
I like all your points.
I would hope BCC would not flourish; otherwise, its seems very contrived, and could be duplicated again, and again.. ?

But knowing the hype, BCC will probably be popular. But f*ck me, it's becoming pretty crazy, and hard to explain any logic behind creation of BCC (except perhaps it's a technically superior, more simple solution).

Forcing a hard-fork, just seems to me, brings inflation of one kind or another. And there is no end to it, and does not help the reputation of BTC.

Segwit is NOT technically superior, and definitely NOT the simplest solution. Segwit is the opposite of both of those things.

I encourage you to read:

Then you will understand why Segwit is the bane of BTC's existence.

BCC is the people trying to fight back. Ignorance only makes the hijackers which have stolen the BTC foundation stronger.

Please inform yourself.

Hey, I read that before my response above, and you mis-understand me.
I agree BCC is technically superior, and more simple.

But BTC has so many problems, it needs to get fixed..

There is a lot of FUD, but does LTC using Segwit for months now, prove a Segwit solution can work?
And will people be smart enough to understand the issues involved, enough to abandon BTC for BCC?

Thanks for the feedback yogi - Yeah, I think there is room for both to breath actually. If the crypto-family increases, then it allows the word to be spread further - IMHO!

So, have you seen BCC futures, right now at $290?
How long do you think until it's available on exchanges?

That means nothing yogi - the hard fork is still a good few hours away yet. Let us see??

IMHO Bitcoin Cash will trickle down to pennies on BTC like Ethereum Classic did after the ETH split last year

No one can see the future, so let us see??

Hence why this is an opinion, my friend.

I hope not. If that happens then the userbase has failed to keep control of the Bitcoin protocol. Then, you will hear me say things like "btc ded" and actually mean it.. Smh..

BCC is far superior. How do people not know this ?

The blockchain limit increasing to 8MB surely means bitcoin-cash has a future! Other than that from the brief reading I have done it doesn't have that many other unique features? Is this enough to make it a sustainable crypto?

Your right, the miners have been very lavish here with blocksize. Only time will tell us what its USP is??

It is not using off-chain transactions to process it's own transactions. Segwit is the devil.

BCC is keeping bitcoin true to Satoshi's vision instead of morphing it into a "Globalist World Banking Tool" which is what Blockstream is doing to BTC currently.

You want to save Bitcoin? Promote BCC.

Never know, it might... Just give me all your bitcoins haha

Scammers are gonna being selling Bitcoin as BCC! Scam #1 detected! LOL!

Nice post / nice kitchen! Hashing power race is on! Full upvote.

Morning Doug, thanks for your support!

Thanks for your point of view. My personal advice is to sell as BCC price will just slowly go down. Bitcoin is too important to let another crypto be able to grow at its side.

I'm sure there is space for the 2 cryptos to prosper to the confusion of all newbies! LOL!

That's a good one!

For me I am happy with my Bitcoin as a long term store of value... It is and will be "the digital gold token" that is backing the entire "Token Economy" we are all moving into. The fiat system is dying. As for a crypt0 cash like system....I will be using the STEEM blockchain not BCC, DASH or any other coin. I believe the STEEM blockchain has the biggest potential to serve as a digital cash system for the planet. With that said I still believe we will co-exist with other blockchains. Every blockchain will have its own community and use case in the Token Economy of the future.

In the crash of 08/09 I moved all my cash to Paypal in the fear that my bank would collapse! Now I have Bitcoin and Steem and I'm free of all bank dependency! We have that true freedom provided by both Nakamoto and Ned.

Like you my backbone is BTC/Steem and a bit of Trekkie GPL for some fun - we gotta support the Trekkie geeks from time to time! We all gotta have a fun R&R crypto to play with too :)

P.S. Thanks for your support of @craig-grant and my posts pertaining to it. No one deserves to be deplatformed here by the irrational logic of others. Freedom baby! Steem on brother Johal! Steem on! :D

Who is Ned? Care to explain? <-- I am a steemNoob

Creator of Steemit :)

This is amazing and incredible...steemit has made me soo happy to be connected with such great men like you... @thejohalfiles ...You make bring great ideas to life and changes the life of many others...l can never end my thanksgiving to you and is my home now and the home of many other newbies...I share this great day with you @thejohalfiles cos its my #Birthday....and all steemians..l love steemit so much

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