12% of All ETH ($100MM / 8.3MM ETH) has Just been Moved To A Single Account In The Last 2 Hrs; Largest Acct Existing Now. Not DAO ETH. Reason?

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)

You can see a new largest account here: https://etherscan.io/accounts/a It's bigger than poloniex's cold wallet.

Here's the history:


If you look at the TXs, it looks like it started about 2 hrs ago and now has 12% of ETH (8,292,642 ETH). You can sort the TXs, they go about several hours. You can see the first was a large transfer from the Accumulator.

First I see on etherscan: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x23d975faf67332a2095f2c51f38138d3f98da471d8db512f07181b3a2be33ab7

You can see that this is not the DAO's ETH. You can see the contracts controlling the DAO holdings are still in tact: https://etherscan.io/accounts/c

Pretty curious....

Can someone explain this?

Update1: So the most updated info on the ownership of this wallet appears to clue to Kraken Exchange. I've been told there was supposed to be some sort of press release from them admitting to this, but I've yet to see it...Still curious here

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Really? It's not obvious what's going on here?
As I explained here...

Exchanges are preparing for the fork. Part of that would be moving funds and ensuring they are safe but easily accessible. Remember ETH trading will be shut down completely for up to 24hrs. As soon as it comes back there will be massive pressure on any exchange for people to get their funds out.

This looks to me like Polo or even Bitfinex is just getting prepared for the inevitable chaos to come in ETH over the next couple of days.

I understand your reasoning...Let's take into account that Poloniex was supposed to be the biggest one wallet holder in existence. Do you think this is another exchange? Which exchange do you believe it to be if it's not Poloniex?

Guessing maybe Shapeshift or Bitfinex. Both of those probably have bigger wallets than Polo by now. Polo being the big ETH wallet was a long time ago I thought.
What do you think?

I could see that being the case with Shapeshift or Bitfinex.

That reminds me...

I saw this earlier : https://twitter.com/SexyBitcoinBabe

It's basically the link to the imgur album with the CEO of #Bitfinex saying - " I wish I never listed this piece of shit coin "

It's clear he was talking about #Ethereum

So my thoughts?

Bitfinex might be doing some cold storage move and is prepared to wait out the storm that might or may night take place.

Its hours away from a hardfork.

Things might get real?

Turns out it was Kraken. News article coming shortly.

So I got the info about it being kraken from the polo troll box. However I've seen nothing come across the news wires either. Guess we can lump this back into the mystery category.

I did not expect this, count me in as being curious.

Yea - I'm pretty thrown off here...Not sure whats going on.

I'm just going to save this Steemit as I know I can turn it into alot more. I like the fact that the inflation is very slim, and things are looking good in the markets..No need to spend it now...Its only time to SAVE STEEM!

I don't think OKCOIN would be the holder of this sort of amount. Reason why is because China is only trading about 5% of the total Ethereum trade volumes per day. Not sure 12% of all ETH would be cooped up in one exchange in China when ETH was rumoured for the longest time to have Poloniex as biggest ETH holder of all ( for 1 wallet that is ) - Way too much ETH was moved without any sort of notice. Exchanges I don't think would be dumb enough to be moving that sort of ETH hours before a hardfork...How would they explain that to their customers? See what I mean?

Master trader, it's Mrbates huehuehue lol let's get some of that .002 Eth mmk

Well the fork is not too far away, should happen tomorrow I think, but it looks like some crazy shit is about to go down. I'll be watching with a tub of popcorn but I'm glad I don't hold any eth at the moment.

I'm in for a few BTC, but I'm wondering myself. Doesn't look so good.

really, i have fear, i lost much money in the panic time :C, never i can recover me

Hopefully not another hack...almost 100 million dollars, that would be one hell of a security issue.

I can't believe it either. Something isn't right...Devs have been silent about this, this is even more suspect.

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