AdhHive, the Advertising Revolution to Answer the Future Challenge

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


To a company, increasing sales and obtaining more profits is essential. There are so many methods that will help you in getting more customers and find lots of useful tricks to gain more advantages. One thing that will be great for any company is to choose the best method for their advertising campaign. Any campaign made for the products will be the effort to sell a product. In this case, advertising takes a significant role for being a machine in attracting more people to engage with their products. Therefore, the effective advertising campaign is required.

Finding the best campaign for the product is essential. Due to the best execution of the ads, a product can be acknowledged by the customers. A great campaign execution will also help you to engage better with the potential customers. Therefore, the best planning is necessary for any campaign. There are lots of things that will be your consideration. But, simplicity and easiness in conducting the campaign and working alongside the partners will make a company easier in improving their ads and get more profit. With the ever-growing challenge in the advertising industries, the need of having an active campaign is increasing. So, how is the best way for today’s marketing challenges?

The Current Situation of Marketing and Advertising

If we look back to five years ago, the situation might be different. When it comes to advertisement, many companies rely on the television and print media for spreading their products and gaining more viewers. But, nowadays there is the fact which shows that the number of television viewer is getting lower every day. This shows how television is not the most efficient advertising media anymore. Fortunately, the development of technology and its innovations make advertising more attractive and interactive for the viewers. Creating a high-quality content will also attract more potential customers to engage.

There are so many advertising practitioners who are getting their hands down with the developing technology due to its rapid growth. Indeed, the ever-changing advertising media and channels will overwhelm anyone who is not ready for the development. Therefore, the advertisement practitioners need to widen their horizon and get their things together with the developing market. Especially with the today’s trend of advertisement, any practitioner will be forced to think more creatively and efficient. Thus, the advertisers also need a platform for their need. With such rapid growth, the need for improving the advertisement by using Blockchain technology is needed.

Introducing AdHive, the Solution of Modern Advertising

Answering the questions about the effective and efficient method to get along with the advertiser’s rapid growth, you can choose something that will be great for improving the quality of your advertisement contents. In this case, you will have the opportunity in finding the best solution with AdHive. If you are new to AdHive, you can see their profile in In the website, you will see so many innovative things that are related to modern advertising, giving more insights into what something that is done by this company.

This is the answer for the ones who are longing for affordable advertising and campaign plan. Indeed, if you compare them with the conventional advertisements which are aired on the television, of course, this will be your best partner to reach more audiences. In this case, the business might get the best developing report, but if you still splurge too much money for the advertisements, then it means you don’t have the chance for improving yourself. Fortunately, with the existence of AdHive, you can start a great advertising plan that is suitable for your need.

The core mission of AdHIve is to give a solid bridge between the brand and influencer. Indeed, when you are planning a modern, digital advertisements, you will find that the role of influencers is really important. They are even essential for the work, keeping your brand known and accessible. But, sometimes the connection between influencers and brand is troubled due to many things. Therefore, you will need to get rid any burdening condition to make sure that you have the best advertising plan for the product. You might also be skeptical in considering this as your business solution. In fact, you can get so many things to add to your business, especially by getting a great campaign.

There are some benefits of using the modern advertising solution. In this case, digital marketing is designed for any company who is looking for something great. There are also so many things to handle. From the information spread to the customer engagement in the social media. Indeed, nowadays the advertisement is more focused on social media, giving a more affordable price for having advertisement but still, the quality is still great, and it will make you get better content quality. To see more detailed info about this, you can visit

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The content is indeed, the key to any advertisement. Therefore, digital marketers should give their most attention to the advertising campaign. In this case, AdHive improves the best advertising method by getting the best solution in providing the best content to the customers. In this case, the ads are designed as the native videos. The influencers will also create their videos on their channel, giving them better access for their followers to the honest review about a brand. There are also so many aspects that will be featured by AdHive.

Still related to the AdHive, now you just want to know about the token sales of this company. Indeed, with the innovative solution for modern advertising, this must be valuable. In this case, AdHive opens the token deals for anyone who wants them. The details can be accessed at You will also find so many things that will help you in creating high quality content for the viewers. For anyone who eagers to take part in this, there are three phases of the token sales.

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The first of phase the presale. In this phase, the conversion rate is 1 ETH = 5750 – 6500 ADH. The presale phase will be available from January 30, 2018, to February 6, 2018 (All Token has been sold in first day). Then, there is also the phase one, which will be held from February 21, 2018, to March 7, 2018, and in this phase, the conversion rate will be 1 ETH = 5000 – 5750 ADH. Then, there is also the third phase, which is the phase two. The phase two is still in plan and will be released approximately in the second or third quarter of this year. The conversion rate is not released yet, too. To see the development of AdHive, you can also see them on their Facebook page, which is in

The Benefits of Using AdHive for Transforming Your Ideas

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With the things offered by AdHive, as an advertiser, you must understand the easiness it offers. Besides, you will also know that there are some things that will be highlighted for your advertising business. So, here are some benefits for you who want to use AdHive for your business:

  1. AdHive uses cryptocurrency for their business. In this case, the cryptocurrency will reach more people, and the work between the brand and influencer will be easier to conduct the world. Therefore, the ads will reach more audiences easily.
  2. AdHive uses the artificial intelligence for their program, which is helpful and also innovative. In this case, the video and other contents will be automatically tracked. This will also be a thing that will give you instant detection of the corporate identity and others.
  3. The flexible, liquid token is also something to note. In this case, the innovative solution of the AdHive token, you will find the best part of this program as it will give more profits. In this case, as the demand is increasing, the token will also increase.
  4. AdHive will also help you to reach global audiences. Of course, the global audiences will be a great challenge since you will need to suit the contents of the condition and situation of any country depending on its culture. But, you don’t have to be afraid since it is suitable for you.
  5. The use of adhesive will also bring you efficiency. In this case, the advertisements will be easy and easy to do. But, you will also find the best quality as it is great and has a TV-scale campaign. Of course, the execution of the ads is much more affordable than the real TV campaign.

There are some important parts of AdHive you can get for improving your advertising quality. In this case, you can also join their Telegram channel in that will give you more insights about this program. With the innovative solution, there is no doubt that the audiences will experience a natural advertisement which is delivered in native, universal language. As the influencers will provide the contents using customer’s style, it will give the impression of them in delivering the best honest review. Of course, this strategy will increase the engagement between the brand and the customers. To get more information, the token sales and the core value of AdHive, you can access their whitepaper at

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