The Genetic Sequencing and The Future of Medication

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


Over a hundred years, humanity has been threatened by many diseases that kill millions of people. In the 14th century, Europe was ravaged by the black plague which exterminates half of the European citizen. There are many diseases shadowing humanity since then, like Ebola, smallpox, H1N1 and so on. Those diseases have taken a massive toll on humanity, and thankfully we are on the brink of eradicating them entirely thanks to the advancement of medical and healthcare system. As for now, human enjoys almost a taken for a granted situation where medication is available almost everywhere across the globe when you can access it by paying several amounts of money, humanity seems unstoppable, or is it?

As the human evolve, so are diseases and viruses. The viruses have been known for their ability to mutate and to adapt to the human’s immune system, and somehow it can penetrate our immune system and wreak havoc on our body. Humanity will never be completely resistant to disease. So at this very moment, what we need is prevention towards any disease, not just curing it. What we need is a method to fully understand our body and the bacteria or a virus, so that we can prevent them from entering our body, is there such a way?

Fortunately, there is a way. This way is very viable nowadays thanks to the advancement of technology. 50 years ago, these methods may be only a broad daydream which will never become true considering the technology at that time. But now, this methods is fully operable and functional, namely the genomic sequencing, or whole genomic sequencing. Before we proceed further, we need to understand what genomic sequencing means. Consider genomes are a formula that constitutes a human being. To make a person healthy, we need to remove the “bad” formula so that we know what formula is that makes human sick or prone to a certain disease. But how do we know what formula is bad or what is good? That is where the genomic sequencing plays a role.

The genomic sequencing is a “tool” to read the genomes inside our body. It is not an easy task. However, there are billions of human genome inside one person, and sequencing all of them is not a flipping hand trivial matters. But still that is possible with our understanding of the human genome, and the technological advancement nowadays. With genome sequencing, we are now capable of figuring out what kind of diseases that we are prone to, and alter it or provide any prevention, so you are now slightly of entirely immune to such diseases. Here are several websites and social media pages for you to better understand what Shivom actually is.


Introducing Shivom, A World-Leading Start-Up For Genomic Sequencing

When we hear a term “genomic sequencing” what comes to our mind is, a secret underground government project by a shady individual. That maybe is the situation in 20 or 30 years behind. Now, sequencing a genome is not a big deal actually, and a great company like Shivom could do just that. Shivom is a young startup that runs in genomic sequencing that now has received a remarkable degree of success. Shivom backed by a multi-field intellectual such as genetics, technology, blockchain expert, etc. the team has their remarkable background and expertise, and thus revealing the quality of Shivom itself.

The primary business of Shivom is to sequence all the genomes of their customer, provide it to the medical facility, government or any third parties that request such information. It may seem shady to you, but all the transaction that is conducted within the Shivom is binary, means that either the first party, which is the customer, deliver their genomic sequence to the third parties with full awareness and agreed on the terms. In exchange, they will receive several benefits such as the medical treatment that is best suited for them, the sum of money if their genomic is sold, etc.

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As we can see in their white papers, Shivom will provide a precision medicine to the person who has donated their genome sequencing. This is based on the fact that the U.S alone has wasted billions of dollar for an ineffective medication just because the patient is not suitable for such medicines. By sequencing their whole genomic straits, the doctor and the researcher can now provide the patient with a minimum but correct medication to help cure the disease. This is a most effective way of eradicating the disease that you are prone to.

There are several benefits that we could receive by donating our genome to the Shivom. Here are several lists of it.

1. Your genome is stored and protected

When you are agreed on donating your genome traits to Shivom, your traits will be securely stored for future use. There are many possibilities that a third party group wants to purchase your genomic characteristics. You will receive a portion sum of money for this transaction. And apparently, this transaction also needs your approval before being used by the third party for future research.

2. Information regarding your Genome

After you donate all your genome information to the Shivom, then you are now fully aware of what kind of medication that is precisely effective for you. Shivom also will provide a healthcare guide to our entire customer, regarding the healthy sleep, diet, and lifestyle to prevent any disease. This is unique to everyone since all genome information is unique to every human. By giving us your genome information, you will know yourselves better, and prevent yourselves from suffering any disease in the future.

3. Saves a lot of money

There are plenty of medications today. Let say for a fever sickness, As we can see there are tons of medicines for illness, but we never know what kind of drugs that suit us correctly when you are suffering fever. Our expert medic team shall provide you with detailed information regarding a medicine that is suit you, so that you can save your money by purchasing a precise medicine, not to waste it for an ineffective medicine.

4. Receives a portion of money when you sell your genome strait information

This more practical and strategic approach for you. When you sell us your genome sequence, you will then receive a portion of the money. This will make your choice to sell your genome strategic and worthwhile. Nowadays, the cost of a genome sequence is about 100 USD, and that cost will keep declining as the advancement of technology grow. There are several other benefits that will be explained in full detail in these sources.

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Introducing The OMIX, The Ecosystem Of Shivom

When talking about the ecosystem of business within the Shivom, or the cryptocurrency that Shivom recently employ, we are talking about the most sophisticated cutting edge technology. Several features are applied within Shivom. First of all is the agnostic blockchain. The agnostic blockchain is one of the most fundamental elements within Shivom. It ensures the security of the ledger or the customer list within the system. It also provides the DNA vault are open only to Shivom, o the third parties and yourselves.

The sophisticated security must be followed by the accessibility and the conformity of all customer. No matter how secure it is, if it’s not easy to use, it is not worth it. The second features that are employed by Shivom for it cryptocurrency are the IOTA or internet of things. This will ensure accessibility and flexibility to all its member and user who enjoys the benefits of Shivom.

The blockchain architecture is also secured and sophisticated since it protects and records the transaction process using the features of smart contracts. Here are several utilities of the highlights of the smart contract:

  1. Recording all personal transaction
  2. Storage of metadata and genomic sequencing data
  3. Accessing logs
  4. Etc

Along smart contracts, Shivom is also supported by the latest technology which is big chain BD and ocean protocol. These features basically will sort out all information and provides a massive but yet organized data. The storage alone is impressive, we are talking about petabytes size for Shivom, and it will grow as the demands for the services grow.

The smart contracts. The Big chain BD, and ocean protocol, together will make your transaction more secured, comfortable and fruitful. Those are the platforms of Shivom, and they will ensure the security of your genomic data banks, the DNA vaults and will record to what extent your DNA will be used.

The OMIX or the primary currency that we are using can be used in many ways. Here is a handful list of them:

1. Purchasing the genome kit sequencing

To sequence your whole genome, therefore you need a kit that is provided by Shivom. To buy this kit, just use the OMIX cryptocurrency that is also has been offered by Shivom.

2. Obtaining ancestral profiles

Have you wondered who your great great great grandfather is? Or your great-grandmother? That is the function of genomic sequencing. The genomic sequencing will provide you with a full detailed ancestral genealogical profile. That is an awesome thing to have since it will discover your ancestral profiles very thoroughly.

3. Analysed personal medication effectiveness

As we have highlighted above, the purpose of this genomic sequencing is to fully understand what kind of medication that will be best for you. By purchasing the detailed information regarding the personal medication effectiveness, you then will know what kind of medicine that is suited you best and effective for your body. This is must-have information for you to save more money, rather than wasting your precious money by purchasing the ineffective medication.

How to obtain the OMIX cryptocurrency?

There are several ways on how to obtain the OMIX, here is the short list of them:

1. Referring the other people to Shivom

This is actually a reference bonus or a bonus which will be given for those who have successfully introduced a new member to the Shivom group. This is the simplest way to acquire the currency of OMIX.

2. Updating health information and supporting a community project

You can also gain the OMIX currency by updating the health information, fitness update and support a community project. There are several of community projects that is held by the Shivom which can give you the OMIX currency.

3. Donating health data

You can also donate your health data to the non-profit research project. This needs the approval of both you and the group of the researcher that you are about to donate your health data to. There is no something harmful, however, as your data will become a primary resource for research. Lastly, you can see the full detailed information regarding the benefits of having OMIX tokens for your transactions within the system of Shivom.

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Presales and Conclusion

The presales of Shivom now have reached about 33.10M$ that both include the private and public presales. This numbers will continue growing since the public sales are not yet occurred. The countdown is ticking below 8 hours remaining. So the public sales will be occurred at least today, at 3th may 2018. Purchasing the OMIX token will be very promising since it has a high-value worth millions of dollars. There will be total 990M OMIX tokens that will be sold in the grand public sales. Those tokens will be distributed evenly; the 90M OMIX tokens will be distributed to a certain community that is devoted for the genomic sequencing, as the rest of them will be distributed to entrepreneurs, developers, community managers, strategist, and all other programs to leverage the network effects.

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The world nowadays has progressively evolved. This evolution is making our life easier and better. We have a better healthcare system, we understand disease well so that we can prevent them in the future before they occurred. Shivom is an answer to the evolution. We are part of the evolution, since we make the genomic sequencing more common, and thus saving lives more than any other medicine since we prevent them to be prone of any diseases.

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