Crypto-thoughts 3 – BitConnect

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Recently I see a growing number of people promoting Bitconnect. What is this Bitconnect thing?

This article is my personal opinion based on facts collected from the website. There may be much more to it than I am aware of rendering my conclusions wrong.

Bitconnect lending
I am looking at the Bitconnect lending program. It works as follows:

  • you deposit Bitcoin (a minimum of 100 USD worth applies)
  • at the Bitconnect trading platform you exchange your BTC for Bitconnect coins (BCC)
  • you lend/invest your BCC
    What happens next is:
  • depending on how much you invested, your BCC is locked (you can no longer access it) for a certain amount of time ($100-$1,000: 299 days, up to $10,010-$100,000: 120 days)
  • during this time you will receive part of the profits of a trading bot (which will vary day to day) plus if you invested more than $1,010 a certain fixed percentage depending on how much you invested between 0.1% - 0.25%

Pretty good!
If you, for example, invested $1,010 your money will be locked for 239 days, during which you will receive daily payments of $1.01 (guaranteed) plus whatever the trading bot makes. You will have 3 wallets; a BTC wallet that you use for deposits and withdrawals, a BCC wallet that you use in the Bitconnect system and a USD wallet in which you receive your daily payments. The USD wallet can only be used to buy BCC which you can reinvest or trade for BTC.
If we look at the calculator provided on the site and use the 7 days average result (0.37%) we would get $3.737 (variable) + $1.01 (fixed) every day for at least 239 days. That gives us a total of $1,134.53 after 239 days and at that time we can also take our initial investment out. So if the BCC price does not change we would get $2,144.53. That is pretty darn good!
But that’s not all!

Referral program
If you refer someone to this system you will receive 7% of the money that this person invests. But if this person refers new people to this system you will receive 3% of that persons investments.
You will get 1% of level 3 and 4 referals, 0.5% for level 5 and the list goes on as you can see here.

At this point questions start rising
Now wait the minute. By now, everyone who gets referred is a level 10+ referred person. So if you invest $1,010, $70 will go to the one who referred you, $30 will go to the one who referred him/her, $10 will go to the one who referred him/her, etc. etc. at least $133.12 will go to the referral program, leaving your bot with only $876.88 to work with. You will also get a guaranteed $241.39. So in the (unlikely?) event that the bot can not generate any money, the working capital goes down to $635.49. Yet you will get your money back after 239 days, in BCC! Meaning that in this case the BCC price must drop by 37.1%, so the actual value that you get back is $635.49 (returned investment) + $241.39 (daily payments) = $876.88 (your investment minus referral fees)

But the bot will always make money
There is NO way that ANY investment strategy will always end in profit and never sustain losses. Yet this is what we are led to believe; the worst that could happen is that the bot does not make money, in all other events the bot will make money. In other words the bot can not lose!
That is impossible. Every trade has an entry- and an exit point and there is absolutely no way to tell in advance what will happen between those points. Your strategy can be based on a rise, in which case you will lose if the price goes down. Your strategy can be based on a rise or fall, in which case you will lose in case the price does not change (enough). There simply is NO strategy that will always result in profit. If there was there would be many more filthy rich people around.

But new money is added daily
New people get in every day, adding fresh money to the pot (or bot?). This money can be used to pay out others…. And this is what a Ponzi scheme is all about. The very high rewards in the referral program definitely pull my thoughts in this direction.

My most positive conclusion would be that the site is misleading in presenting a too positive outlook on its investments, as is illustrated by this comment
Let me leave it here.
Please do your own research and draw your own conclusions.!


I know this is an old subject, but here is my opinion on the Bitconnect Scam Debate.
I'm curious if you changed your mind even for a little bit, now ... after 3 months from writing your post?

No, my friend, that is like asking "it has been 3 months now, do you still believe the grass is green?"
The fact that this is a scam is so obvious, there is not a chance in the world that it is legit. However, as long as people flow into it, it can be profitable both to those who set it up and the early birds. But there will come a time when people who really believed BCC made them rich will suddenly realize that they are a lot poorer now.

Definitely Ponzi! Don't waste your money.

If anyone is looking to start this is real easy to set up guys, Bitconnect has been paying me about 1% every day, DAILY!! Here is a link and my referral.

Best advice I can give is start small and learn what your doing. If you lose $100 you wont be as bad off. But when you get comfortable you can start doing bigger amounts and get into better money. $25,000 should earn you a around $80,000 a year :)

Thank you for the added information.

If it sounds too good to be true...

... it usually is. ;)

This video shows a good investigation on Bitconnect

Ryan did some more research. Look at the more recent videos on his channel. There are several others (I won't put their names here) who proudly show off their referral profits every day, apparently unaware of (or not caring about) the fact that they took this money from the people they refer to this program. Once Ryan realized how this worked he immediately started warning others. That sets him apart from the others! :)

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