Day 5: Journal of a Crypto newbie

Quiet day today.... Binance has been of course the big story - being that it's been down all day. Since I work in an IT related field, this outage is astounding to me. If we pulled our service down for a 24 hour period, for any reason, I would be looking for a new job - and our customers aren't nearly as tied to 24-7 uptime as we are in this space. On the positive side, they have been very communicative. But, I would be absolutely lying if I didn't say this event has me worried. Not so muc from a fraud stand-point, but more from a talent stand-point. I am now invested in the idea that these guys are IT network geniuses... and they can't get their product up and running within a reasonable amount of time. Very odd.

At any rate, I'll be interested to see what happens once the market opens back up in about 30 minutes. My guess is that we should see a dip - but, to be honest, not sure why anyone would pull out now. If the site gets stood back up and you can withdraw funds, it means they fixed the site. So why would you exit now? But then again, there isn't much in the way of logic here, I've noticed.

Other than patiently waiting for Binance to re-open... just sitting and waiting...

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60782.57
ETH 2381.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64