Crypto Bubbles - A Scribble Animation


Did I get the ending correct?
Or is this the beginning of crypto world domination!? ;)


You are so good at these animations. I love them. More, please.

Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out the workflow.

You are good now I can't imagine How good you'll get in a couple of months. You'll be a Dangerous Artist. You've been put on notice, Mister!

The future is here now. The blockchain will change the world in a few years. Remind me 😛


Should be fine, what with all the Double Tops, Triangles, Candles, Bottoms, Gaps, and Wedgies going on in the charts.
This is not investment advice.

Personally speaking, the wedgies are what most inspire my confidence in this rise.

But what if everyone chews instead of blows bubbles?

This is crypto... Ain't nobody gonna just chew!

The main question is how that guy bought bitcoin for a penny? Are you predicting the future here or is it from 2010?

Those are gold doubloons

Nope, world domination :p. Fun gif @mynameisbrian

lol ! Like it so much ! Upvote for shure! Here you can see my post about How you can get rich on steemit :)

Last I checked Bitcoin doesn't have any debt...nor does it have any State interference.images.jpg

All we have the question. :) @mynameisbrian

I think we are in the early stages for crypto we are going to see pops and inflating at a huge rate so the future is going to be interesting @mynameisbrian

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