Cryptocurrencies will eliminate Global debt of Individuals and Governments

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

In the past I was always wondering why governments did not act regarding the rise of Cryptos, now I feel quite convinced to know why.

It obviously could be that the people in charge have themselves invested in this space and are enjoying the appreciation but most likely I think it is this reason:

Almost every country is in debt up to their eyeballs, banks are highly leveraged and consumers have maxed out their credit cards or student loans.

So how could one fix this mess?

With cryptos... yes... the global money supply of all normal currencies is about a 100 Trillion USD (USD, YEN, CNY...). Cryptos only account for 0.5 Trillion as of now.

So why not let banks by them first, hold them on their balance sheets and then let it rise to, for example 1000 Trillion? Everybody would be using cryptos by then, and the purchasing power would be in the hands of the holders of cryptos... the market would basically devalue all the old debt, which would be defined in USD.

  • Pensions would be devaluated totally
  • Government bonds would be worthless
  • Mortgages, Student loans and consumer debts would be worthless as well
  • Banks would have healthy balance sheets

Then, and only then it would make sense to issue a new worldwide government currency, under the control for example of the UN, linked to every social security number of everybody on earth, and using the best scaling technology that has arisen from the free market, which some tweaks in order to give centralized control of the new issuance to the UN.

The SDR concept was nice as of 20 years ago, when there were no better means of accomplishing this. But now with this new technology at hand? Brace yourself!

Already many countries have announced introducing their own Cryptocurrency

  • Ecuador was first
  • Russia
  • China
  • Venezuela

and surely many others will follow soon. The next announcements will be following soon... I guess that a technology like IOTA might work very well big scale. And I guess engineers are already working on the implementation at the UN level. The announcement for this might come after a global ban on all cryptocurrencies on a global level, all exchanges banned and proceeds from cryptos at the same level as drug money, so that the usefulness dissipates.

This ban in my vision would be announced when the valuation is multiple times the current amount... Perhaps a 1000 trillion USD? Or only 200 trillion? I do not know... But clearly I think if it gets to parity with normal currencies a massive flight to cryptos from everybody and their grandmother will start.

Disclaimer: This is only my opinion and no investment advice.


Great post and good writing.i like your post and upvoted

Would you like to see my bunghole?

Yes i like to bunghole.

thanks for resteem

You make very excellent points. Once mass adoption occurs, and I think we're getting close, everything changes. In a good way though! Out with the old and in with the new. :)

I think this is the game... it would make perfect sense and would explain the current non-intervention...

crypto game is about to get hotter with involvement of govt thanks for sharing this article dear :) resteemed

Thanks for resteeming!

Great topic conversation @mexbit. You've better explained here with best tips. Important story to study more.
Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

Thanks for resteeming!

Excellent Post And Great News Of Cryptocurrencies will eliminate Global debt of Individuals and Governments
For your post propagation.

Thanks for resteeming!

outstanding analysis & very informative. impressive post @mexbit

reteemed & upvoted & commented & followed

Thanks for resteeming, upvoting and following!

Thanks for the information.
great work sir.

Thanks for resteeming!

@mexbit, Thanks for giving your opinion and nice analysis with us. I agree with your points. Currently more traffic has currency market has. Crypto currency and bank (normal currency) move together and attack against both currencies. Banks try to be head and control all market. So they prepare customer attractive schemes. But my opinion is Crypto currency already be top level.

Thanks for resteeming!

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice..

I could get into more detail, how this could fix everything, but right now I am very busy... It makes total sense... the more I think about it, the more I feel convinced...

Obviously this will be a hard robbery from all the elderly who hold the debt and so on through pension plans.. But I surely think they will understand that this devil from the Internet took it from them, and that there is nothing the loving government could have done.

Very good information,

The young generation will benefit greatly by this, while the old generation will suffer...

yes that's right

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