Tradershub – Your Ultimate Gateway into the Crypto World

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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A currency is defined as a system of money generally accepted in a particular country. People are exchanging objects or services with a currency—a money. The form of money is paper or coins. However, there is another currency that is predicted to take over the world. That currency is crypto currency. The word “crypto” is short for cryptography which is a series of codes used to protect secret information. So, crypto currency is a system of money which is protected by encryption techniques. Moreover, it is digital. Therefore, in a complete sentence, crypto currency can be understood as a digital currency protected by a series of codes, so only a few people can track its record.

After knowing what a crypto currency is, you may want to know some basic concepts of it. There are at least 3 basic concepts that you need to understand: Public Ledgers, Transactions and Mining. First of all, Public Ledgers is also called as “transaction block chain”. The termcomes from its basic function which is to document or to store all confirmed transaction. What is kept is merely the transaction, while information regarding the sender (coin owners) is legitimately checked using other cryptographic techniques.

Second, there is this term called “transaction”. It is easy to understand since the word “transaction” refers to the process of transferring funds between two digital wallets. When you are transferring the coins, it will be submitted to a public ledger and wait for decision—confirmed or not confirmed. Then, the third one is “Mining” which can be understood as the process of saying yes (confirming) to the transactions and adding them to the public ledger. Once the transaction is confirmed, the miner can add them as blocks to the ledger. This process will add a small transaction fee to miner’s wallet.

How Does Crypto Currency Work?

The process of crypto currency transaction can be explained in a simple description. Like a real life transaction, one person gives the money to another person and then the money goes to the last person’s wallet. That is pretty much the overall transaction. However, in crypto currency, the transactions are sent between peers using crypto currency wallets. Those who can access these wallets are those who have matched public codes. Then, successful transactions which are recorded in public ledgers are called “blocks” until it makes a chain. That is why the technology behind it is named “block chain”.

How Does Block Chain Work?

A block chain or a chain of blocks is made when transactions are made. When a transaction occurred, it is sent to all users using “full node”. Users have to crack a cryptographic puzzle in order to add a block to their chain in the Ledger. If a user successfully cracks the code before anyone else, he/she will receive a reward. Only when a lot of users solve the puzzle correctly the transaction is considered as correct. From the explanation above, you can see that this is how block chain technology works.

Tredershub As The Best Solution to Boost Your Bitcoin Transactions

At this point, you are interested to join the crypto currency society. Tradershub, as a social trading platform, will allow you to participate in the crypto economy. However, the crypto economy is a virtual world where you make deals with total strangers. So, can you really trust them? To tackle the issues of safety, complexity and lack of transparency, Tradershub provides the best trading solutions to protect you inside the system. This is driven by Tradershub’s mission to make crypto economy accessible for anyone. That is why Tradershub decided to move forward, obtaining these general objectives:

  • Creating a strong trading platform by adapting the traditional techniques of trading used by professional, then applying those techniques in crypto economy
  • Utilizing blockchain technology in trading crypto currency
  • Being the most cost-effective platform with easy-to-use menu, so professional and newcomers in the business can easily understand how to operate it
  • Increasing two of the most important elements in crypto currency trading: mass adoption and trustworthiness
  • Establishing a market where traders can focus solely on social trading and content creation

Through the objectives above, Tradershubis establishing a trustworthy environment where traders feel safe in trading. Not only that, with its easy to use interface, Tradershub won’t be difficult for traders—professional or newcomer—to operate.

Tradershub’s Pillars of Sustainability

The objectives mentioned above were created based on 3 pillars of sustainability in Those pillars are Unified Marketplace, Social and Community and The Tradershub Token.

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Here are simple elaborations of the pillars:

  • Unified Marketplace
    In crypto market, multiple crypto currency exchanges are happening. To manage the transactions, Tradershub provides a system which function is to manage key trading process operations, such as the management of users’ portfolios, analyzing market data and trading executions. This way, it is easier for users to monitor and manage their record and balance. Therefore, as Tradershub evolving, it plans to create an integrated trading point that enables the users to have diverse assets.
  • Social and Community
    This platform works based on people’s power. It is about the social and community of the platform. Therefore, in Tradershub, it has been established a reward system which is composed of various social components and capital. The environment in this platform is supported by a value-adding service which benefits not only a single user, but the entire community. This cycle sustains the platform and makes it stronger and bigger.
  • Tradershub Token
    THT is short for Tradershub Token which will be launched immediately as a payment method within the platform. The token can be used for some purposes, such as paying trading fees, gaining access to advanced trading tools, investing to developed and successful traders. Moreover, the token can also be used for paying webinars, educational contents and more purposes that are related to community services. This token is also used as a reward for users’ loyalty when they have reached a long-term activation.

Those are the pillars that sustain the existence and the development of Tradershub. One pillar affects the other pillars in some ways; they are interconnected. However, if you are curious, here is a brief explanation of how the token works in

The Process of Tradershub Token Contribution

To this point, you have understood how crypto currency works and how Tradershub will help you start within the business. However, if you want to contribute to the token sale, these are the correct steps:

  • Open a private ethereum wallet
    Actually, you can find more than one way to open a private ethereum wallet. Private refers to the private key (a code consists of secret numbers and letters in cryptography). Therefore, don’t give your private key to anyone and keep it as a secret. For that reason, your private key is usually protected by your password.
  • Acquire ethereum
    Ethereum is the accepted crypto currecy in this contribution process. Therefore, if you want to contribute, ethereum or ETH in short is something that you need the most. For your information, there are a lot of ways to obtain ETH; however, the most common, practical way to buy ETH from online exchange. We know that it is too risky to trust anyone in this business, but we have some rcommendations: Kraken, Bitsmp and Bittrex.
  • Transact ethereum to your private ethereum wallet
    After the ETH is obtained from the online exchange, your next step is to send the ETH to your private ETH wallet. You need to have access to open your online exchange account and the public ethreum address of your ETH wallet.
  • Register and pass the KYS process
    The process continues to Tradershub’s official website. There, you need to click the “Apply for Whitelist” option. Then, it will take you to fill the registration form. In the form, you will be required to give out personal information.
  • Contribute
    If you pass all the process, you will have a chance during the first 48 hours. Around this point, an address will be displayed in your control panel at a certain time. Don’t forget to make sure that the address given to you is a proper address and certified.

Why Should I Use Tradershub?

To conclude, using Tradershub as your social platform of crypto market is the best option. This statement serves two reasons: Challenge and Solution.

You can see crypto market as a challenge, because it is rather difficult. You are required to monitor and managing multiple transactions. This is a pretty time-consuming job. Furthermore, crypto market is full of strangers that it requires to be monitored with constant cyber security. To this part, you understand how trading becomes challenging.

Then, to lessen the anxiety of handling all of the issues above, Tradershubappears to save you from this nerve-wrecking situations. With Tradershub, investors and traders are guaranteed with a high level of cyber security, easy management and trustworthy monitoring. Thanks to these services, investors and traders can focus solely on making and choosing the rightest decision to obtain profits. Ultimately, Tradershub is the social platform suitable to help you sustain your crypto currency.

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