RedCab – the Decentralized Transportation Solution You Can Rely On Today


Transportation has been one of the most important needs in our life. It does help people get to their destination quickly after all. We don’t have to break sweat to catch up with the time anymore. Due to high demand of transportation, many start-ups have been rising one after another in the market, offering their service for it and solving the existing issues. RedCab as decentralized transportation solution is one of them. However, it is no ordinary solution we are talking about here. Let’s discuss it further to find more here. It is worth knowing.

The Existing Transportation Issues These Days

First things first, we need to look at the existing transportation issues before we can understand the value of this decentralized transportation solution. As it was said before, to meet the transportation demand, there have been many start ups going around in the market. While they might have been useful, you can say that pretty much all of them have ever experienced social collateral damage on their way towards realizing their goals. Sure, the existence of technology has helped us a lot and even bridged the gap for transportation needs. It has been a very important part of our life as well.

With its help, the transportation issues over the past 10 years have been successfully solved. Then, its popularity grows and many people begin to copy the business. The number of transportation service provider does grow, but there has been no iteration and innovation whatsoever. On the other hand, people are looking for trendy service. From such service, they expect true reliable service, sustainable quality and safety, and variety of transportation options at low competitive price. If you have been on the customer side, these must be what you are expecting for too, right?

Why, of course, it is none other than because customers hate being abused. For example, they have to pay more on rainy day or day with high traffic. Such high rate fare is what customers hate the most. Also, many people are interested in working as the drivers in transportation service providers. However, they expect an increase in their income and flexibility of their shifts. There had been no one that can facilitate such thing before the existence of RedCab. What do you think this one can do to deal with those problems? Let’s inquire here.

The Existence of RedCab LLC as the New Solution

After understanding the existing transportation issues, a dedicated research team has spent one whole year to research the needs, asses the market gaps, and explore the potential experience for the riders and needs for the drivers. The research goes from technical aspects to business model. The team sure spends a great deal of time to do so. However, regardless of the time dedicated to do the research, you can expect good things from its end result. Of course, the team does not do the research for nothing. They do see the opportunity that revolutionizes all transportation solutions.

We are referring to the clear opportunity in the transportation industry. To be exact, they see that there is possibility for unique business model to have the ability to balance both business goals and customer needs. Of course, all of these are seen to be possible if supported by powerful technical platform. For that reason, the team decides to rely on the blockchain technology. There have been many futuristic platforms that use such technology. Why wouldn’t they be? Even for this team, this one is an important part of their business model. Its importance is not something to be taken lightly.

Why, of course, it is because this very technology here has made it possible for the team to facilitate customers with secured transactions and fast contracting. What’s more? The technology supports the team to deliver decentralized community and transportation solution that is all set to serve just every individual and even support every business. Then, this research team calls this decentralized transportation solution RedCab. In short, it is the fast forward company in the transportation space with futuristic business model. This is how this transportation solution here does come to existence.

How the RedCab Works to Serve the Customers

Getting to know the background of RedCab existence is not enough to tell how well this company as the new transportation solution is. So, let’s take a look at how the work of this new solution here. Since it is the new one intended to revolutionize the current service, you can be sure to expect good things from it for sure. Well, we are talking about a decentralized transportation solution here. In order to revolutionize the current transportation service, RedCab utilizes blockchain technologies. With the help of this technology, customers can really expect cost effective and secure transactions.

There is actually more to it being cost effective, if we dig it further. By working on making the service cost effective, the company could save up to billions of dollars they get from the transportation commission. This saving will then be rewarded back to the RedCab ecosystem. Well, of course, it is not because of no reason. Those billions of dollars would be something to ensure the sustainability and the business continuity. How can it be so? Well, the saving does fund the use of cutting edge technology, performance management, and customer loyalty. These are not to get for free after all.

RedCab company strives to ensure the smooth penetration to the market too. To do so, they decide to go through lean and reliable processes. Also, you need to know that this new transportation solution cares to score and reward customers through their program. This is done to ensure community that is both loyal and productive. As you can guess, this is how they keep customer loyalty. Also, this company can provide customers with the best pricing formula with no surge price or high cost fare because of their variation in fare calculation. Thus, it offers low competitive price.

The Launch of the First Beta Version of RedCab

By visiting, you should be able to find out much about this transportation solution here. Well, this is not just some plan that will be realized someday in the future though. To tell you the truth, it is already underway. Since this very solution applies advanced technologies, like blockchain, how it operates would not be done manually. Of course, the team has thought of making its mobile app. In fact, the first beta version of the app had already been launched not so long ago right back in 2017.

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They are released for people to download and install from both App Store and Google Play. This is not the only launch took place last year. In fact, they did arrange its soft launch in a small touristic spot by the Red Sea. This very launch here is intended to give the more on hand operation a try. It is also done to give the car hailing service a test as well. You can’t get to know how others react about your invention without doing some trial, after all. That is why the RedCab team finds it necessary to do the test for its first beta version in such place.

The result is very surprising, indeed. They find that there is great potential for their business model in the industry. What’s more? There is even rising demand in every metropolitan city there is. With such demand and supply the RedCab is going to offer, it is expected that the future growth of the industry will be able to reach all the way to $285 billion by 2030. Even though it still seems to be so far in the future, $285 billion is not small number one can reach in the span of about a decade or so.

How Far the RedCab Service Could Reach Us All

Sure, we have one amazing transportation solution underway now in the market. However, would it be just like the others, operating in limited areas only on Earth? No, it wouldn’t. As it was said before, it is the new transportation solution to revolutionize the existing ones. What us of it bringing revolution if it can’t make any change from the existing services then? The people who need transportation is not limited to some places around the globe only. In fact, all of the people on the Earth regard it as one of their important needs.

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The RedCab team tries to understand the global need of transportation. Then, they conclude that there is a need for global reach. That way, one service provider could reach all the way to at least most people around the world. To do so, the team plans on expanding their presence throughout the globe. If there is something they would focus on, it would be for them to target the most touristic places around the world with their clear expansion plan. Why, of course, it is because such place must have potential for massive demand.

It makes the perfect place to aim for since it shows promise for potentially great profit in the future. At the very least, there have been up to 7 locations that the RedCab currently operates in right now. From Latin America, they include Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua. From MENA, the chosen locations are Egypt and Lebanon. From Asia Pacific, you get India and it makes 7 of them. If you live in one of those locations, you have the luck since you can use RedCab service to meet your needs. Going somewhere would be easy then.

The RedCab Token and the Token Sale to Know

Here, at RedCab, you won’t find real money being used to fuel the transactions anymore. This is the new transaction way that many futuristic platforms have been using these days. They make their own crypto currency to ensure secured transactions. There won’t be individuals that would be able to cheat on you or something when it comes to the token. After all, it is only the members of the ecosystem that can use that currency in RedCab ecosystem. That is why every customer can rest assured when they are doing transaction here.

The currency used by this company goes by the name RedCab token. As it was said before, you need to purchase it before you can eventually use it in the RedCab community. While it might fuel the transactions done by the customers, the sale of their token is also intended to convert their business model from what’s centralized to become decentralized instead. With decentralized ecosystem, it becomes possible to get the access to global reach. Not to mention, the RedCab can reduce the expenses of the transportation for all of users.

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Thus, they can save even over $60 billion annually and direct it for the development of their infrastructure. It is also meant to address the growing demand of transportation as well. If you want to get their tokens at lower price, consider making the purchase at pre-sale date on June 1, 2018 at 12am GMT. This schedule will last until June 21, 2018 at 12pm GMT. If you miss the chance, the main sale will begin on June 22, 2018 at 12am GMT and end on August 15, 2018 at 12pm GMT. Be prepared to own RedCab tokens and use them all.

White Paper:


We have reached the end of this article. What do you think about this transportation solution here? Don’t you think it really revolutionize the existing ones? With the purpose of benefitting both drivers and riders as well as solving the existing transportation issues, RedCab company is presented to meet your needs. From its first beta launch, you can see enough that this company has some promise. Not to mention, its token is offered at low competitive price and is soon to be on sale next month. Expanding globally, you know you can find this service provider almost everywhere on Earth.

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