Cara Menggandakan Uang Dengan Doge Koin | How to Multiply Money with a Doge Coin [Bilingual]

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Dogecoin pada laman Coin Market Cap

Pada postingan kali ini saya ingin membagikan tips & triks cara menggandakan uang menggunakan Doge koin. Doge Koin merupakan salah satu dari ribuan cryptocurrency yang beredar di dunia maya. Koin tersebut awalnya di ciptakan lucu-lucuan atau lelucon, koin tersebut secara resmi diluncurkan pada 8 Desember 2013 silam.

In this post I want to share tips & tricks on how to double your money using a coin Doge. Doge Coins are one of thousands of cryptocurrency circulating in cyberspace. The coin was originally created funny or a joke, the coin was officially launched on December 8, 2013 ago.

Harga Dogecoin

Awalnya jaringan Doge Koin hanya di hasilkan 100 milyar saja, namun kemudian diumumkan bahwa total supply nya menjadi tidak terbatas.Hal ini juga yang membuat harga Doge koin menjadi sangat murah dan terjangkau hanya 53 satoshi atau setara 32 rupiah/ koin pertanggal 28/11/18. Walaupun harganya tidak mahal tapi koin ini sering di pakai oleh para trader untuk menggandakan uang mereka.

Initially the Doge Coin network was only produced 100 billion, but it was later announced that the total supply was unlimited. This also made the price of Doge coins very cheap and affordable, only 53 satoshi or 32 rupiah per coin dated 28-28/18 . Although the price is not expensive, these coins are often used by traders to double their money.

Walaupun harganya murah akan tetapi fluktuatifnya sangat besar, jika benar langkah maka profit juga akan besar, namun jika salah langkah maka kerugian atau nyangkut pun cukup besar. Layaknya pepatah yang mengatakan 'Semakin besar keuntungan maka semakin besar pula resiko nya'.

Although the price is cheap but the fluctuations are very large, if the steps are correct then the profit will also be large, but if the misstep then the loss or transportation is quite large. As the saying goes, 'The greater the profit, the greater the risk'.

Lalu, bagaimana sih cara menggandakan Dogecoin. Caranya cukup mudah, berikut ini ulasan tips dan triks lengkapnya:

  • Pastikan anda telah memiliki wallet, saya sendiri memakai Wallet INDODAX anda bisa daftar DI SINI atau jika anda ingin menggunakan wallet lain, anda bisa melihat market mana yang terdapat Doge koin DI SINI.

  • Setelah memiliki wallet, anda bisa memilih untuk langsung melakukan transaksi, pada postingan ini saya tidak akan membahas bagaimana cara melakukan transaksi pembelian maupun penjualan. Pastikan anda membeli saat harga sedang turun, contohnya sekarang harga 53 satoshi atau 32 rupiah. Jika nanti Doge koin tembus di kisaran harga 106 satoshi atau 64 anda sudah mendapatkan profit 100%. Harga Doge coin sendiri pernah mencapai harga 190 satoshi.

  • Jangan serakah, itu yang terpenting. Profit tidak selalu harus 100%, jika anda bermain longterm atau jangka panjang anda boleh memasang harga lebih tinggi dari pasaran namun itu akan menjadi 'order pending' sampai menyentuh harga sesuai keinginan anda. Saran saya, jika anda investasi di Doge koin anda cukup ping-pong atau ambil sedikit profit. Misalnya, per koin anda sudah mendapat profit 5 satoshi nah tinggal anda kalikan saja dengan total koin anda, lalu anda kalikan dengan harga bitcoin sekarang jika anda membeli Doge/BTC jika anda membeli di Doge/IDR maka akan otomatis di convert ke rupiah.

  • Pastikan anda tidak langsung membeli koin pada satu harga. Anda buat manajemen keuangan, misalnya anda berniat akan membeli 100.000 Doge di harga 53 satoshi, kemudian ketika turun anda bisa membeli kembali tentunya dengan harga yang makin murah, anda beli terus sesuai budget yang anda ingin investasikan ketik koin tersebut turun. sampai batas maksimal budget anda habis. Contohnya anda beli di harga 53, kemudian dengan jumlah koin yang sama di harga 52,51,50,49. Setelah itu anda hanya tinggal menunggu profit jika anda rasa cukup. Ingat! tidak perlu serakah!. Setelah anda membeli semua maka anda cukup rata-ratakan untuk meminimalisir kerugian. Jika anda membeli 5 harga seperti di atas maka anda jumlahkan semua N=53+52+51+50+49=255:5=51, jadi ketika anda menjual semua koin di harga 51 modal anda sudah kembali tanpa harus menjuaal di harga 53.

  • Pastikan anda membeli sesudah melalukan analisa harga pasar, jangan sembarang membeli jika anda tidak ingin menanggung kerugian.

Then, how do you double Dogecoin. The method is quite easy, here is a review of the tips and complete tricks:

  • Make sure you already have a wallet, I myself use the INDODAX Wallet you can register HERE or if you want to use another wallet, you can see which market there is a Doge coins HERE.
  • After having a wallet, you can choose to make a transaction immediately, in this post I will not discuss how to make a purchase or sale transaction. Make sure you buy when prices are down, for example now the price is 53 satoshi or 32 rupiah. If later the coin Doge breaks in the price range of 106 satoshi or 64 you have got 100% profit. The price of the Doge coin alone reached 190 satoshi.
  • Don't be greedy, that's the most important thing. Profit does not always have to be 100%, if you play longterm or long term you may place a higher price than the market but it will become a 'pending order' until it touches the price as you wish. My advice, if you invest in Doge your coins are ping-pong enough or take a little profit. For example, per coin you have got 5 satoshi profits, then you just multiply it by your total coins, then you multiply it by the bitcoin price now if you buy a Doge / BTC if you buy at Doge / IDR it will automatically convert to rupiah.
  • Make sure you don't directly buy coins at one price. You are making financial management, for example, you intend to buy 100,000 Doge at a price of 53 satoshi, then when you go down you can buy it back, of course, with a cheaper price, you keep buying according to the budget you want to invest, type the coins down. up to your maximum budget limit. For example, you buy at a price of 53, then with the same number of coins at the price of 52.51,50.49. After that you only have to wait for profit if you feel enough. Remember! no need to be greedy! After you buy everything, you are just average to minimize losses. If you buy 5 prices as above, then you add all N = 53 + 52 + 51 + 50 + 49 = 255: 5 = 51, so when you sell all the coins at the price of 51 your capital has returned without having to sell at a price of 53.
  • Make sure you buy after passing a market price analysis, don't buy anything if you don't want to bear losses.

Oke, saya rasa cukup sekian postingan saya kali ini, semoga bermanfaat dan menambah keuntungan anda. Salam Profit!

Okay, I think it's enough for my post this time, hopefully it will be useful and increase your profits. Greetings Profit!



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