My personal experience with Publish0x. Details about this crypto powered publishing platform

In the video I chat about my personal experience at Publish0x platform. I also address the main factors that I think will drive this platform to stand out among its competitors including Steemit.

I am amazed I did not stumbled upon Publish0x platform before its Beta launch in October 2018. Developed by the same team behind "Bitcoin Aliens". Let's just say they know what they are doing and so far all the projects they worked on have succeeded. So I joined in and decided to try it out before the full version comes to life. I like to try new things as many of you know but this platform has some quirks that makes it impossible to not draw you in.

TIPS! It is all about the FREE tips.
To join the platform use my referral link:


Once I joined the platform I discovered that I not only got rewarded tips as an author for producing good content but also a reader for enjoying topics and authors I like. Each member receives the same tip allocation and I can even choose how much to reward the writer and how much to reward myself for reading each piece.

Below are few details about Publish0x that I think is important to know when deciding to join in.

  1. The name of the platform is pronounced Publish, the 0x is silent. Thank you Publish for letting me know that the welcome article.
  2. There is no need to purchase nor deposit crypto to start. It is FREE to start and FREE to tip at least for now in the Beta phase. Personally I am not sure if a subscription will be needed in the future like on Steem it. I will wait and see but glad I am all signed up already.
  3. Content has quality. Not everyone can write. To become an author one must apply and have the application approved. Only selected authors are approved.
  4. When tipping both authors and readers can earn. The percentage is stipulated by the reader
  5. At the moment of this publication Platform is on its Beta phase and using two crypto currencies BNYT and HYDRO. Other crypto currencies will be added in stages.
  6. Publish0x is crypto agnostic and does not have its own token.
  7. Publish0x offers an ambassador program that pays 5% of tips earned by the audience that comes in from the direct link
  8. Tips are free for both authors and readers and they come from Publish0x reward pool
    In my opinion Publish is a similar concept to Steem-it but with few major diferences I enjoy.

To get start earning and giving free tips Sign up to the Publish0x platform join using my referral link:

And do not forget to upvote this article.

I truly appreciate your TIP.

Thank you!

By: MamãeCrypto
article re-publish from blog
Youtube - MamaeCrypto

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