REVEALED: The Political Leanings of Cryptocurrency Investors

The guys at Coindesk recently revealed the results of a survey they conducted which aimed to identify the political leanings of cryptocurrency investors.

In this video, we discuss the findings of that survey.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

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I’ve been thinking a lot about left and right-wing politics, due to the extremely polarized nature of the current American/Western political landscape. Naturally, I started thinking about left and right-wing ideologies in the cryptocurrency space, and how increasingly relevant these ideologies have become in this space. In the early days of Bitcoin, arguments revolved purely around the technology and efficient solutions to tractable engineering problems

This was an extremely important video in terms of standing the political demographic distribution of our crowd here. We are just observing this and reading this data but the bigger enterprises are actually using this all to succeed in the markets. It really would be a wise decision for all of us to get a better understanding of this.

One thing that struck me as a little odd was the low number of Anarcho-Capatalist folks. I am actually inclined to think that there are more of them here but a lot of them are in the 'closet' so to speak.

It is interesting to note the similarities between BTC - LTC and ETH - EOS. Not very surprising though. For me the best thing to notice was DASH. The simple thing is that I was actually expecting privacy centirc coins like Dash and Monero to be divided equally between L and R. The leaning of the data towards the Right is not as surprising as the fact that it actually leans so heavily towards the the Right.

I guess the lines between groups are not as clearly defines as they used to be.

I’m kind of in between conservative and libertarian, which based on the graph, could be the reason for me to be diversified. I believe in Bitcoin as well as I believe in ethereum. At the end no matter what political party you are leaning to, you may not have a choice. Cryptocurency is the certain future. Interesting statistics to see. There is still too little involvement. I wonder how these statistics would look like when crypto goes mainstream.

I wonder how they come up with these numbers. I think majority people who invest in bitcoin or ETH don’t know the difference between those two. I’m leaning more less to be conservative and I’m invested in ETH. I think it would be much easier to find out which party leans toward investing in gold. I would expect conservatives would have the majority.

I am also surprised but pleasantly as it shows the interest in cryptocurrencies no matter preference although some are more weighted towards certain assets. As usual, there will be some built towards preferences and that is good as no group would be left out and adoption would not become stagnant nor very politicized.

Although Cryptocurrency adoption and utility has been growing at a slow pace, the rate at which it has been growing is quite steady. This trend is definitely a positive sign for the future. Its widespread use as a form of currency seems like a reality.
Nice and valuable video. Thanks for you helping.
Half of people leave their crypto on an exchange... great

This is more demographical than political.

I support

I wonder what the political leanings are of those who have lost cryptocurrency.

@louisthomas am a bit surprised Libertarians don't have a major presence like I imagined. Or maybe the classifications are not entirely accurate?

Today cryptocurrencies (Buy Crypto) have become a global phenomenon known to most people. While still somehow geeky and not understood by most people, banks, governments and many companies are aware of its importance.

Another good video from Louis! You guys have the most charming accents! LOL I'm sure women love it.

Anyway, I agree with Marc on everything he said. Thanks!

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