The Use Of Pangea as The Bitnation’s Decentralised Jurisdiction Platform For The Future

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The future is supposed to be prepared from now on. The importance of the future pushes in maximizing the ever-growing technology. Future technological usage should be able to refer to the ability to provide convenience to the users. Users also need to keep abreast of developments to stay in touch with technology and make the most of their technology. The global community will see how technology provides a significant role in life. Ultimately every aspect of life will be inseparable from the part of technology. One of the platforms that will use technological developments for the new system is Bitnation. You certainly have seen the development of technology systems for various fields such as sales, education, banking that has evolved into digital technology. Bitnation system is created as a form of digital government that can provide some essential features for its users. The technology used in Bitnation is Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN).

The development of the platform must be able to be quickly deployed to be utilized immediately. Besides, a good ecosystem should also be able to update technology so that the system does not become obsolete. The Bitnation platform will be open source to allow for accelerated development and use of the ecosystem. The platform comes with some exciting features that will provide the core functionality of protection to users incorporated into the ecosystem. Just as a country protects its citizens and assets, Bitnations will also do the same thing by giving security to digital assets owned by its members as well. You certainly understand that in the digital era, the assets held will also shift to digital shapes as well. When everyone has started to enter digitalization, the future will be more and more digital assets that exist. Asset protection is necessary because digitalization allows for higher crime risk.

The Pangea Jurisdicton Concept That Use In Ecosystem

Pangea's jurisdiction allows users to interact directly based on the peer-to-peer (p2p) concept. P2p interaction is done to make a specific agreement, solve a problem, and may also be intended to access some of the governance services contained in DBVN. Access by citizens can use a legal code derived from a preference. Then, Pangea will be formed based on the jurisdiction of a decentralized and voluntary state. In doing the transaction, a token called Pangea Arbitration Token (PAT) will be applied. Token enforcement is intended to be a medium of exchange. Along with its utilization, various features will be added to the ecosystem so it can help in solving multiple problems.

Bitnation uses Pangea software to provide the functionality of government in digital. It supports the utilization of some features easily and quickly. You can do some critical things just with your smartphone. The architecture and technology used will help many features to be done in the ecosystem. PAT will provide its description of the Arbitase Pangea Token destination. The use of PAT may also indicate a significant force against Pangea jurisdiction. You can certainly get a token first on a token sale event. The platform is founded on the direct experience of substantial contributors and founders. The network will be established as a world that can make everyone sovereign and will be the place for the country's development voluntarily. The project will be well developed because there are various support and underlying technologies.

If the former frontiers were determined by technological reach and distribution of citizens based on the city-state or nation-state then today with technological developments, the term might be abolished. Everyone in any part of the world can interact and transact efficiently, securely, and quickly. You are right to say that technology can remove geographical or state boundaries. Bitnation has become a legitimate platform under international law and will be the only entity engaged in state governance. That will undoubtedly be good news for those of you who want a revolution on management. Technology will bring people in a networking ecosystem that is a form of evolution. Governance will be an alternative model that can be identified in the natural world. Regularity and balance will exist in a more efficient pattern.

As an organization that builds Pangea, Bitnation is also a DBVN. If DBVN is a government development concept, then Pangea is a software infrastructure used for Voluntary Nations. DBVN and Pangea are two things that will be combined with ecosystem development. Pangea is also the place applied for the DBVN jurisdiction as well as the patent that became the venue for the new DBVN development. The new DBVN is not only developed but also connected. All the required aspects will be related so that it can be an ecosystem that is easy to be accessed by its users. The concept of volunteer applied also makes all citizens free in determining the rules relating to government. Nations will be incorporated using Pangea so that Bitnation will play a role in creating account and compliance with the constitution. You can also get accurate system development information through websites and whitepapers that have been created by the developer team.

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The Role of Pangea Jurisdiction within Ecosystems

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The ecosystem will run with a jurisdiction based on Pangea. The use of an administration does determine how a network will run. Pangea's jurisdiction will be used to create smart contracts through chat that will lead to a code based on the law. Utilization of a jurisdiction aims to establish a basis for the implementation of the agreement. The agreement will be made above the value of law so that every transaction made will have a base. The use of a particular legal basis can also be used as a form of settlement when a problem occurs when a deal has been made. The legitimate method may vary as is a general law, sharia law, UNDROIT, etc. Users can decide on their legal basis to use by uploading it to the ecosystem. The rules used must be uploaded first, and the writing of original contracts must be licensed. The smart contract template will contain the items you have ordered to set up the deal to be created.

The management of the dispute resolution process undertaken by Pangea will take place within the platform. It will facilitate transactions in the application of some laws and jurisdictions. A dispute occurs so the user can choose a human Arbitrator to help solve it. Resolution disputes can also be used to offer some possible methods such as Dapps as a viewing jury. In addition to providing ease of solving problems when a disagreement occurs, the system will also facilitate the implementation of a reputation system. The application of a reputation system will be based on a token so that it will allow incentives to be incurred as a form of contract compliance. Provision of incentives with reputation is not intended as a form of threat or imprisonment. Reputation incentives will be given to ensure the nominal evolution of the rules applied in Smart Contrank. In addition to reputation, also asked escrow function. The benefit that can be provided from this function is to be able to store the assets together. Assets, in this case, are contractual agreements that can be in the form of money, car assets, tokenized land titles, etc. Escrow function can be utilized until the contract can be made with complete.

Application of Pangea jurisdiction can be made because its function can provide an opportunity for P2P and DBVN agreement. Making agreements can be caused by implementing defined limits and then applied by legislation and organization. Enforcement of the rules indeed cannot be equated with digital and analog. You certainly understand well that in digital space all things must be measured so that calculations can be made. When such systems are in place, jurisdiction will depend on the reputation for incentives. The form of status can be an automated score, a human, a collaborative filtering, an assessment, a digital reputation of sentiment, though, and opinion. Incentives will be awarded in compliance with the contract so that it can terminate peers, states, arbitrators, service providers. All will be able to receive proper judgment to enhance the functionality of ecosystem runs.

Rule generation is the revolutionary technology used by Pangea Blockchain Jurisdiction. Application of a specific rule in a platform must have passed the analysis phase so that the rules used can be applied appropriately. Rule generation is a set of best regulations enforced in smart contracts. It does Pangea's use of the rules and will continue to be developed to continue to be used in the ecosystem. This rule will be produced by Pangea and will continue to rise to the top to be recommended and used by Citizens. The use of standards may be based on the reputation value generated by using information, auditors, and developers. Assessment of smart contracts has supported the establishment of PAT sub-tokens in particular. Specific evaluations undertaken have goals that will be done through IPFS, Oracle and autonomous agents. In the future, Pangea will have a semi-autonomous concept by engaging in a reputation distribution on smart contracts.

The Reputation Distribution To Get More Benefits

Pangea's reputation distribution to smart contracts has a basis for ecosystem performance or appropriateness. Smart contracts may be made by real people in different countries with different rules. Therefore, the law used should also be agreed upon by both parties. The loyalty will be doing based on the bill that has been approved. With the system in place, the agency governing the Smart contract will be practiced as one of the solutions of all the related Pangea Jurisdiction purposes. Growth and concept development will be done to meet the needs of Citizens. The smart contract will be an optional standard format for use by Citizens. Pangea's technology becomes a decentralized jurisdiction that creates a voluntary statement that will include colleagues with arbitrate and serious agreements. The method of previous decentralization systems has also been widely applied to digital platforms. The concept has been shown to improve efficiency. Transparent transactions have become the basis for contract implementation so they can enhance transaction security and convenience.

The construction of a front-end view of Pangea's jurisprudence in the form of an intuitive chat application aims to create a user-friendly system. Ease of use will encourage many people to use it. The backend of the Pangea system is based on a mesh network with the ability to configure all blockchain so it can be used to create and execute smart contracts. Agreements enacted in smart contracts will have binding capabilities so that they can be accounted for under the laws applied in the initial making of the contract. All parties signing the contract have reached an agreement with the applicable law and will accept the sanction under the law agreed upon when there is one of the non-compliant parties to the contract. Pangea users, smart contractors, and arbitrators will build a reputation that can be appreciated as a form of contract fulfillment. Dispute of a dispute can also be made by using Pangea Arbitration Tokens (PAT).

Agreements that ultimately form a smart contract starting from the interaction of p2p conducted by citizens. Adequate application usage supports the smooth communication. The app will be the connector that is installed on the smartphone like native chat apps in use like WeChat and WhatsApp. The method of smartphones as a medium of interaction has become something that can improve efficiency. You can do many things in your hand. Communicating tools will continue to evolve to provide the best to the users. It makes jurisdiction requires a chat interface that can be used efficiently and conveniently. Implementation of user-friendly interface manifestation is done with Pangea backend network of protocol and frontend in the first mobile.

Bitnation will build the system on the backend to maximize performance. You can use the Pangea network as an app to interact with others. Not just casual interactions, you can also share files, create and sign smart contracts, trade, build new countries and organizations, gain reputation, and interact with state and media services for governance. You may be able to join the Bitnation community on social media and get up-to-date on platform development. You also can get the interaction with the others that have interested in Bitnation platform.

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