Elementh: The Future of E-commerce


What make Elementh Thick and Tick?

Many individuals like myself with a wish to push their (small) scale business to the INTERNET may be be frighten by the fear that they are backed up with little or no online experience.  This might make it a  bit difficult for them to venture into it, due to issues surrounding logistics of online business process,

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as every retail business needs to have a good logistic  detailed record and control of all items and goods and a robust inventory in general. 

This is where Elementh sets in. Motivated with the urge to proffer solutions to this, Elementh have planned a detailed platform that hinges on the walls of delivering solutions that will handle and sort out all forms of issues surrounding inventory logistics.

This includes:

  • How many products they have in store?
  • When are their products arriving?
  • What is the level of quality of the product:  (Is it a counterfeit of the original)?
  • What is the product history path: (What is movement route from the creation of the product to recent owner)?
  • The system also provides for the ability to "issue" a particular product at a particular address, indicating all possible item's data (such as name, manufacturer, bar code, etc.)

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About the Project

Elementh therefore aims at developing an application which births a platform for e-commerce that guarantees the right of ownership of a particular commodity and ability to create smart contracts. 

Elementh aim to arrive at this by taking advantage of a blockchain which will have a built-in Turing-complete language for programming that allows users to write special short smart contracts as well as to take advantage of nomenclature standard in order to generate (centralized and) decentralized e-commerce applications.


In general, there are two types of applications available at the top of Elementh

The first is financial applications that avail users the opportunities to manage and take part in contracts using cash, including purchasing and selling goods and content online and offline, as well as tokens built on the Elementh software platform. 

The second category is non-financial applications, such as identifying fake / counterfeit goods in the supply chain, etc.

 The number of application that can be built on the Elementh platform are endless using the built in programming language. 

Features of Elementh platform

The features of the platform includes but are not restricted to this: 

  • The complete producer - distributor - seller – buyer movement chain,  is stored in the Elementh blockchain, this will allow to find suppliers for any volume or quantity of products, up to direct order of goods from the manufacturer. This is envisaged as the future that will form a bed-rock for e-commerce.
  • Seller information are also made available on the Elementh blockchain allows one to find the most convenient places on the globe to purchase item from.
  • It comes with the option of the ability to send messages that allows users to contact other participants on the platform engaged in the transaction directly.
  • Data on all participants of the platform will allow to trace and track the appearance of counterfeit products at any stage of the transfer of ownership of goods
  • Data can be accessed on all transaction of any user on the network, this allows for instanteous scoring or building reputation which makes it possible to create credit and overdraft by banks etc.

Typical Case study Scenario 

  • Maxie owns a  shoe store
  • He wises to start selling online
  • He Enter Elementh
  • Maxie set up his online store in few minutes
  • He connects his accounting software to the application

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  • Maxie's inventory is now available on the Elementh network and to all its members.

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  • Moses, who was shopping for a pair of shoes, saw that Maxie's store and loves a few boots carries them.
  • He th en ordered the boots from Maxie.
  • The money for the purchase goes to a smart contract, where it is withheld until delivery is confirmed by Moses, at the point of confirmation from Moses, the money enters Maxie's account!

The deal is completed and everyone is happy.

  •  Maxie might decide to expand the product range and might wish to sell branded belts, along with footwear. Without hesitation, he opened the b2b application, the-same way Moses found him and bought from him he find a manufacturer or supplier and buys (using crypto currency  and smart contract) from him and expands his store by selling both shoes and belts.  

This Information and more resources can be obtained from:

  1. Elementh Website
  2. Elementh WhitePaper
  3. Elementh YouTube
  4. Elementh BitcoinTalk Forum
  5. Elementh Medium
  6. Elementh LinkedIn
  7. Elementh Facebook
  8. Elementh Twitter
  9. Elementh GitHub 

The link to the parent post to th contest is outline below



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