- Ranking cryptocurrencies based on GitHub commits of past 12 months

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited) - a new metric to calculate the value of cryptocurrency

I was going to do a write up regarding the CryptoMiso site but has already done such a good job that I'll just direct readers to their article:

New Website Ranks 600 Cryptocurrencies by Github Activity
by Kai Sedgwick
published January 29, 2018.

However, I will add the following. The top ten coins listed in the article vs the top ten coins at present:

January 29, 2018 -

1. Cardano (ADA)

2. Lisk (LSK)

3. Waves (WAVES)

4. Ox (ZRX)

5. EOS (EOS)

6. GlobalToken (GLT)

7. Bitcoin (BTC)

8. United Bitcoin (UBTC)

9. Augur (REP)

10. Vertcoin (VTC)

April 16, 2018-

1. Komodo (KMD)

2. Cardano (ADA)

3. Lisk (LSK)

4. Ox (ZRX)

5. EOS (EOS)

6. Waves (WAVES)

7. Particl (PART)

8. DigiByte (DGB)


10. Nebulas (NAS)

EDIT (evening of April 15, 2018): I should have put more time into this article before publishing it (I need to stop being so busy in life!) I probably shouldn't have referred to the site as using just a 12 month date range. You can also select 3 months, 6 months and 9 months. Moreover, the 3 months graph places EOS at the top (which is great in my opinion and I wish that I could've shared that news within the article!). Oh well, I'll try to slow my life down and take the time necessary to be more thorough next time.

Also if you've noticed that I'm writing on April 15 and yet the CryptoMiso graphs say April 16 that's because where I'm at (CST time in the United States) it's still April 15th.

Here are the 3, 6 and 9 month graphs from today: nandi bear luke

Thanks for stopping by and reading!

PLEASE leave some comments! Talk a little!

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Nice crypto analysis with graph. After a long time you back sir @nandibear. Thanks for the analytic post and back with us.

Hey @msena good to see you here! Sorry that I disappeared for awhile. I will do my best to post regularly here at Steemit. And thank you for your kind words regarding the post!

Thank you so much.

Interesting, I thought they were following basically the same graph but seeing them all together like this clearly shows the difference

I find it interesting (and very helpful) too. Thanks for stopping by and also for sharing your thoughts regarding the cryptomiso site.

Sudah lama saya menunggu postingan anda @nandibear saya suka membaca postingan anda berkali kali karena saya menyukainya ,
Terima kasih telah memberi informasi dan kembali membuat postingan kawan ,


@pakwa.cungkrieng terima kasih banyak dan saya senang Anda suka membaca posting saya! Saya suka membaca komentar Anda tentang posting. Terima kasih telah berbagi pemikiran Anda!

I should have put more time into this article before publishing it (I need to stop being so busy in life!) I probably shouldn't haven't referred to the site as using just a 12 month date range. You can also select 3 months, 6 months and 9 months. Moreover, the 3 months graph places EOS at the top (which is great in my opinion and I wish that I could have shared that news within the article!). Oh well, I'll try to slow my life down and take the time necessary to be more thorough next time.

Nice to see u back @nandibear and great article. Everyone is talking about EOS and looking forward to June this year when it will go live. Some are saying that its market capitalization will surpass ethereum. Anyway time will tell how it all goes down

Thanks @practicaleric! I'll do my best to post more regularly. I've been investing in EOS since last August (2017) and I'm very much looking forward to the increase of it's market capitalization. The price has been up and down. For a while it dropped down to around 00.50 cents and then at it's high was around $18.00 dollars. $100.00 or so would be fine with me!

I've now added the 3, 6 and 9 month graphs from today.

Also if you've noticed that I'm writing (at on April 15 and yet the CryptoMiso graphs say April 16 that's because where I'm at (CST time in the United States) it's still April 15th.

Post yang bagus bisa memberi ilmu Kpda orang orang,salam kawan

Hai @safwan.efendi, saya senang postingan itu berisi beberapa pengetahuan. Saya suka berbagi informasi bermanfaat. Terima kasih atas kata-kata temanmu.

Sama sama semoga kita sukses semua amiin

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