Dogezer | Revolutionizing Startup Potential

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Have you heard of the new startup innovation called Dogezer? It’s part of a new wave of software that is changing the way businesses are born.


Revolutionary Model: No Funding Pressure Up Front Frees Creativity

Ideas are great, but they don’t often come with funds. Imagine the creative potential for startup projects if financial burdens were lifted. Ideas and innovations would flow more freely and be efficiently implemented within shorter periods of time. Dogezer is a response to this dilemma. It is a decentralized platform that requires no overhead to start a business, instead using coins to incentivize talented individuals to join the team. Once the project takes flight, the coin gains value and the entire team reaps the reward. With this model, there’s less stress about acquiring funding and more space for creative minds to enter the flow state and tap into higher creativity. Each teammate has a unique stake in the process and when the project succeeds, each member succeeds.

Incentives: Each Teammember is a Shareholder

Because the model Dogezer employs incorporates the success of the individual teammate with the success of the product, each teammate will have the added incentive to take stake in the project. That is what they’re earning: stake or shares in the company in the form of the coins they're compensated with. With this incentivized personal responsibility, each teammate earns the title “co-founder” and is motivated to excel by contributing their unique gifts and talents.

Unlike in a regular company where the average worker shows up for work and fulfills tasks to get paid at the end of the week, within the Dogezer model each teammate’s work within the project could reap exponential profits as the project takes off! This magnetizes unheard of buy-in for each teammate bolstering community cohesion and fluidity. For each teammate then, the project is their own brainchild birthed within a team whose pulse beats in the rhythm of success. Team cohesion can go to new heights as every teammate is “all in”, each rooting for the project to succeed and necessarily cheering for the success of their teammates. For when the project succeeds, not only does each teammate reap incredible rewards, but the world is that much richer because a new edifying project has come forth into the world.

Communication: Dogezer Tools Amplify Speed & Efficiency

Where would a team be without communication? It is the building block of any successful communal effort. When brilliant minds get together they need the tools to link the images, concepts, and graphs that come together in a multitude of simultaneous feedback loops. Without communication all of this is lost. The project will stumble and never take flight without efficient pathways. With the tools that Dogezer employs, a project will easily gain speed and liftoff to new heights.

These are the pathways to success.

With the transparent activities of each teammate viewable on a comprehensive database, the project manager never has to worry about being kept in the dark. Dogezer contains a "powerful issue tracker (like Jira), a version control system with web interface (like GitHub), a cloud storage (like Dropbox), a collaborative document editor (like Google Docs), a powerful messaging (like Slack), and more."(source) This is a never before seen interface existing all in one place.


No more guesswork.

No more delay.

Projects can now reach full potential as the synergy of incubating ideas reaches new heights with Dogezer.

This is a submission for @originalworks writing contest.



Interesting! Definitely have had a few ideas that never came to fruition simply because I didn't know where to start, I'll have to look more into this!

Yeah! their ICO is out now so it's still in the start up phase. seemed interesting!

This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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