Now Swiss Alps Has Been Available For The Smart Mining Company With Blockchain Technology

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The blockchain world has been linked to environmentally friendly mining in unused buildings in the Swiss Alps. The use of blockchain technology for various fields of life makes each transaction more effective. The application of technology to achieve convenience is naturally made to obtain profits by minimizing the multiple risks that may occur. The use of blockchain technology on digital platforms is not first applied.

The method of blockchain technology to manage transaction convenience will provide a decentralized system to cover more profitable transactions. Users must have their best experience when joining a technology platform to increase trust in the use of digital platforms. Revolutionary towards digital brings assets also turn into digital assets. This certainly makes the platform need protection for assets owned by each user.

Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a flexible modular distribution operator for modular mining infrastructure ledger operators. Energy supply is needed so that life can continue to run. The use of energy to fulfill the needs of life becomes something that cannot be dammed. The amount of energy that has been used is also not counted, which is indicated by long-term stationary use. SAE still maintains buildings that are not used in Swiss Alps and use them wisely without disturbing either the building structure or the environment.

It can minimize the impact of the situation. The use of technology by SAE will be implemented carefully to use energy. The method of blockchain technology systems will form a more transparent and decentralized ecosystem. The operation that runs on the block will be carried out by the rules to maintain user satisfaction with global reach. Interaction will occur intensively to form a safe and comfortable platform.

Swiss Alps Energy AG has become one of the operations businesses of Swiss Alps Mining & Energy which has a professional and talented team member. Part of the team is an expert in blockchain technology, cryptocurrency miners, and application development. This skill becomes an important thing that needs to be owned by the group when it will build an ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Besides, hyper ledger specialists and civil engineers are also included in the team for platform development.

To strengthen the team, members also consist of infrastructure engineers and energy experts. Development of a platform that focuses on the energy sector is not secure. Seeing various challenges and challenges, the team has succeeded in showing success in building the platform. Until now the team has successfully developed and launched several products, solutions, and applications based on Blockchain technology. Until now the company has gone through the application stage to become a member of a Swiss self-regulatory organization (SRO). To find out the development of the Swiss Alps, you can visit several links.elf

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The Business Model from SAE by Utilizing Blockchain Technology

The application of blockchain technology is like being a popular system applied to the digital plate. Its use on various platforms is not without reason. The performance of Blockchain technology is considered to be able to handle millions of transactions on a global scale platform. The blockchain community around the world is undoubtedly facing a stiff challenge due to the growing process of cryptocurrency mining. Cryptocurrency mining becomes very intensive as energy and enhances the use of blockchain-based technology.

Mining is undoubtedly one of the things that make the implementation of blockchain technology necessary. To get ease in transacting everyone needs to provide the best experience to get maximum benefits. Ecosystem security for miners is also a separate calculation for the application of blockchain technology. The system with transparency offered by blockchain technology provides the best convenience and experience for its users.

At the same time, in the Swiss Alps, there are thousands of functional structures. This caused disintegration to occur because there were several facts related to the law on planning which made it impossible to utilize buildings as housing. SAE is the largest energy supplier based on flexible distribution and flexible modular infrastructure. The purpose of using it for the long term also makes SAE maintain buildings that are not intended in the Swiss Alps to be used wisely.
Usage can be done without interference regarding structure or neighborhood. Advanced modular systems provide opportunities for Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) for the construction and implementation of mining components that are protected by dust. The natural temperature in the location is ideal so that it allows natural cooling in mining. Reducing energy consumption by up to 30% is possible.

The SAM Application

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Applications are one of the keys to ease of transactions in the digital age. The use of apps to transact can be used as a form of care for the platform for more transparent ecosystem development. The ease of application is also in line with increasing smartphone usage. To date, the number of smartphone users continues to expand so that the application market continues to grow significantly.

The use of applications for economic platforms can increase the volume of usage where all people can feel the ease of doing their interests with their phone. Everyone indeed cannot be separated from the cell phone because it has become a part of life both to communicate and interact. Application solutions can make ecosystems more attractive to use because users do not need to change their habits in using mobile phones to install various applications. Increasing the use and performance of ecosystems can be done by utilizing the method of apps to realize the implementation of blockchain-based technology.

Application of blockchain technology in Swiss Alps will use the form to facilitate its use. The application of the ecosystem to the app also helps everyone to have the best experience in running the ecosystem. SamaiX will help you obtain information in realtime for decision support systems. The exchanges that occur will be supported by Cryptocoinexchange that is being negotiated. The transaction will provide the best experience by offering high ease and security.

Everyone who joins the ecosystem will have a unique identity. This will be realized by implementing the SAM KYC / AML solution as part of the SAM Application. The application will be presented to facilitate transactions without removing the user's habits in achieving their smartphone. Ease can be carried out by transacting in one grip. You can run sales through application controls to allow for more efficient use.

Development of the Best Ecosystem by Using AI for Mining

The use of digital ecosystems has shifted to maximizing the profit gained. Market balance utilization offered by the Swiss Alps system will use AI-based technology to provide convenience in its implementation. The concept of artificial intelligence will help improve the performance of the application to provide comfort in its form. The Concept of AI on the blockchain will support better transactions by utilizing global user interaction.

Everyone can carry out operations safely and comfortably accompanied by the use of the latest technology. The method of blockchain associated with AI will make the ecosystem better by increasing performance to get profit. Maximum benefits can be obtained by using minimal resources to meet various needs related to the use of energy in the ecosystem.

Use of the ORC Alps System to Restore Electricity from Heat

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Electricity recovery from heat requires the latest technology to help save the use of technology. Heat recovery is indeed not an easy thing in the mining industry. Until now the existing technology has not been able to provide heat reduction with significant results. Obtaining new technology to save power is undoubtedly a challenge for developing ecosystems with various offers for the best form of a solution.

Every problem in mining needs to be solved so that the related transactions can be done well in increasing profit. Profit gains in an ecosystem can be made with the use of the latest technology that can save the use of resources. One system that will be used to recover electricity from heat is the ROC. The system can be used to conserve energy use.

The ORC system became the first system implemented by Swiss Alps Mining & Energy as the first company in the world. Electricity recovery from waste heat generated by the mining system will help minimize electricity-heat.

The mining facility located at the Mountain Swiss Alps takes advantage of the fact that water has a lower boiling point at altitude, electricity recovery can be carried out more efficiently than heat by applying renewable technology. The placement system on the site that is used does not require additional cooling that utilizes air conditioning. This makes the cube power consumption of SAM has an efficiency of up to 50% when compared to conventional mining systems. This unique approach can provide problem-solving in the mining field by utilizing energy more efficiently.

Roadmap for SAE Ecosystem Development

Road maps are essential to mark each stage of ecosystem development. N After the initial infrastructure development was carried out in Switzerland, SAE's business will expand to foreign countries engaged in renewable energy. The use of renewable energy can be done according to what is desired and imagined. The purpose of technology can be linked to the ability to pay using cryptocurrencies. The purpose of blockchain technology also requires everyone to be able to complete transactions using Smart Contract.

The use of the contract is also part of developing the ecosystem to make SAE an industry leader in a business model that is run with blockchain technology. The application of blockchain technology to the SAE ecosystem will create the newest ecosystem in the mining sector a digital platform that can increase profits. Initial development began in 2017, followed by the application of the blockchain concept in 2018. Renting first building was carried out in February 2018 which was then continued with the founding of AG.

From February to March, the platform was developed to the first cub running stage and continued with a press conference in March for the first time. Subsequent activities related to ecosystem development were carried out with the Private sale in May as the start of collecting funds. Public sale ICO also began in June 2018. From March to October, development for SAM mining pool and SAM platform was carried out. ICO Private sale is planned to be carried out in early May 2018.

Renting further buildings have been written to be carried out from July to August 2018, followed by start production of additional cubes. SAM Token Listening on exchanges was also carried out in August 2018. The development of the KYC / AML solution was carried out in early September 2018 and carried out the commissioning and leasing of the cloud cloud-mining cubes in October. Cubes sales will also be carried out in October to November 2018. A long list of implementation of ecosystem development will continue with the launch of the BETA version in June 2019. The platform will soon be resolved and ready to transact transactions globally.

The Token Distribution of Swiss Alps Platform

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The use of blockchain technology certainly provides its own experience. The SAM Token that will be used for exchanges within the account will be reviewed in the Ethereum blockchain utilizing the construction of the Smart Contract. SAM will be below the ERC20 standard so that it can be transferred freely on the Ethereum platform. Ease of transactions will be offered by the ecosystem using a platform based on blockchain technology. The use of SAM tokens will also be the only token issued.

Publishing will be done once since the ecosystem is built. Token distribution will cover all activities related to the ecosystem. The most significant contribution to tokens will be in playing token sales with a total of around 68.9%. The remainder will be divided into several sections including pre-sale and founding teams and partners. The total number of distributed tokens is 119,841,269 SAM. The token sales will be carried out by the time set so that you need to follow updates on the development of information carried out by the ecosystem to be able to contribute directly to its development. You can get the latest information through social media and interact with the ecosystem.

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