TRON Is About To Skyrocket?!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


I personally hold a metric butt ton of Tron currently and sincerely hope it does but I am not an expert and definitely not a financial anything.
I would love to start are a conversation with any and everyone that would like to discuss TRX.

There are a handful of creditable reasons I think it will rebound quicker then most other alts once BTC turns around and starts its climb back up.

Founder and CEO Justin Son being able to pump the hype to incredible heights with a single tweet is one. I think that has lost some of its power over the last month. Pulling down tweets about partnerships didn't help in my opinion bu the fact still remains that when Mr. Sun speaks, a lot of people listen. For example, his account @justinsun on Twitter has more followers than Tron's own Twitter account by almost 130K. In fact he has about 60K more followers than Cardano (ADA), IOTA and EOS combined!
Which other then all being in or right at the Top 10 of coin market cap right now have little else in common but it does speak to the overwhelming size of his reach.

The fact the the utility of this digital currency is going to change the lives of a lot of people is a point that must be made for the long term value. Helping to allow content creators to be paid on a peer to peer basis utilizing the Blockchain and decentralize web access.


Much like a criminal returning to the scene of the crime, the whales that pumped TRX to nearly .30 cents depending which exchange you look to for the ATH will surely return looking for huge gains. With the amount of monies coming from the Asian markets, an argument could be made that when that influx of capital returns from Chinese New Year coupled with the vested interest the region has for Tron, the market cap. for this token could see massive gains sometime shortly after February 16th. When the huge celebration concludes and the record breaking migration return to daily life begins for our fellow Crypto Compadres to the east.

The confirmed as well as the rumored partnerships have proven to drive the demand since the beginning of this project. Alibaba, UPLive and Gifto to name a few. Not to mention the rather speculative collaborations that seem to fly around harder than a middle aged woman's hair at a Motley Crew cover band show after a few glasses of "let loose juice."

tron deleted tweet.JPG

These are but a few reasons that I see Tron swinging up hard towards the highs we saw in the not so distant past but I would love to hear other thoughts on this subject.

Let's start a conversation in the comments. As I said, I have a truckload of TRX that I bought at around .04 so I know that I am completely bias. Tell me if you think I should pull out as soon as possible or will I be able to ride this space bound rocket ship to the stars?

Are you currently holding Tron?

How much and what is was the price when you entered?

Till the next time, see you in the comments.


I have been holding for some time and hoping it can turn around real soon

How down are you on your position if you don't mind me asking? I was "lucky" buying in at .04 cents.

I was able to get in at 110sat or $0.018425

Good on ya! So you're 2X on your investment. And I thought 500sat was as far as it would ever correct. So you are def ready to see the double digits again then with those gains. You long term holding or taking profits on the way up?

I’m going to hold it’s one of my smaller stacks. Picked it up December 14th cheap

ive been in and out. once I see some positive signals that its turning up I will buy back in. I think everyone else will too, sending the price to the moon

I went in at .04 thinking it was the bottom when a lot speculated .10 was as low as it would go. It is currently below 4 cents by a couple tenths. I'm trying to decide if/when it swings, how much and at what price I'm going to start pulling out profit. It was supposed to be this long of a hold. It was more of a day trade for me. I got stuck. Ha

i hate that. depending on how much i have invested, i take the loss and move on. Id rather be making some gains trading another coin than to be stuck waiting on one to move.

hey loose-change, yep I have some TRX but unlike yourself its more like the amount that would be weighed on a small time drug dealers scales rather than a a drive on weigh bridge. I have really mixed feelings about Tron, I like Justins track record and the team the he "appears" to have is pretty good. I like where it could end up but I don't really see a clear road map (other than developing loads of partnerships) to get there. I think that generally one of the main things that it has potentially going for it is in the area of gaming, I am not a gamer myself but you would need to be blind not to recognise that it is an area with enormous opportunity. I agree that Justin does have a great amount of marketing nouse but I think that they really need to deliver something more tangible (and I certainly hope that they do). I also agree that it is quite possible that the whales who may have had a helping hand in driving the price up previously could well come back as they are migratory creatures of habit. On the negative side there are just so many bloody tokens. I would love to hear other peoples thoughts, thanks for opening up the conversation, but gotta go for now as I am trying to pick me up some cheap MedicalChain. Cheers J

Completely agree with ya on the more tangible statement. At this point anything small would more then likely cause a flood back to it. I think they were trying to drive the price up with the now deleted tweet about the partnership with Spacety and then rethought that move due to many factors like knowing it would help performance if they announced closer to the end of the Chinese New Year. Or, maybe it was complete bs. Time will tell.

Indeed time will tell. I will keep on popping back to see if anyone else has chimed in and if I hear anything I will give you a yell. Till then take care and thanks again J

Awesome! Sounds good Jeff.

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