an outright enemy of bitcoin or even really too much of a bear when he says something.

A lot of newspapers tend to spin it in a negative light just because of who he is. He's a pretty recognizable name and when people hear his opinion, they tend to get a bit riled up. So what exactly is he saying? Well, first of all, I do want to note with this bad news kind of coming in, I suppose from this article that [inaudible] price is up by almost five percent today. It's actually just over these $7,000 mark. And I'm recording this on Tuesday, so it might be slightly different when you watch it, but with that being said, it's still doing very well and when bitcoin does well, a lot of times these negative people come out of the woodwork and they start to bad mouth it. So this is bitcoin's highest price since the start of August. But the wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort hit at the cryptocurrency and said, investors are brainwashed, so let's get one thing straight.

Jordan Belfort is a convicted criminal. Now he's done his time and he's out of prison now, but that doesn't change the fact that for quite a bit of his life, he was a professional scammer. So he spent nearly two years in prison for scamming investors and warned that bitcoin is full of scammers and there's no good reason as to why it should exist. Now, let me go ahead and just kind of talk about that for a second. This is read. The article starts to kind of deviate and become bs. As I stated in the beginning of the Article, bill for it here isn't saying that bitcoin itself is bad. He's saying that Bitcoin is currently full of a lot of scammers and I would agree with that. There are a lot of people out there perpetuating pump and dump schemes or convincing investors who are unsure of the currency to invest in it.

Of course, I would always encourage all of you, keep an open mind and only invest when you're comfortable, so I would agree with him on this. There are a lot of people out there that would encourage young and inexperienced investors or even old and inexperienced investors to invest in something that they don't understand. Always invest in things that you understand. That is like the number one rule of investing. Don't put your money into something that you do not have any understanding of. So the former stockbroker went on to say, it is outrageous to think that governments will allow bitcoin to continue as an anonymous digital currency. Once again, in that statement, contrary to the title of the article, he's not necessarily bashing their coin. He's just saying that it might not need to exist in its current state where it's completely unregulated. So speaking on CNBC on Monday, Mr Bill Ford said I was a scammer, I had it down to a science and it's exactly what's happening with bitcoin.

He went on to say the whole thing is so stupid. These kids have gotten themselves so brainwashed. So while I would say that there are some investors were led into buying into bitcoin by people that are encouraging them to do things that they shouldn't be doing, who are encouraging them to take on high risk investments such as heavily leveraged Bitcoin Fund's, which is something that I would not encourage, you know really unless you definitely know what you're doing. There are people out there who would like to lead these investors astray and there are definitely people out there that promote pump and dump schemes as well, which caused investors to lose a lot of money. Those people, and this is my opinion, should not be in the cryptocurrency space. There are definitely weighing it down. So on a more positive note, Belford actually did go on to say that bitcoin itself is not a scam, and he said what's happening is there are scams around it being perpetuated because by its very nature it's a dark market, you can't see what's going on behind the scenes and people dive into that and use it to rip other people off.

And that is something like I said before that I do agree with. I don't think the investors are brainwashed, but I do think that there are a lot of people out there leading investors astray and that is not acceptable. That's not a good thing. So when Bill Ford was asked if there should be criminal charges taken against the socal and scammers, he said, of course there should be 95 percent of people with bitcoin are totally legit, but it's the five percent that kill you every time. So yes, people who are scamming should go to jail. So anyway, like I said, a bit of an interesting and controversial article here. A lot of the opinions expressed, they're in. We're kind of back and forth. Of course it does pretty much appear as though what Belfort is saying here is that bitcoin itself is not inherently bad and that it's a lot of the scammers or people who are purposefully going into the space and deceiving other investors.

Those people are really responsible for a lot of the problems with cryptocurrency and I definitely agree with that. So anyway, folks. Anyway, that is my opinion. Bit of a controversial Article like I said, so let me know what all of your thinking now. I always want to hear your comments down in the comments section below. As always, I want to restate that I don't necessarily agree with Belfort in his explanations here. I do think to a certain degree that I would agree because he is saying that bitcoin is being damaged by people that are scamming other investors. Definitely true, but I don't agree that cryptocurrency investors are brainwashed anyway. That is my opinion. Like I said, drop me Upvote Follow and share from where I'll see all of you in the next one. Thank you all for watching and adios.

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