
you can verify that for yourself, all the info is transparent, the first payout is Friday night, you will see it all on the blockchain, and you can use your calculator to verify it's all correct. I ran the Pot of gold for 3 months in 2016, and had to stop because it got too big. Someone could write a smart contract to pull all the data from the blockchain to verify

@kyle.anderson, why you always so negative. do you actually know how the bitcoin blockchain works? actaully don't answer just go read about it. (A bitcoin block chain is a transaction database shared by all nodes participating in a system based on the Bitcoin protocol. A full copy of a currency's block chain contains every transaction ever executed in the currency. With this information, one can find out how much value belonged to each address at any point in history.)

I understand very nuances of how bitcoin works. I am "negative" because in this pot of gold setup you are entrusting whomever owns the keys to the pot to payout in the way that they said they would. That is not the game theoretic position anyone should be scammed into getting themselves into. Now a secure and vetted Ethereum contract could accomplish this in a way that is safe.

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