Last Hour Price Changes: STEEM:0.68 BTC:0.36 ETH:0.42 XRP:0.55 BCH:0.43 LTC:0.31 EOS:0.29 ADA:0.34 XLM:0.96 NEO:0.24 MIOTA:1.55

Cryptocurrency Market Dominance

Total market capital:


Total 24 volume:


Active currencies:


Active assets:


Active markets:

Name Market Capital (usd) Volume 24h (usd) Available Supply
Bitcoin 134,862,135,196 6,093,750,000 16,977,287 BTC
Ethereum 48,681,903,495 1,792,770,000 98,815,205 ETH
Ripple 24,405,229,852 923,750,000 39,122,794,968 XRP
Bitcoin Cash 12,447,047,810 290,084,000 17,072,875 BCH
Litecoin 7,040,545,534 321,413,000 56,078,963 LTC
EOS 6,608,403,780 706,889,000 792,714,832 EOS
Cardano 5,107,088,428 150,632,000 25,927,070,538 ADA
Stellar 4,579,100,507 66,067,000 18,559,682,343 XLM
NEO 4,074,089,500 125,386,000 65,000,000 NEO
IOTA 3,771,600,232 65,447,000 2,779,530,283 MIOTA
Name Price (usd) Change 1h (%) Change 24h (%)
Bitcoin 7,943.68 0.36 -1.96
Ethereum 492.66 0.42 -4.57
Ripple 0.62 0.55 -6.58
Bitcoin Cash 729.05 0.43 -4.51
Litecoin 125.55 0.31 -4.26
EOS 8.34 0.29 -7.92
Cardano 0.20 0.34 -7.70
Stellar 0.25 0.96 -4.89
NEO 62.68 0.24 -6.05
IOTA 1.36 1.55 -7.41


Rank: 29
Price: $2.58
Volume(24h): $13,925,700
Market capital: $657,339,884
Available supply: 254,473,193
Total supply: 271,447,287
Percent change (1h): 0.68
Percent change (24h): -7.17
Percent change (7d): 42.09

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SBD 2.51