Modex || The World's First Marketplace For Blockchain With A Unified Development Platform.


The Company does not recommend purchasing Tokens for speculative investment purposes. Tokens do not entitle you to any equity, governance, voting or similar right or entitlement in the Company or in any of its affiliated companies. Tokens are sold as intangible, digital assets, similar to downloadable software, digital music and the like. The Company does not recommend that you purchase Tokens unless you have prior experience with cryptographic tokens, blockchain-based software and distributed ledger technology and unless you have taken independent professional advice.

In no event shall the Company or any current or former Company Representatives be liable for the Excluded Liability Matters.

The Company does not make or purport to make, and hereby disclaims, any representation, warranty or undertaking in any form whatsoever to any entity or person, including any representation, warranty or undertaking in relation to the truth, accuracy and completeness of any of the information set out in the Available Information.

This whitepaper does not constitute:

  1. a prospectus or any other form of capital investment product or offer document of any sort and is not intended to constitute an offer of securities or any other form of capital investment product or a solicitation for investment in securities or any other form of capital investment product; and/or.

  2. An opinion or an advice to purchase Modex Tokens nor shall it or any part of it nor the fact of Its presentation form the basis of any contract or investment decision. You should carefully consider and evaluate each of the risk factors and all other information contained in the Terms before deciding to participate in the Token Sale.

The trend of decentralisation represents a wave of innovation that is reshaping society. It is an evolution; a paradigm shift that reflects a change in our collective consciousness. Although individuals and organisations worldwide are beginning to understand blockchain and the associated benefits, blockchain is by no means ever present in our daily lives. Businesses are struggling to implement blockchain into their operations.

Like any new technology, blockchain and cryptocurrencies must endure growing pains along the path to widespread adoption. The present lack of usability and trust correlate with the relative immaturity of this emergent technology.

The Modex team has already built the award-winning peer-to-peer mobile payments application, 3 Moneymailme. Modex is building a platform for smart contracts and applications that will create an ecosystem to empower the following blockchain advancements:

  • Easily develop, deploy and acquire ready-to-use smart contracts.
  • Integrate with new applications in order to deploy a range of smart contracts.
  • Manage and monitor deployed smart contracts and blockchains.
  • The Modex team will create bespoke smart contracts for its clients.
  • Modex will customise solutions for its clients by leveraging the Modex Smart Contracts Marketplace.

Given the major changes in the complex landscape of smart contracts, payments, FX, trade and energy, the adoption of blockchain technology comes with several challenges; notably integration concerns, a lack of expertise, high costs, volatility, and consumer protection.


We are currently living the pen and paper state of the blockchain. There's no guideline on how to write a complex app, there are only fragmented tools available. It is like trying to write a complex web app today with the tools of 1995, and that drives away the only thing that this technology cherishes most - the developers.

The blockchain industry has evolved from the stage of Proof Of Concept into tangible business opportunities. However, those opportunities are being explored and built in isolation by large enterprises. SME’s and consumers are currently excluded from this revolution, despite the clear benefits of expanding the network to everyone.

Blockchain applications offer solutions that require significant changes to, or the complete replacement of, existing systems. In order to make the transition, companies and consumers must overcome these challenges. Additionally, the range of existing blockchain applications is still limited, composed mainly of wallets, online exchanges, a small number of smart contract services and monitoring tools. Most of these are not user-friendly or widely understood . Likewise, the 6 number of skilled experts and smart contract developers is limited and only now starting to grow. In short, the space is fragmented and in need of a platform that ties these stakeholders and applications together to deliver much greater value for the broader market.


The Modex Smart Contract Marketplace and Unified Developer Environment will allow for easy, user-friendly access to blockchain technology - notably smart contracts and decentralized applications (“dapps”). Modex has built a development platform, that will change the way dapps are created and.

Maintained with features like:

  • Team collaboration.
  • Project management tools.
  • Product documents.
  • Code versioning.

While some smart contracts will be very technical and highly specialised, many others will not be. Modex’s smart contract marketplace intends to be the Smart Contract ecosystem for developers to develop, manage, monitor, upload and sell their work, and for buyers to purchase and deploy them. The Modex Smart Contract Marketplace will support application programming interfaces (“APIs”) for 3rd party apps to integrate with, so that smart contracts can easily be deployed through an ecosystem that enables buyers to deploy smart contracts and solve real world problems.

Composed of a series of tools specially designed to address developers’ needs, the Modex Unified Developer Environment comes with its own Solidity-dedicated integrated development environment (“IDE”) fused with a test net environment, bytecode analysis, block explorer and a suite of oracles which will allow developers to push the boundaries of blockchain by allowing smart contracts to access information from external web sources.

  1. A suite of oracles that allows you to call external APIs in a secure manner:
    There is so much you can do with a smart contract. In order to make smart contracts even smarter, we will provide a set of libraries for different programming languages, that will allow you to pull external information into the blockchain.

  2. Unified Developer Environment.
    Inspired by the way you work, we are working on a great developer platform for blockchain. Development platform!

  • Project repository
  • Issue tracking
  • Project documentation
  • Collaboration tools

Another very important tool for developers will be the IDE, that is connected to a complex and stable blockchain infrastructure that will allow developers from all around the world to build, test and deploy smart contracts and DApps. It comes with built-in syntax support, code linting, Modex Developer Platform support, autocomplete, remote test net execution (build, deploy, function call, transaction status).

MODEX Token Utility.

Modex is a token-driven marketplace and app ecosystem that intends to increase the accessibility and trustworthiness of blockchain-enabled smart contracts. It empowers rapid adoption for all parties involved, including buyers and developers of smart contracts to start, with opportunity for consumer engagement in the future. Modex’s token is an ERC20 utility token, built on the Ethereum blockchain. The MODEX Token is for Modex’s Smart Contract Marketplace and App Platform ecosystem. Initially, all services and features within MODEX will be paid for and remunerated in MODEX Tokens. Subsequently we are looking to introduce solutions to enable easy convertibility.

The Modex Token intends to empower the following functions:

  • Pay platform fees
  • Pay platform service fees
  • Make smart contract purchases
  • Gain access to a complete suite of API’s for decentralised transactions.
  • Oracle services and validation of smart contracts

Smart Contracts.
Smart contracts are blockchain applications that allow developers to define “self executing” and “self-enforceable” transactions. These can be transactions of money or a variety of other forms of data. Smart contracts remove the need for a “trusted third party” by providing a transparent, auditable, enforceable, and affordable means to conduct a variety of transactions on the.

Token Sale Use of Funds.


This is a Token Generating Event. We will issue up to 266,399,993 MODEX Tokens during our initial token offer. If the sale is fully successful this will create a max supply of 266,399,993 MODEX Tokens. 12% of total tokens will be allotted to the Team and Advisors to align our interests with those of the community. 46% of the total tokens will be held by the Company as a token reserve.

Lock-Up Mechanics.

For employees of the Company, the MODEX Tokens will vest as follows:

  • 20% on issuance of MODEX Tokens to employees, at the same time that the pre-sale contributors receive their tokens.
  • 20% after 3 months.
  • 20% after 6 months.
  • 20% after 9 months and.
  • 20% after 12 months.

Token Allocations.

We are putting approximately 197M Tokens on the market and over the next five years we expect.

MODEX Tokens to be allocated as follows:



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Ann Thread:

Author: by, #muhammadomy.
|;u=1128332 |
ERC20 Ethereum wallet: 0x02892c17dBF5EA9411fD0fa9a67Acc0140819E2F


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