Papusha - Rocket Technology

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

We never thought that advanced space technologies, ecology and Blockchain would unite in a project that would solve one of the most important tasks of all mankind? This combination is realized within the project " Papusha Rocket Technology "!

The conquest of space was one of the most anxious goals of the human mind throughout the century that we left behind. Significant progress was recorded in this area. But the development of space technology with it also caused some unpleasant consequences. One of them is a lot of toxic waste. 

Modern space technology belongs to all

Anatoly Ivanovich Papusha, one of the scientists of the Academy of Natural Sciences, who worked for more than 50 years in large companies, was faced with the problems of waste disposal in the years that developed the famous Buran program. To test the world's largest rocket engine, the largest combustion chamber , built so far: carbon monoxide afterburner. Thus, it was possible to achieve a multiple reduction in carbon monoxide emissions, ie, the value of 1000, usually equal to 1 kg / s!

Development is already recognized by the UN as an unusual invention. The main application of this unique technology, called PRT-1, is achieved through the recycling of oil waste for the production of liquid fuels (diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline).

PRT-2 is coming soon!

It is also about moving to a more efficient project: PRT-2. The new version of the installation will be fully ready for use and distribution within the next 7-8 months. Smaller sizes of PRT-2 blocks allow to reduce transaction costs up to 60%. For additional technical information, check the Papushi technical documentation .Anatoly Papusha

I believe that the decentralization and ICO of the project will quickly and qualitatively solve modern problems of ecology and energy. - Anatoly Papusha, 

For the worldwide distribution of this technology, the ICO market of Papusha Raketotekhnika, which unlike any other in the world, has been brought to the market. Using user support, we can reduce the amount of waste in the oil industry and solve one of the global problems of mankind! 

PRT project awards

  • The product was published in the materials of UNEP and NATO.
  • At the same time, the product was awarded the "Achievements in the development of environmental protection technologies for the benefit of all mankind" award at the Environmental Forum on Environmental Technologies for a Healthy World in Las Vegas in 1997.
  • Also Papuschi of the United Nations Missile Technology under the name of the author S urvey is currently available Non-burning technologies for the destruction of PCBA topics (First Edition, August 2000) listed.
  • In 2006, high technologies of the XXI century in Moscow occupied the highest award and a gold medal.
  • In 2017, the product received a special award in the International Environmental Award Eco World .

Save the environment and make money

The implementation of the MCO in the case of Papushi is the most transparent and honest way to ensure the financing and development of the project. Every inhabitant of our planet not only participates in a global environmental project, but also receives significant profits. The pioneering Papushi technology allows each person to earn money by helping the neighborhood in any developed country. To this end, the project team declares that it issues a PRT token, which will be announced additionally. They try to decentralize investments in the project to ensure the availability of technology around the world and that the developer is managed by Papusha and his team and that it does not belong to any state or investor.

Sounds good, how exactly does it work?

The team said that it has developed a transparent and effective plan for the worldwide promotion of Papusha Rocket Technology. Any country that is considering the problem of processing inefficient oil waste will be interested in the project. With the sale of each sold PRT-2 unit, 15% of the sales volume goes to the liquidity fund. The company intends to purchase this amount in the market of liquidity funds and transfer operations for incineration within the next 3 months (from the moment of sale). The profit of the economy is extremely simple:

  • Cost of inexpensive installation PRT-2: 450 000 US dollars
  • Starting price: 950 000 USD
  • Net profit of one PRT-2 unit: $ 500,000
  • Thus, over 6 years, 6,200 units of PRT-2 products were sold, which is just over 7% of the market needs. The team will spend $ 883 million to return tokens from the warehouse. This will lead to the fact that the price of PRT will increase to 3000 times!

Papusha Rocket Technology - ICO Details

Currently, the process of private sales continues. August 22, special pre-sale for early investors will end, and the main round of ICO will begin. You can take advantage of additional bonus features, already participating in the sales process . Crowdsale will last until October 22, 2018.

  • Total token emissions: 100,000,000 PRT
  • Hard cap: 13,500 ETH
  • During Crowdsale, the price of the marker was set to 1 ETH = 3500 PRT.
  • Minimum investment: 100 PRT only!

You can talk about a very investor-friendly ICO process. The adoption of such a global project has never been so easy. Anatoly Papush unites the leading Russian scientists and scientists in this space technology, chemistry, economics and ecology. In addition, dozens of experienced marketing and cadre experts are working hard to develop a successful project. 

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