Venezuela installs Blockchain Observatory for cryptocurrency

Carlos Vargas, member of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), announced that the commission appointed to install the National Observatory of Blockchain will meet on Monday, an entity that will be responsible for developing the policies related to cryptocurrency, "El Petro".
On Tuesday, the Venezuelan Government installed the Observatory of BlockChain that will govern the operation of the cryptocurrency "El Petro", created by President Nicolás Maduro to face the financial blockade against Venezuela.
At the ceremony held in Caracas (capital) were present the superintendent of the Cryptocurrency, Carlos Vargas, and the Minister of University Education, Science and Technology, Hugbel Roa.
Minister Hugbel Roa indicated:
"This Observatory of BlockChain is born under the advice of the Venezuelan scientific, university and technological community that will pay in favor of the stability of our people."
"With" El Petro ", Venezuela as always, is setting an example to the world, that under no circumstances are we going to give in. Today we assume the new technologies, and especially those that aim for liberation"
Superintendent Carlos Vargas informs that El Petro will have the support of national and international specialists and explained:
" BlockChain technology is a technology that is perfectly auditable, totally transparent, and is a significant guarantee of the birth in confidence of this instrument "
These statements were collected in a presentation that was made on the VTV state channel.
My opinion with respect to all this remains the same, until I see it feasible I will not believe it, for me it is still that, a mountain of ideas and models, always the Venezuelan Government has been filled with ideas and nothing seems to be for the ordinary Venezuelan, who must go out to work every day to earn little and pay a lot to live.
We will continue to wait until this is real.