London cryptocurrency : how did it go.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


I left paris on friday, as I wanted to make sure that I would be there fresh in the morning for the show. The departure was a chaotic one, right now there are some train strikes in France, and I had to go back home from work to get my luggage, which caused me to go late, I ran basically all the way from my home to the airport. I literally arrived a the airport when the guy said "Embarkment is now closed" but I managed to slip through :D

The whole time I was in pain because my shoe was litterally digging into my feet. I'm sparing you the pictures but it's not pretty.

After a few iterations of "where the fuck am I going ?" and "Ah there's a train" in london, I got to the hotel where the show is happening. I wanted to stay there since the show is litterally downstairs.

I arrived first and then met with @fredrikaa who arrive after a few hours. I had already eaten but I went with him to eat somewhere. I was suprised that a mcflurry was only 0.89£ (it's more like 2.5 euros in france) so I expected it to be super small, and ordered 2.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63438.65
ETH 2632.46
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.75