DEALJOY - Earn Crypto by Shopping Online

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

At the moment, there are a lot of different cache services on the market, but they all represent cashback in fiat currency (rubles, dollars, euros, etc.), but no one provides cashbox in the crypto currency. And this is very interesting and promising. After all, the crypto currency is a promising and actively growing asset, which in the end can bring very good profits.       

Companies are always looking for it when launching any new product. In the era of online shopping, retailers and brands have several ways to attract customers. Offering them a wide range of options for buying their favorite products on various e-commerce platforms, brands have captured the imagination of consumers. Cashback is one of the most popular tools used by brands to save consumers. This is one of the growing marketing tricks on the e-commerce platform, and it has found a great market base for prosperity.     

The fact is that on most cashback services, which are now considered to be one of the most popular, the moment when you should receive a payment and the one when you can spend it, is greatly stretched in time. This can be understood if you put yourself in the place of service: you need time to manage the company's debt, and also to get a reward from the sellers themselves.      

Today on the review dealjoy. This is a platform that provides cash service for purchases on the Internet. 

Dealjoy is a decentralized blockbuster platform that connects online buyers with their sellers to provide instant crypto-cashback. So, before us is a platform that provides cash service for purchases on the Internet. But the main distinctive feature of Dealjoy is that this platform provides cashback in the crypto currency, which at the moment is a unique offer. In my opinion, the idea of ​​the project is very interesting and just necessary for the modern world.      

One of the main advantages of the program that the platform offers is that no one is obliged to wait for him to be paid cashback. You can get your reward right after you have purchased the goods and service. At what, you can not only spend your money in specialized stores, but also withdraw money to Fiat, dispose of them as convenient for you.      

This is the advantage of cashback programs from any other loyalty program, which provides bonuses. Thus, the user receives a non-complex unit, with liquidity close to zero, but a real asset that can grow in value. By the way, here are the advantages of directly crypto-currencies. 

But today, such a business model has accumulated problems that are becoming more evident with the existence of Blochane technology. What are these problems:

  • transfers between partner companies occur with the payment of bank commissions. This affects the size of the cashback for clients;
  • When you design a cashback, users are asked for confidential data. But not all clients want to provide them. Thus, some clients are cut off;
  • the organization of partner networks for today is a resource-intensive process. It takes time, money and overcoming bureaucratic moments;
  • the number of participants in the partner network is limited. As a rule, it includes those with whom it was possible to establish partnerships privately. The global infrastructure for these purposes is currently lacking;
  • organizations that use the function of cashback in their arsenal often face claims and suspicions that they use payment data from their clients for unethical enrichment;
  • Sometimes there is a lot of time between making a purchase and getting a cashback. Sometimes up to three months. This is due to the technical complexity of this process. Customers complain about this and their loyalty to the organizations in which they made a purchase falls.

In general, the interest of consumers to cashbacks remains at a high level. As a rule, until the first bitter experience. This situation can be changed for the better with the help of Blokchan. 

DEALJOY is here with a single solution for the tasks of the cashback industry. The application offered by the team is available on the Android and iOS platforms. Involving hundreds of vendors on the platform and providing them with powerful blockchain technology are revolutionizing the cashback industry. Consumers can choose from a long list of sellers and find the best deals. Purchases on the platform will be simple, and earnings will be much easier. The digital wallet on the platform can be used to obtain tokens obtained when shopping.      

The comparison algorithm on the platform helps the consumer to find the best offers that correspond to their preferences and behavior. For participants on the platform, various special services are offered, such as instant money transactions and special deals. By combining blockchain technology and artificial intelligence on a single platform, they have succeeded in creating a platform for the future cashback industry. The platform earns through commission from affiliate programs.      

Dealjoy takes a commission from the sellers, which is going to buy tokens. Thus, the rate of the token increases, and with it the customer loyalty increases, and the involvement of all the process participants in the token.  

Dealjoy Plus

     Dealjoy Plus is an exciting way to attract users and provide them with significant benefits. Premium participation has three main advantages:

  • Instant return of funds;
  • The fastest calculations for all orders;
  • Access to premium DealFeed transactions.

     Participants in Dealjoy Plus are provided with the highest rates of cash refund for all purchases, which leads to an increase in savings and higher payments compared to ordinary members. Since the purchase of the Dealjoy Plus membership requires only tokens and, as such, is essentially free, it is an exciting opportunity for high-ranking Internet buyers or simply for those who want to get the most out of the platform. Instant money for participants of Dealjoy Plus becomes possible due to the user's rates with the inscription DEAL. 

Dealjoy opens a new page for the development of the idea of ​​cashback - a private cashback. Now, customers will not be bothered to get some of their money from purchases back. Now the cashback will not be lost and forgotten. The project site has a calculator with which you can calculate the amount of cashback depending on the amount of purchases and the amount of potential passive earnings per year on DEAL tokens. 

The project team


  • Name of the token: DEAL
  • Emission: 1.400.000.000 DEAL
  • Type of the token: ERC20
  • Cost: 1 ETH = 40.000 DEAL
  • Tokens for sale: 980.000.999 DEAL (70%)
  • Soft Cap: $ 1.700.000.00
  • Hard Cap: $ 8.400.000.00

 The distribution of tokens and tools is as follows: 


This project can be called interesting. More and more people use cashback services. With the use of new blockchain technology in this area, it will help improve this service. Crypto currency will increasingly be used by people in the future.  

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