LBRY Open Beta for Blockchain Media SharingsteemCreated with Sketch.

Checkout the LBRY! 

I have been following LBRY for a little while as the concept is interesting and the potential is amazing. Decentralized storage and open sharing of media. LBRY is a place where users can find great videos, music, ebooks, and more that runs on a public blockchain and has an economy based on cryptocurrency. Okay, that is a lot to take in. Basically, it is a portal where people can share media to others for free or for a fee. The fees are paid in the LBRY cryptocurrency that is woven into the platform and can be traded on the open crypto markets.   

This means, content creators and owners can share their materials with audiences for a direct benefit. Unlike YouTube or Facebook, where those companies receive a financial benefit and might choose to share some with the content owner, this is a direct platform connecting creators and audiences.    

It is an interesting concept. What Steemit is doing for bloggers, allowing them to earn money for social posting, LBRY is attempting to do for video, music, books, etc.    

Open Beta 

The LBRY team just announced Open Beta! This means anyone can try out the platform for free and even earn some LBRY coin by just looking around or posting some of their content. Most of the content is free to access and more is being added every day. The developers would appreciate feedback and bug reports (if you find any).    

To download for Windows, MacOS, Linus, iOS, and Android, go to their site:   

Interested in more? Follow me on LinkedIn, Twitter (@Matt_Rosenquist), Information Security Strategy, and Steemit to hear insights and what is going on in cybersecurity.  


I get the blockchain to manage access and transactions, but where is the content actually stored? If it blossoms, it would need massive storage space, right? Although it could partner up with the likes of Sia or Storj to handle the distributed data storage.

Heeee good question! Would be Interesting to get answer. And as you said maybe a partnership with Sia coin since they are into distributed hdd space.. Ohoh that would be great!

According to their doc, content will be hosted by you. Your app will serve the content to other. At least at the beginning.

This seems really cool! Maybe they could add onto it in the future? We'll see.

Yeah, I saw this a couple days ago and really would like to try it out!!!
Sadly, its going to be next laptop just broke and I can't figure it out. Neither me nor my neighbor have been able to troubleshoot it. So it will be next week after I get paid and can pay to have it fixed.
Using my mobile sux!
But I'm definitely going to be giving it a try.

I have been loading content onto YouTube for over a year now, but the little that I was making took a hit with their recent changes in the affiliate program. 😩

I'll be watching until then to see what more you learn from your experience with it!

Thanks for Sharing!!
Peace!! ✌

Best of luck with that laptop repair. I know how frustrating it can be.
If LBRY works out, it could be a great alternative or augmentation for posting your videos on YouTube.
For myself, I am more interested in a place for my presentations and papers.

Very cool!
And Thanks!
This too shall pass.

I've been on the LBRY mailing list for... a while? But I wonder if it's going to spam because I didn't hear of the open beta. Off to check it out and thanks for the heads up!

Closed beta was announced (via an email invite) several weeks ago. I bet you find yours in the spam folder. You didn't miss much, other than a sneak-peek at a slightly less polished version that had some network issues. Those seem to be resolved with the latest version update.

What are opinions on buy lbrycredit.

As I own some, even though it is a tiny bit (62 LBRY) it would be unfair for me to endorse. But take a look at the chart on for some information that might be useful.

Very interesting article, thanks for sharing man

Now that is one of the real use of a blockchain! Very interesting. For me, their future is as brilliant as Steemit. As you said, it seems to be like Steemit but more based on media than blogging, so both Steemit and Lbry could cohabitate. Great!

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