The Oracle XY Platform As The Highest Certain Data Location With Exhibit Of Cryptography

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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As a revolution of technology to determine a place with a high degree of accuracy, the Oracle XY platform will provide services with a high degree of accuracy. In making that happen, Oracle XY Platform will adopt blockchain technology. The decentralized system offered by this technology has proven that every activity undertaken in it can be done efficiently. Oracle will try to implement blockchain technology in the platform for accuracy in determining location. Smart Contract and cryptocurrency will also be involved. In the summary of the network, there will be several elements used to support the realization of the ecosystem. The cryptographic proof sequence applied will make the solution to improve location accuracy.Transactions made within the ecosystem will be called queries. Smart Contract will also be used as a means to retrieve location data from any platform block.

Developers use a bridge in the network to retrieve data from Sentinel. This step will be continued by giving data to the archiver for then the data is analyzed and will become useful information for the next process in the ecosystem. The establishment of consensus from the implementation of decentralized systems will be undertaken to form a public network. Blockchain will be immutable and will store data later known as XYO Main Chain. The transaction data or queries stored in the ecosystem are derived from Diviners and associated scores. Each component used in ecosystem development aims to establish a system that has overall functionality. A clear division of responsibility will be necessary for providing the working structure for each component for performing its role well.

Some components used for the development of the ecosystem including the Sentinel, Bridges, an archiver and Diviners. Sentinel will act as a witness to the location where it will provide accurate information data. Sentinel will give results which are then entered on the ledger and other components. To obtain Sentinel will be rewarded with XYO network Tokens (XYO). The award will be given to users with consistent ledger data generation. Self-identification can also be provided by using proof of origin so that it will make the source of information from the location. The next component that has a role in the running of the ecosystem is the Bridge. In the bridge, the ecosystem will provide information about the location data transcriber. The use of the bridge will be related to the archiver in the general ledger distribution.

The role of XYO Networks Token can still be run on transactions that occur in the delivery of heuristic information. Payment of rewards will require the creation of a ledger that fits the theme of the record. The original proof can be used to identify heuristic relays. The archiver will have a role as a store of information obtained from the bridge. Archivists will also determine the establishment of a decentralized system with ownership of all history books on storage. Return of ledger data can be done quickly by archiver because it has a role as the index of the ledger. By performing raw data storage only, archivists can receive rewards in the form of XYO Network Tokens. Besides, archivists can earn rewards from data retrieval. Further use can be done for free as in storage.

The platform will also provide the concept of network archiving which will give a request for archives with Archivist results to provide data that is not owned. The archiver may freely select a bookstore that can provide information and return.The archivist will be divided into two that is on the edge of production and n is in edge data of cloud consumption. Hybrids will be archers in the middle. Payments will be tracked with proof of origin. All archivists will be paid. Validity will be enhanced with minimum evidence of birth. The alignment will be implemented to prevent the fumigation of data on the interests of Sentinel, archiver, and bridge. The most complicated part of the ecosystem is Diviners. The diviner's section will provide a grouping of the applicable blockchain platform. Direct interaction on the Archivist network will do the retrieval of answers.

The other Diviners section will reach a consensus about block validation. The signature will be done digitally within the block. The diviner will be done to resemble the base address in the block that will send the transaction to the Smart Contract.A list of signatures will be given to other Diviners to be used to prevent an attacker from providing non-genuine information. The Smart Contract will have the ability to verify the integrity of the data by checking the signature on the payload. The concept of development will be based on providing convenience in transacting. Each of the existing components will collaborate and sustain each other to form an ecosystem that can provide security and a high degree of accuracy to the location.

The End-to-end function To Finish The Transaction In The Platform

In detail, the responsibilities of each component will lead to end-to-end functionality. Sentinel will collect location heuristics data in the real world. Next Sentinel will make preparations for the chain of origin of the current to be submitted to the node that is above it. Further sentinel will provide the data set to Bridge. Essential data from the online Sentinel will be collected and added to the proof of origin to the chain. The bridge will provide data for archivists on the network. Index archiving will be compiled based on data source coming from the deck. Delivery of data will provide information to the archiver and then will be stored in the system with random and will be identified with the index of heuristic location.

Diviner here has some tasks such as queuing queries from users. Archiving data collection is also done by the diviners that will be used for the decision in the consultation so that the information obtained can be tailored to the needs. The choice of the answer will also be given by the Diviner so that this section will choose the best answer determination. Diviner will also select the best explanation for the query from Archivist network. The preferred system will have the Best Origin Chain Score.Blocking proposals will be made by the diviner on the XYO Main Chain block. Payment will be made through proof of work. Block content must also be digitally signed first.

The packing of the diviner's answer, Score Value from the original chain, and range will be sent to the adapter component securely connected to Smart Contract XYO. The adapter has the responsibility to provide certainty to the uncompromised divider's integrity. Next resume set of answers will be done with digital signing in the smart contract. The signing will be done after the blocking process is complete. Payments will be made based on the efforts made. Each XYO network component will receive pay for the work performed. Component involvement in answer-taking in queries. Senitnons, Archivists, bridges, and diviners will receive payments that are tailored to the contribution given to the ecosystem. Award will be XYO Token.

The requested query similarity may be more than one time. When answers given more than one answer will provide results at a given moment. Production of answers will be possible and generated at any given moment. The basis of the answers will be made based on the availability of the heuristic system to be offered at the time. Delivery of answers on a blockchain network will involve two procedures. The steps taken to provide an answer will be made in determining the best answer to a query.The answer option will be comparable to the node so that it will get the best answer. Blockchain will be one single source of truth. Diviners will convert data relative to complete data so that it will have the ability to be able to roam the entire network in determining concrete answers.

The proof of the work will be one proof that can bring rewards to the Diviner. Unprocessed data and blockchain will be data storage to be processed legitimately on the network. Data usage will be done with the latest XYO Main Chain system in answering future questions without resorting to expensive network archives. Blocks on XYO Main Chain will have the ability to store Proof of Origin Chain data. The graphics component will also be stored which can then be used to answer various questions. In the future, diviners will be able to explore comprehensive data to achieve accurate results with lower bandwidth usage. Get more information about XYO through the Website and Whitepaper.

Ann Thread:
White Paper:

XYO meet.png

XYO platform will apply the concept to be able to define the single best answer. This ability can be used to improve the validity so that high accuracy will be obtained. The validity score will be based on the Origin Chain Score. The most senior ratings will be known to the system so that a score increase can be done immediately. The XYO network will give you the possibility to choose the best answer using the algorithm. The archive will be circulated so that it will perform data clearing from the decentralized system. The XYO network is created to be an abstraction so that it can handle public blockchain to interact. Immediately join the revolution of location determination and get a high degree of accuracy. Please join us on Social media to get more interaction in developing the platform.

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