Top 10 best cryptocurrency to invest in for 2018

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


With more than 1700 cryptocurrencies on the market, it can be a bit of complicated decision when deciding which cryptocurrencies are the best ones to invest in. Gone are the days when it was only Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) dominating the market and it was quite obvious which cryptocurrencies were going give you a 300% Return On Invest (ROI) in the next month. Today, the cryptocurrency market has cryptocurrencies that are different in blockchain protocol, functional capabilities, price, circulating supply, use cases and business protocol, among a lot more factors to consider before investing your hard earned money.

To select the best cryptocurrency to invest in you will need a solid approach that eliminates coins or tokens from your list leaving the cryptocurrencies that are most likely to give you the highest gain in the time period that more suitable for your style on investment. Some people are long term investors and are looking to collect their gains in the next few years, some are trying to make a quick profit in the next month, and then there are the day traders, that are looking to enter and exit the market within a few hours. In my opinion, the great thing about the cryptocurrency market is it supports all of these investment personalities if your understand which one fits your character and goals best. So deciding how long can your wait for your gains would be the first step in deciding which cryptocurrency is better for you to invest in. However, in general, here are the cryptocurrencies that I personally feel are the best ones to invest in for 2018:


EOS is a great coin for long term investors to hold. This cryptocurrency is just 2 months old and has gained comparable popularity to Bitcoin and Ethereum that have been available to blockchain users for 9 years and 3 years, respectively. The main reasons that this coin is on my list are:

  • The EOS team is spearheaded by Dan Larimer, who is the mastermind behind the two successful blockchain communities Steemit (2 years old) and BitShares (5 years old).
  • EOS is a third generation cryptocurrency platform that has solve all the problems that have plagued the first and second generation cryptocurrencies, like slow transaction speed and scaling.
  • EOS has a new and unique blockchain governance approach that allow better consensus on new ideas and update.s This feature has also help to enhance the speed of transactions on the blockchain. The EOS platform is also designed to increase in speed with the number of users.
  • EOS has one of the fastest transaction speed of all the blockchain platform and cryptocurrencies, which makes it a more adaptable and user friendly blockchain.
  • This platform has the most funding of all the blockchain cryptocurrencies. EOS raise over $9 Billion US dollars in funding from their ICO. With proper funding, this blockchain has no limits to its promotional techniques and staff employment.
  • EOS is still worth under US $6 dollars, which make it a great buy for investors.
Datum (DAT)

Datum is one of my favourite coins in the cryptocurrency space. Datum is a decentralized storage network powered by the Data Access Token (DAT). The platform designed to store your data and monetize its users so that they can get the reward they deserve when their data is accessed and used. Facebook and Google are just two of the many platforms that collect and use the data of its users to enhance their marketing techniques, do their own research and feed their Artificial Intelligent networks. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as the rise in use of smart devices, data will be the new oil. We should ensure that we are properly storing and monetizing our data, and Datum will be there to seamlessly do that for us. Here are the reasons that I listed Datum as one of my top ten cryptos for 2018:

  • Data will be invaluable in the near future, which will increase its price overtime.
  • Storing data on the blockchain will make it more traceable than any of the centralized platforms like Facebook or Google. Proper traceability on platforms like Datum will ensure that users get paid accurately for the use of their data.
  • Everyone will definitely like the idea of getting paid for just regularly using their smart devices. This incentive will attract more users to the platform which will intern increase its popularity and value.
  • This idea is very forward thinking and this makes it a great investment choice for longterm crypto investors.
  • Datum is currently worth just $0.01 US, and when compared to the price history of other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, has the potential to hit a price way above $10 US in the next 2 years.
  • Datum is the first cryptocurrency to offer this use case. Being unique in the crypto space is big plus for investors.
Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is easily one of the top 3 most popular cryptocurrencies out there. It's the first cryptocurrency to introduce the idea of blockchain-as-a-platform rather than just the backbone of cryptocurrencies. The idea of Smart Contracts, the main feature that advanced all blockchain's functionally to do just about anything the mind can conceive, was also introduced and proven to be possible by the Ethereum blockchain. Here are some of the reasons that I would invest in this cryptocurrency:

  • Ethereum has more than 3 years of proof-of-concept and has survived various types of digital attacks.
  • Ethereum has the backing of over 400 well known companies including Microsoft, JP Morgan, Shell, Scotiabank, Toyota, Samsung, Oracles Network, Intel, Deloitte, Cisco, CME Group and New Alchemy.
  • This blockchain is currently valued at under US $350 and has the potential to surpass bitcoins all-time high of $19,783.06 US. One could consider the current Eth price to be a sale for investors.
  • Eth is listed on all the major trading platform including Coinbase, Poloniex, Bitfinex, Bittrex and Binance. This increases the buying potential and liquidity of the cryptocurrency making price increase more responsive and sustainable.
  • Ethereum and Eth as a brand is more popular worldwide in comparison to almost all other cryptocurrency, which helps the stabilize the cryptocurrency price and attract investors.
Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin is the first and still the undisputed cryptocurrency of all-times. With the highest cap (over $100 Billion US) and currently over 50% dominance of the cryptocurrency market, bitcoin is undoubtedly the leader in the crypto space. The numbers can attest to how much more popular this cryptocurrency is in comparison to all other cryptos or blockchain projects. While bitcoin does not have the most use cases, it is by far the most widely used and adapted cryptocurrency. But with bitcoin being the most expensive cryptocurrency in the space, why would I see bitcoin as a good investment vehicle? Here is why:

  • There are only 16 million Bitcoin in existence and its not possible to create anymore. Much like gold, silver and other rare commodities, bitcoin is designed to become more rare overtime, hence it has a limited supply. The number of bitcoins generated per block is set to decrease by 50% approximately every four years. The more rare bitcoin gets, the more valuable it will be and the more expensive it will be.
  • Bitcoin is the most listed crypto on trading and investment platforms. This makes bitcoin the most accessible cryptocurrency. It also help to stabilize the price of bitcoin.
  • Bitcoin's average trading volume per day is more than twice that of all other cryptocurrency investment options. High volumes makes the cryptocurrency price more responsive and stable.
  • Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency with its own trading futures. Bitcoin Futures makes bitcoin more accessible to mainstream multimillionaire investors.
  • This cryptocurrency has the highest all-time high of all the cryptocurrencies. All-time highs gives investors a more convincing view of the potential value of the cryptocurrency.
  • Bitcoin is already 9 years old and has never been hacked or fallen victim to any malicious digital attack.
Metaverse (ETP)

Everything is going digital and the blockchain is here to accelerate that process by providing a secure and trustless way of storing your valuables. While we are securing our valuables, why don't we just store our personal identity also? Metaverse is an open-source public blockchain that aims to provide digital assets and digital identities. This project will aim to digitize assets like gold, silver and other valuables. Here are some other reasons why I think Metavere is worth investing in:

  • This project is the first to attempt to digitized assets like gold and silver on the blockchain. Gold and silver are rare commodities that are traded globally today, if these assets can be stored on the blockchain, investor will definitely be interested in get a cut of the platform behind it.
  • With digital fingerprints, iris, face and full body scans being used today, It's not a secret anymore that our personal identities are becoming digital. The blockchain, however, would be a more secure way of storing and accessing these type of personal information. Personal identities on the blockchain can be easily seen as a near future happening, so any smart investor would see this as a steal.
  • Sitting currently at a price less that $3 US, and considering its use cases, Metaverse can be considered to be an undervalued cryptocurrency.
  • Metaverse is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies among the Chinese community. If the Metaverse team can garner the support of china's huge population, we could definitely see a rapid increase in the price of the token.
  • Founded by one of the Ethereum platform pioneers, Eric Gu, the team definitely has excellent and experienced leadership.
Cardano (ADA)

This blockchain is unique in the sense that it is the first blockchain platform to evolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach. This project promises to be more advanced than any other blockchain protocol. A lot of blockchain platforms are hoping to be the one to replace the internet as the new global network platform; however, only a few like Cardano, EOS and Ethereum are actually poised to do just that. Some more reasons to invest in Cardano project include:

  • Cardano could be the next internet network.
  • This project is one of a few blockchain that has a very unique and limitless design that's properly suited for mass scaling and processing huge amount of simultaneous transactions much similar to Visa. This feature could secure global adaptation.
  • Cardano is spearheaded by Charles Hoskinson, who is one of the most intelligent and brightest minds in the blockchain community. Hoskinson is one of the Ethereum platform pioneers and also one of the founders of the Ethereum Classic (ETC) platform.
  • All of Cardano's codes and theoretical functions undergo peer review and meticulous verification from some of the best programmers and professors in the cryptocurrency space. No other blockchain undergoes such rigorous testing before being diploid publicly, which gives the Cardano platform a bit more credibility, and also give investors a bit more peace-of-mind.
  • Cardano has a uniquely designed wallet that will be able to run decentralized applications on the blockchain. This added feature and functions will definitely catch the eyes of many cryptocurrency investors.
  • At the current price of $0.11, this platform is highly undervalued.

Neo is a non-profit community-driven blockchain project with a primary goal of creating a smart economy using blockchain technology. The platform:

"utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets and automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts."
The Neo community's formula for achieving their goal is: Digital Assets + Digital Identity = Smart Contract. Neo has the support of developers around the globe through developer communities like CoZ, NEL and NeoResearch.

I believe Neo is a good buy and here are some of my reasons:

  • Apart from Bitcoin and Ethereum, Neo is the most popular cryptocurrency coin in China. If Neo can successfully get the backing of the Chinese community, it will have enough daily trading volume and investment to become one of the top 5 ranking cryptocurrencies.
  • With digital fingerprints, iris, face and full body scans, It's not a secret anymore that our personal identities are becoming digital. The blockchain, however, would be a more secure way of storing and accessing these type of personal information. Personal identities on the blockchain can be easily seen as a near future happening, so any smart investor would see this as a steal.
  • Currently at a $18 US and an all time high of about $160 US, this cryptocurrency is a great buy.

Steemit is an online social platform that allows is users to secure share content. The blockchain protocol also has a built-in incentive token called Steem which is the cryptocurrency associated with the platform. It's important to note that there are two other cryptocurrencies associated with the platform - Steem Dollar and Steem Power. Though the future the cryptocurrency space is so unpredicatable, I wouldn't invest in any of these two cryptocurrencies as Steem Dollar was just created to peg its value to the US dollar as a reference point and Steem Power was originated to add a numeric value to a user's influence when upvoting other users content. In this case, the cryptocurrency that I would invest in is definitely steemit.

This platform is very similar to other social media platforms like Facebook and Youtube, in that it allow users to upload their content while other users can share their opinion on the content by upvoting or commenting on the content. However, one major difference between steemit and other traditional social platforms is the fact that you can get paid for just uploading your content. The platform is also much more secure, as it is build on a blockchain. Here are some other points that has made the steemit platform an investment choice for me:

  • Steemit is the very first social media platform on a blockchain. In today's society, people are so used to social media that these platforms have become an integral part of our lives, and steemit has just made it even more incentivize by paying its users. This will definitely attract more users and investors to the platform.
  • Steemit is over 2 years old with more than 1 million users, which earns it strong proof-of-concept record.

    Screenshot 2018-08-12 13.35.19.png

    source: wikipedia

  • Unlike most of the popular blockchains out there like bitcoin and ethereum, steemit has no problem scaling infinitely. This is great for mass adaptation.
  • Comparing the price of Steem to the price of other social media platforms like Facebook ($180 US) and Twitter ($32 US), it's clear to see that Steem is undervalued. Also, comparing Steem's price to the price of blockchain protocols like bitcoin ($6,261 US) makes it an even a bigger steal for an investor.
Binance Coin (BNB)

This platform is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows its user to store and trade their cryptocurrency against the US dollar as well as other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Eth. The trading platform was based in China initially but moved its servers and headquaters out of China to Japan just ahead of the ban on cryptocurrency trading in China, September 2017. Binance has now extended offices to Taiwan also. I would invest in this platform for the following reasons:

  • Binance is the largest crypto-exchange by trading volume, with a BNB market capitalization of $1.1 billion US. The popularity and high trading volume will only make the price of the coin more responsive and stable.
  • There are only a few cryptocurrency exchanges available, which makes Binance a leader in its use case area, with little competition. This will only help the price of the cryptocurrency to rise.
  • The value of cryptocurrency exchanges, in most cases, will not react to the high volatility of the market, as they will only make more profit when the users are emotionally hyped. This makes cryptocurrency exchanges one of the best investment areas in the space.
  • In comparison to other assets in the space like Bitcoin ($6,261 US) and Eth ($320 US), Binance's BNB coin ($12 US) is a great buy.
Ark (ARK)

Ark is a platform with a unique goal of bridging all the blockchain platforms, cryptocurrencies, developers and users together. According to the Ark teem:

"ARK provides users, developers, and startups with innovative blockchain technologies. We aim to create an entire ecosystem of linked chains and a virtual spiderweb of endless use-cases that make ARK highly flexible, adaptable, and scalable. ARK is a secure platform designed for mass adoption and will deliver the services that consumers want and developers need."
Screenshot 2018-08-12 10.48.35.png

Ark aims to use a unique custom bridging technology called SmartBridge to interconnect well known blockchains to make an ecosystem of blockchains. Ark made my top 10 cryptocurrency list because of these reasons also:

  • Ark could become the new World Wide Web (www). Achieving their goal of interconnecting all blockchains would produce a network very similar to the internet or www. That's not an investment opportunity that I would want to miss out on, especially at its early stage.
  • Ark is currently valued under $1 US, which makes it a huge steal for investors.
  • Ark has a unique technology - SmartBridge. In the blockchain community and other business investment market, having a unique feature or use case is always a plus for investors.
  • Interconnectivity may be the next step in growth of blockchains in general. This might be exactly what the space needs to take it to that fourth generation level and allow it the fully break mainstream. Ark seems to have the idea and the technology to get it done.
This article is not meant to be investment advice. We all should do our research before making any investment.

What are your top 10 best cryptocurrency for 2018? leave your comments below.

Thanks for reading! you can find more posts from me at

Steemit is not crypto, it is a social platform built on steem blockchain. Steemit is powered by steem which is crypto/coin.

Yes, that is true. I did specify that in the article too. Thanks for the correction :)

I will change the subtopic the Steem.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65733.39
ETH 3506.40
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51