Last Hour Price Changes: STEEM:-0.53 BTC:-0.43 ETH:-0.52 XRP:0.35 BCH:0.68 EOS:-0.46 XLM:0.22 LTC:-0.14 USDT:-0.56 XMR:-0.10 ADA:-0.06

Cryptocurrency Market Dominance

Total market capital:


Total 24 volume:


Active currencies:


Active assets:


Active markets:

Name Market Capital (usd) Volume 24h (usd) Available Supply
Bitcoin 112,984,552,733 4,256,172,287 17,266,850 BTC
Ethereum 22,284,752,758 2,499,910,972 101,946,061 ETH
XRP 11,263,684,003 315,799,145 39,712,852,387 XRP
Bitcoin Cash 8,160,256,739 415,005,102 17,347,325 BCH
EOS 4,917,153,726 747,741,831 906,245,118 EOS
Stellar 3,911,551,182 66,516,546 18,784,064,127 XLM
Litecoin 3,208,550,556 298,668,675 58,282,406 LTC
Tether 2,748,310,145 3,099,856,665 2,756,421,736 USDT
Monero 1,889,236,288 43,531,510 16,404,586 XMR
Cardano 1,813,747,315 82,350,950 25,927,070,538 ADA
Name Price (usd) Change 1h (%) Change 24h (%)
Bitcoin 6,543.44 -0.43 1.96
Ethereum 218.59 -0.52 15.26
XRP 0.28 0.35 4.22
Bitcoin Cash 470.40 0.68 7.35
EOS 5.43 -0.46 8.78
Stellar 0.21 0.22 2.63
Litecoin 55.05 -0.14 4.29
Tether 1.00 -0.56 -0.52
Monero 115.17 -0.10 9.09
Cardano 0.07 -0.06 4.65


Rank: 39
Price: $0.73
Volume(24h): $2,272,974
Market capital: $205,457,606
Available supply: 280,287,489
Total supply: 297,261,583
Percent change (1h): -0.53
Percent change (24h): 3.07
Percent change (7d): -14.13

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How Crypto Will Grow Into an Institutional Asset Class - Fortune

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Bitcoin And Crypto Get Major British Soap Exposure - Forbes

Forbes: Bitcoin and cryptocurrency have found an unlikely home: on British soap opera Coronation Street, a TV programme watched by some eight million people per episode. Though bitcoin could now be considered mainstream — the original cryptocurrency also ...

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STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 59106.19
ETH 2538.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.37