How to Earn Money with Your Personal Data, PDATA Gives You Answer!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

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Most of you might be included people that disturb by so many of spam email in their email account. Those spam usually are from a company that offers their product or service, that might be none of you know those company before. Some of you may be signs up to a platform of a company; then the sign-up identity you use they utilize to access your email. By this way, you will accept any emails from that companies. But, if you are feel never use your sign up an identity for a company but then receive an email from the company, it might indicate something bigger. Do you know that it could suggest that your data was sold to global companies without your permission?

Security of Personal Data for Consumer as Targeted Audience

Since your data is your rights to use, people who are collecting, trading and using your information inevitably will break your privacy because of your data here and there in the worldwide companies, unsecured. It becomes a need to aware about personal data trading this time because a personal data is a significant part of the global information, so it needs to protected and managed. We should begin to encourage our own data trading, speed up data circulation also popularize the spirit of data sharing. No one wants their privacy accessible freely through the global system. For that, having an awareness of the importance of our data privacy becomes everyone needs this time as a form of human rights.

If somebody out there can get your data, it is not impossible for anyone there to modify your data. Could you imagine what unresponsible people do to your data after modified? Some of fake adjust data might appear, but after that something related to criminal might happen. And, we are not talking about a person on this planet but many of them including you. An awareness of our privacy cannot be avoided by anyone that is still living until this days.

Or, for you that do not worry about your privacy, but still need privacy as long as it permitted by you, you can choose an alternative and promising way: monetize personal data. Yes, nowadays, there is a way to monetize your data easily and rapidly. How? By using Bitcoin with blockchain-based technology. Meet the champion of this matters: PDATA bitcoin.

How About The Company?

In this digital world that the internet has made us easier for marketplaces to release new services and products, everything becomes unfolding fast . Sadly, not all of them works in the legal, secure and  transparent way. To produce an ideal product and services, worldwide companies need not only concern about the quality but also about the market response to their future product or service. Usually, after made a product or service, they would give
questionnaire to the people to know the answer as a suggestion or critics.

According to that, companies need personal data of consumers include email account to gives a prisoner to know people’s responses. It is how you seldom get a notification from some companies to your email account. Some company gets your email account after you once sign up to their platform or website before. But, some companies just get your email account without even you know them back.

Since companies around the world need personal consumer data, some brokers trade personal consumer data that mostly illegal or stolen from the owner. A company need quick analyze trends also follow up to relevant marketplace research regarding company’s products and services that make a personal data demand keep high. Because of without feedback, their products would fail or get substantial losses according to less information from the consumers.

Worldwide companies require consumers personal data. It allows companies to improve the market shares by creating new products or services that higher suit consumer desire. The most significant problem in all this process is about the worry of the target audience to their data safety that spreading through the global market. For companies, it becomes harder to get qualitative information from individuals, and leading to fake or false data being traded by middleman as data brokers. If still works with the traditional system we used these time, both consumers and companies lose.

According to problems above, here some issue that needs to solve :
• For the consumer, they need to protect their data
• For companies, they need a legal and correct personal data

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Solution: Monetizing Personal Data with Bitcoin

Since personal information used as interchangeable data in the worldwide marketplace, it also an opportunity for you as a consumer to earn some cash from your data. Also, there is a way to block someone else to access it without your permission. By using this system, as a consumer, you will feel safe because your data used by the party you already know and for appropriate aim. Additionally, you have an advantage of that: cash.

Worldwide companies need essential real human insights about their targeted consumers orderly to create innovative products or services according to world desire, which leads to trade. Companies need appropriate personal information from also about consumers to target sales and marketing activities correctly. Nowadays companies meet ever-growing needs for consumer information, as the market becomes more linked and other competitors emerge.

It is the reason why data brokerage being higher year by year about a 250 USD billion. The information brokerage market improved in the past four years by 13.5% even recorded is expected to grow at the similar rate during the next years. The brokers work inconspicuously behind a secrecy veil, and a right amount is stealing personal information evidently, packaging then reselling them to companies worldwide as a commodity.

Therefore the brokers are interfered consumers’ privacy also not give any compensation to consumers. The consumers are becoming aware of unfair trial increasingly and have started to preserve their data privacy actively. It has pushed those arms competition where, for example, the consumers blocking their browsing cookies might be responded by the private IP addresses gathering or others.

That is only one innocuous and straightforward example. Additionally, technology understands users also recent privacy laws are causing it more difficult for brokers to reach quality personal information. It makes data brokers might invite in more veiled or sophisticated ways that could turn over into questionable trials. To total it up, the recent system is uncontrollable and opaque, consumers' privacy interferes, even companies are almost cannot get enough quality data to full fill their market research demands.

It already turns it too failed investments on over two-digit USD billions. Additionally, the General Data Protection Regulation (also known as GDPR) becomes doable from May 2018 then will make it more complicated for brokers to touch personal consumer data. According to that, it seems a hastening downward spiral without a way to stop and reverse the condition.

By using Bitcoin, the system inside is made by anyone accessing their data, by using cryptography, to verify that the data indeed comes from them. All this information is linked together into a system and connected, so o modify one, or other data become infeasible and harder than ever. Here are important things related to PDATA that explain about PDATA as a problem solver to personal data trading.

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How does PDATA Solve The Problem?

To solve the problem about personal data of consumer trading, PDATA comes with a win to win solution for both consumer and companies. PDATA using blockchain technology as a cryptocurrency. If you were heard about the utility of bitcoin as a trader, here the new service of bitcoin, named PDATA as the crypto in world personal data trading.

PDATA create a bond between customers  and companies actively by made an ecosystem that let them collaborate directly. This platform then named Operia platform. The working model of the Operia platform is based on world free market where the companies can buy personal data from consumers directly by compensating consumer with tokens of PDATA. The platform places a substantial value on data also makes a currency that expresses value by distribution and demand economics  way by  the PDATA token. For more information about the PDATA, please click on links below :

Ann Thread:
White Paper:

PDATA Token as Reward for Trader

The token makes a marketplace where the world companies within the system could purchase personal data from consumers as their targetted audience directly without any brokers of intermediaries. Given that up until now users had their data unwillingly taken by data brokers, our new system will allow a flurry of new data to be available from those that up until now have secured their data behind multiple barriers, to retail data privacy.

Consumers could sell their data to any companies according to registered companies. The companies could get personal consumer data as targeted audience in some information such as:

• Their topics of interest;
• Responses to the sample of companies products or services;
• Consumer most browse on the internet;
• Any smart and wearables devices data;
• Data on smartphone usage;
• What consumer purchase in the online shop

All the data could exchange by PDATA Tokens to let consumer cash out the tokens for real money. Hence consumers could earn some money by a passive stream by monetizing personal data only.

Signing to PDATA Ecosystem

Opiria platform is leading a revolutionary way to making a direct connection between companies and consumers by the promising potency of over 2 billion people that using internet and smartphones. PDATA ecosystem can access for anyone who has a smartphone. Only by smartphone, you can join as part of the PDATA ecosystem easily.

Opiria platform is presently available in the global marketplace and is assisting companies to have a better understanding of consumer’s demands and requirements. Most of the companies nowadays using the Opiria different option such as the likes of Audi, Intel, BMW, General Motors, Nissan, Volkswagen, Daimler AG, Procter & Gamble (P&G) and Freightliner.

The professional and well-experienced team that build up the platform would let you take huge of profit both as consumer or companies. By using bitcoin, the trading becomes lawful, smooth, and transparent. Everyone can control their trading with their hand by only using a smartphone to earn some money. To get more information about how to sign up to the platform and get PDATA token, we are welcoming you to download PDATA token and Opiria platform whitepaper for full details. Do not doubt to contact their social media to meet the high team behind PDATA token.

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The Mechanism of PDATA Token

Opiria is utilizing a crowdsale token launch (also referred to CTL) or ICO to grow capital that will be worked for the platform development. This PDATA ICO that even the first crowdsale token launch of personal data began on January 8, 2018, and every PDATA token will be worked as payment to the platform consumers whom willing to trade their data.

The PDATA project began in the 2015 second quarter also in the 2016 fourth quarter; the Opiria was released. The presale will begin on April 10th, 2018 and the token sale will begin on April 21st until May 21st, 2018, which will play as witnesses of PDATA and Opiria ecosystem completion. Here are PDATA social Media links if you need to up-to-date their token sale :

PDATA Facebook:
PDATA Twitter:
PDATA Telegram:

Executive Summary of PDATA

Personal data already become the oil of this century since the internet cannot be avoided for everyone on this planet. Unfortunately, some companies using personal consumer data in the wrong way. While the brokers attack the consumer's privacy to steal their data, A platform named Opiria serves a transparent and secure marketplace where you as consumers can control your data also manage who can access it. Opiria uses PDATA token as a payment mechanism for purchasing personal information from consumers then connecting them with companies directly. Hopefully, this article is enough to guide you encourage your awareness of privacy in this digital area, getting any advantages to your non-physical asset to be cash, and helping global companies to get their consumer data demand legally. The global data acquisition has made it new step when you will decide to make your move?


Superb idea!
Will look into this more !

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