in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Hello cryptocurrency-investors,

Last week I heard of an opportunity that someone described to me as a high risk, very high reward investment.
The coin he was talking about = B3-coin.

This coin for many people is known as the perfect example of a pump and dump coin.
But as this person explained to me it appeared the developers were working on a remake:
The coin would be rebranded to KB3. (The value of 1 KB3 = 1000B3)
A new website was also going to be launched so this person made it appear as if this coin would rise from the ashes and reach new all time highs.

I decided to follow this person's advice and throw 100 bucks at this coin. (At a price of 1 satoshi I bought around 500.000 coins.) I also joined their discord and most members were positive about this coin and expected moonlandings and lambo's (you know how it goes in the modern cryptodays...)


Only after a few days I realised there was so much wrong with B3, here is my reasoning:

The biggest problem is the coin supply:
The staking rewards for this coin through time were absolutely ridiculous.
Between the 50k and 60k block a staking reward of 1000% was given to the people.
Between the 60k and 80k block a staking reward of 10000% was given to the people.

Basically BILLIONS of B3 coins were printed in this phase and given away for free.
--> Main result: Coin got dumped hard because the supply > demand.

Recently B3 coin was rising at an insane rate on the Yobit-exchange (9000% on highest peak).
This attracted some investors to B3 and it is also the only reason why B3 coin went to 5 satoshi on coinexchange for a very short moment.
The sell walls on Coinexchange for B3 coin are huge and will never disappear in my opinion.
Why? People who got the 10000% staking reward can sell for 1 or 2 satoshi and still make a profit.

The rebranding to KB3 in my opinion does not solve this problem at all! It is only a way to trick new investors into buying the coin. There will still be way too much KB3 for which the whales (people with big capital) who received staking rewards, didn't pay anything. These people who have billions of coins; they will keep dumping this coin at a low price because they are in profit anyway. (if they were smart they removed the sell-walls and made the coin fly to attract new and noob investors, luckily for all of us they did not think of this.)


I hope you all understand my reasoning and will not invest in B3 or KB3.
All people who tell you otherwise and tell you to invest:
They say this because they have billions of coins which they want to sell at the highest price possible (it's all for personal gain).

In my opinion:
This coin is absolutely dead, has a horrible reputation and will never give you a good ROI.
To all people who are in B3 for a long time and enjoyed staking: Congrats with your profits, but you should not try to trick new people for falling for this scam which makes you rich.

Spread the word and feel free to give me your personal opinion.

Thank you for reading.



You are seriously ignorant...every coin out there has gone through growing pains. The community and team for KB3 is dedicated and couldn't give a rats ass about price...right now they are all about raising this coin up to its full potential and your "opinion" and reckless FUD helps no one. I would be pleased if you would sell your 500 coins and stay out of the community of investors that have a better understanding of what B3 really is, where it's been and where it's going. I am completely dismayed at the use of the word "scam" by you and all people like you....most of us in this community and I do mean MOST...are not sitting here licking our profits because we have none...we are reinvesting in the project because we are proud of it. I will gladly serve you a hot plate of crow in about 2 years my friend.

Wow! You call me ignorant? You should reread your comment, you sound pretty mad.
I guess you have a lot of B3 or KB3 laying around? This comment made me laugh!

I'm trying to protect new investors of this SCAM coin. Your opinion is definitely subjective since you probably enjoyed the staking reward of 10000% and are now sitting on a big pile of KB3!
You and the B3 community are trying to rebrand your coin in order to attract new investors to fall for this and invest in your scamcoin so you can sell your coins at a higher price.

B3 and KB3 is doing shady business and the 10000% staking reward is absolutely retarded, I'm not a developer but it's so obvious this huge reward screwed the future of your coin! You are only mad because you want to sell your coins. Get off my blog please!

Raising the coin up to its full potential? You mean scamming new investors and making people buy your shitcoins!

I already dumped my coins a long time ago and I'm happy I did because as expected the price tanked even more when KB3 got launched! I see you have only one article on your blog and ofcourse it's about B3/KB3... Haha how much coins you have man? Are you mad your shitcoin won't blossom to "its full potential"? If the development team doesn't care about the price, they are stupid lol. The price is a very important factor in the cryptocurrency-space right now!
And yes all your friends on the B3 discord were telling people to buy B3 at 1 satoshi and 2 satoshi. Look where it is now, B3-community is scamming other people just for their own profit!
Nice community they got yes, very nice! I hope this SCAMcoin never goes up again.

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