[dtube] Cryptocurrencies, Government and Tax Collection. Let's Talk.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Over the past few days, the headlines have been dominated by the Paradise papers fiasco. An example of the super rich using the resources available to them in order to avoid paying very large amounts of taxes.

With the advent of cryptocurrencies, especially privacy coins like Monero and Dash, the "little guy" will soon be able to avoid paying taxes as well.

This might have a significant impact on the Government's ability to collect tax revenue. What shall we do about this? Is this a good thing? Do we need to modify our tax laws? Let's have this conversation.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

***I am in the process of adding many of my videos from YouTube on to DTube. Apologies for any posts that you've already seen before!

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The Paradise Papers revelations were a disgrace. If there's anyway you can avoid paying taxes then do it. Everybody else is. The establishment set a fine example for us to follow.

taxation is theft

Taxes might be a pain in the ass but i think that it is inevitable if we want crypto to move forward. Not that i like this scenario but i think this is a way to take governments and all those who fight cryptos with our side...

For us to be on the safe side, tax laws have to be modified because as crypto is going more mainstream, its drawing attention to investors, and if people find an alternative way to transact without tax, then they might as well join the crowd, which will incite the government to begin taking untowards action

Wooo, I didn't know the Queen had been involved in the Paradise papers!

I've always been criticised for my tendency to speak in anarchic terms, and I don't even defend anarchy rationally. But I prefer decentralization, it's just the way I see the world, I want to be free. I prefer de-regulation and being able to be anonymous and untraceable.

But I know that most people just want some regulation from the government since they're supposed to be our paid organisers.

My problem with giving power to the governments is, in the end, a bit biased against the Venezuelan government that I think tend to over-regulate everything and try to have knowledge about everyone's lives. In the end, they misuse that knowledge. And even though governments like in UK can be good, I think that if you give them power, they will have the ability to be bad, and I'm eternally scared of that.

It is necessary to create some regulations so that the government can collect taxes and do their work, making laws about this will be a bit complicated.

In the world of cryptocurrencies there are many anarchists who oppose this, but in reality I can not imagine a world which the state has part of the monetary control.

You are right, no matter how free we want, we'll always need some level of public state sponsored services and we can't get that without tax.

</3 You would see me hanged by Big Bro, a broken neck for criminal thoughts.

Estude sobre libertarianismo ou anarcocapitalismo, isso pode te dar um outro ponto de vista sobre os males da regulação estatal, principalmente no controle monetário, os governos em geral adoram ''criar dinheiro do nada'', com as criptos isso não é possivel

Te escribo en español, creo que podrás entender un poco. Considero que soy de ideología liberal, me gustan los planteamientos de Locke, Smith, etc. Si el Gobierno no tiene control monetario practicamente se anula el pacto social, aunque la regulación excesiva es desastrosa, no podemos desprendernos de todas las instituciones, reniaría el caos. El anarcocapitalismo o el anarquismo son utopias, son opuestos a la naturaleza humana. Es mi opinión

olá @alejandromata
entendi perfeitamente seu comentário, respeito sua opinião, mas descordo amigavelmente,
não acredito que devemos ter um governo para que se tenha ordem, acredito que nós como indivíduos devemos ter total autonomia sobre nossas vidas...
O ''governo'' ou ''estado'' será descartado naturalmente com o tempo, criptomoedas são um grande passo para isso, com o tempo a tecnologia blockchain vai dominar diversos setores, tornando os serviços estatais obsoletos... vai chegar a um ponto que o governo não conseguirá se manter, e também não conseguirá roubar dinheiro das pessoas por meio de impostos
o governo vai ruir, a soberania individual e a liberdade vão vencer, é só questão de tempo
@bitnation é o futuro

I should read some Ayn Rand book

O estatismo é um sistema de violência institucionalizada e de guerra civil perpétua. Não resta ao homem nenhuma alternativa senão a luta pelo poder — roubar ou ser roubado, matar ou ser morto. Quando a força bruta é o único critério de conduta social, e a rendição à destruição é a única alternativa, até mesmo o último dos homens, até mesmo um animal, irá lutar. Não pode haver paz em uma nação escravizada.
Ayn Rand <3
uma grande mulher

Government inability to collect tax isn't a good thing. In fact that's one of the major reasons why most government are clamping down on cryptos. No matter how free we wanna be, we'll still need some public amenities.

taxes in crypto is such a bother.

in my country, they tax crypto as income so we are paying almost 50% when we cash out.

in other countries, you need to pay tax every time you trade bitcoin for ether and ether for let's say COSS.

until the rules are more streamlined I don't see a lot of people paying the right amount in tax.

I certainly believe that regulations are necessary in order to induce mass adoption and take the cryptosphere to the next level. It's necessary evil.

A huge tax reform is overdue, the structures of power need to change in order to accommodate for the new world order where crypto currencies are on top and fiat is deemed worthless thanks to the drop of the gold standard

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