Mechanization And Automation, Where Tech Meets Market

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


As humanity progresses, we have discovered more ways to make our life more convenient and simple, to create a friendlier environment for the humans to live on. We have countless evidence and examples on how human has circulated them in creating the sophisticated way to overcome their hardship, all by their efforts and experiences alone. The curiosity and the drives of a useful life must be very hard, since it motivates all sort of people, be it technician, scientist, or even a simple working man to develop their method and ways to make the work simple and life easier. Today, we have been invaded by thousands of automation and mechanisation that have greatly simplify our life, to the point, it creates perfect tools for the human to stagnate and stays in one place without having to go out to fulfil their basic needs.

In this time, the world has been very busy, as the market expands, and the population growth cannot be stopped. The world demands a more clever and easier way to fulfil the wish of the entire humanity as the business grows even larger, and need to encompass an even larger market to carry on. Employing humans might be very effective since human knows the best for the other human, but as the base of operation for every business start to grow, operating human is no longer become a viable solution, since the speed, accuracy and efficiency of one human might be very different from the other human, therefore it will be practically impossible to be standardized, and thus, the major companies as we have in the world are turning their sight on the automation and mechanization in the process of labor.

The automation and the mechanisation is not a very new thing, as it already happens in the different form and methods along the industrial revolution centuries ago. But today we can see the pinnacle of mechanisation as it is so sophisticated since it is very accurate, durable and reliable to be used. There are several reasons why the labour is keep replaced by the automation.

  1. Increasing efficiency
    Even though human has their definition of effectiveness and efficiency, the ability of a machine overwhelms those the human has. This is because the device does not need the basic needs as the human does. The machine can also be quite easy to be programmed, and therefore it is more compliance rather than human. It is said that once the factory or a company employs mechanisation in their workplace, the efficiency of such a factory can be greatly increased. This is undoubtedly too tempting for every businessperson to ignore, and thus they keep replacing their workforce with machine power until no workforce left to be replaced with the machines. The promise of efficiency is too great to be resisted.
  2. Reducing cost
    Having to pay a hundred thousand dollars for the worker salary, and having to pay the cost for one machine which is equivalent to a hundred man, is irresistible for the businessman. The machines are too cheap compared to the salary of a man, and thus the businessman will seek the cheapest way to produce their goods, and thus creating a more profit on their own. The second issue is, the machine does not require training as the human do. The training is, of course, cost the factory some fortunes since the training will mean the reduces of output, and the worker still prone to mistakes. This is a very different realm for the machines, as they need some right programming, and then they will work just fine.
  3. Highly standardised
    Standard is very important for the factory, and thus they will try their best to creates the most rigid standard for their goods. This is a great issue for the human, as human will tend to be different in their work each day, depends on their mood, motivation, and any psychological background they have that day. This is not an issue for the machine, as it will work just fine, and it works will be just the same no matter how hard and how long the machine runs. This will create a very standardised good with a very low error, and therefore the company can cut their losses and makes more profit using the machines. The machines will recognise no mood, no motivation and so forth. Therefore it is a perfect obeying worker for the company to have.
  4. Durable
    Human is a creature of mood, and once the mood is broken, so their will is. The willingness to go on working will be highly dependent on several backgrounds such as the personal experience, family or lover, the social spheres and so forth. Any changes in those spheres will result in the difference of the mood that they have, and thus resulting in the absence of willingness to go to work anymore. This is why humans are not as reliable as we all think, but for the machines, that is a completely ridiculous idea. Machines don’t recognise and personal background, and therefore they are very durable and reliable. If the machines are polished well, it can withstand even for years to come, compared with the human who is getting dull and broken. Investing in the machinery and automation seems the right way for any companies to do nowadays.

We can see so many automation that has already in play nowadays, from the simple payment system to the sophisticated oil rig machinery. These are the proof that we now gradually transform ourselves into the world full of automation and machinery, as it has already started now. This means that the market for machinery and automation are wide open as more and more demands coming from the market.

But unfortunately, the use of every machine is very convenient as it is disconnected from the market as a whole. Only a few companies can access the benefit of a machine, and this creates a disparage between the big and the small to the middle-class company. Such a market gap needs to be filled to create a more friendly environment for the business to come. And fortunately, the solution just already popped up for the business, which is a blockchain platform called my buddy. This article will reveal the features of buddy and how It works.

For the current machinery world overview, you can visit one of the web pages below.

Buddy Platform And The New Age For Mechanization

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As we have stated before, the promise of mechanisation is very great, and thus every major company desires to adopt it. But there are several issues which haunt the world of mechanisation, which will be tackled by the platform. Those issues are the main hindrance of every company to adopt the tech, and In this article, we shall list several of them and see what this platform can do to tackle those issues. Probably, one of the most challenging issue for this mechanization to be conducted is the cultural difference between one country to another. in the most developing country such as the south-east Asian nations, the issue of mechanization is always the sensitive issue since this country still have the massive amount of unemployed, and therefore reducing the number of worker by utilizing the mechanization is just pouring the fire into a hot oil.

This platform is powered by the blockchain system. As we have already known, the blockchain system is one of the most modern and developed systems which is designed to be simple and decentralised. Many of the blockchain systems has disrupted so many conventional forms of business which is deemed to bring more harm and disadvantages rather than the good. This is caused by the very nature of the blockchain itself, which is the decentralisation, which is in the exact opposite of the conventional business as a whole. The decentralisation will allow the platform to gives the unique experience for the user, and thus creates a market driven by the customer demands, rather than the monopoly of the companies alone.

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To know more of the utility of this platform, there are several issues which will be overcome by the platform.

  1. Customer friendly
    Among all of the features that are presented by the companies, it is aimed to make the platform customer friendly. There are several features such as the auto-scaling features which will suggest the scale of the automation that will be deployed in one particular area of business. The maintenance and the operation of such automation are also very easy, even for the first time since the interface is very brief and simple to make the user easier to grasp the knowledge concerning on how to operate those machines.
  2. Securify
    The grid or the network of machines are also very prone to be attacked by several people such as the hackers, crackers, or the corporate espionage which will try to steal several valuable information. The securify or the in-app platform will monitor the whole security of the platform, and inform you which part is the weakest and which part is very prone to be attacked. This will suggest the technician reinforce those part, or monitor it if anything goes wrong in the system. The securify will also give you the best, and large machines overview for your man to analyse.
  3. Increasing efficiency
    One of the main purposes of the automation to be deployed is the hope to increase the efficiency and reduce the unnecessary queues in your company. This is due to the ability of the machines to perform a very accurate multi-task, whereas the humans will never be. By utilising the machines and the system from this platform, your company will run smoothly as the base of operation has been enhanced by the automation. The automation makes everything In order, such as sorting the old paper, creating a standardised business contract, and so forth. This system is also able to maintain the heavy machinery ops to increase the efficiency of such a machine.
  4. Faster adoption
    Human resource is very important in the phase of adopting the automation. Oftenly, the issue is the human resource are simply lacking, so they don’t understand the concept of automation at all. This is indeed a very hampering issue indeed, and therefore need to be resolved. By utilising the platform, the adoption of tech can be faster since the platform is so easy and understandable, but yet very powerful.

For further information, please refer to the web pages below.

The Token Sale And Usage

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As the platform has been integrated with the blockchain, it requires some token to operate. This platform does have the token which is called the bud token. The token usage will be primarily for connecting the grid between the automation network to enhance the efficiency of the system, and that is why the token is very important for the user to have. The token sales are the only way for the people to obtain it. The sales will be divided into three parts, which is the private sale which is already ended, the pre-sale which is currently underway, from 23rd August to 30th August. The pre-sale is unique as it only lasts a week, and this pre-sale is yielding a bonus for 15-10% token per purchase. Lastly, the crowd sale which will start immediately at 1st of September.

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The total token which is issued by the platform is around 675 million token, where 470 million of them will be available at crowd sale. The hard cap for the entire sale is about $30 Million, and the price for the token is about 0.1 USD per token. The usage of a token is unfortunately limited to the domain of the platform, but you sure can exchange it for the fiat currencies until you have passed the vestment period which is about one year. The result of the sale will be distributed to several posts such as the marketing team, the developer, and for the company reserve.

For further information, you can visit these web pages below.

Posted by kurniawan05;u=1187741

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